
作者&投稿:余残 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

i'm very sorry that i can't play football and go to a bookstore with you on Sunday.I have to visit the sick grandfather at the country with my parents.if you go to a bookstore ,please help me buy an English dictionary.
Your sincerely,



大家快点写吧 谢谢了

i'm very sorry that i can't play football and go to a bookstore with you on Sunday.I have to visit the sick grandfather at the country with my parents.if you go to a bookstore ,please help me buy an English dictionary.
Your sincerely,

I just heard that you would go with your parents to go abroad to live and to study.It seems to be a good experience to you. So be happy instead of disappointing.I think you will make your new friends soon when you are in your new school.You can email me at any time w...

一篇英语作文 :假如你是李华 你的好朋友安妮 最近总是心不在焉 不愿...
ahd I really want to help you for be together with you to solve the problem.You konw I'll stand by your side forever,remember we're the best friends.So Just tell me what I can do for you,let's solve the problem together!Yours Li Hua July 5th 亲爱的安妮:我是李华,...

假如你是李华,你的好朋友来家里做客,看到了你的全家福。 1.你家...

英语作文 假如你是李华 你的好朋友苏丹前不久 随父母去了美国他写信告诉...
Dear Su Dan:I have heart that you had been in America with you parents.But I‘m sorry to heart that you couldn't adapt to the life in America.So,here is some of my suggestions.First,you are supported to learn English well so that you can make communication with foreign be...

Dear John,I've just received your letter and I'm so glad to know that you are planning to visit Beijing next week.In your letter ,you want to know somthing about Beijing ahead of time .Beijing is the capital of China, it is an amazing city with a very long and ...

Dear Linda:I know it is hard for you to join in a completely new environment. But don't worry about that. It just takes time. If you feel lonely. Just go to make friends. I believe that each classmate of yours is willing to help you if you have problem with the new ...

Dear Li MingI’m sorry to hear that you are not getting along well with the students in the new school. So I’d like to give you some tips.First, be as confident as you can. There’s nothing that attracts people more than someone who has a fairly positive attitude to ...

I am very happy that you want to raise money for Project Hope.Here are some advice.I hope they can help you a lot.1、In addition to his photographs, but also to the whole school assembly photos 2、Teachers and students to showcase some of the best works of art, to ...

本文的中心思想是希望对方提出一些高中英语学习的建议,要点在文字提示部分都已经给了出来,考生要做的就是把他们翻译成英语。在写作的过程指要选择适当高级的自己能够驾驭的词汇和句型来提高文章的层次;同时运用合适的连接词把文章连接成一个整体,for one thing, for another; besides, firstly, secondly...

Dear Linda I know this is a completely new environment for you and I also know you feel really lonely. you need to learn more about English if you want to make some friends. Friend is a quite important things for someone who is a learner there. If you have many friends, ...

富顺县18754086933: 假如你是李华,你的好友Tom来自澳大利亚,周六你去找他,但他不在家.请你写个留言条,内容如下:1原定周日上午去踢球,然后去书店买书,你不能去了... -
资耿藏茵:[答案] Tom, i'm very sorry that i can't play football and go to a bookstore with you on Sunday.I have to visit the sick grandfather at the country with my parents.if you go to a bookstore ,please help me buy an English dictionary. Thanks. Your sincerely, LiHua

富顺县18754086933: 假如你是李华,你的一位澳大利亚朋友Tom最近想来中国工作,想问你哪个城市更适合,请根据你了解的情况回信.1最近北京杂志进行一向关于最吸引外国... -
资耿藏茵:[答案] Dear Tom,You wrote in your letter that you wanted to rent an apartment in our city.Recently I happened to find one that might be suitable for you.The apartment building is located in Seasonal Garden with a park to the north.It is to the northwest of Huanan ...

富顺县18754086933: 假如你叫李华,你的澳大利亚笔友Tom来信询问有关中国元宵节的情况,请你根据下面的汉语提示,给他回一...假如你叫李华,你的澳大利亚笔友Tom来信询... -
资耿藏茵:[答案] 顶楼上

富顺县18754086933: 假如你是李华,你的好友Tom来自澳大利亚,周六你去找他,但他不在家.请你写个留言条 -
资耿藏茵: Tom,i'm very sorry that i can't play football and go to a bookstore with you on Sunday.I have to visit the sick grandfather at the country with my parents.if you go to a bookstore ,please help me buy an English dictionary.Thanks.Your sincerely,LiHua

富顺县18754086933: 假设你叫李华,你的好友Tom来信询问你与朋友相处的经验.请你就此用英语给他写一封信,从以下几个方面与他分享你的交友经验.1 互相信任; 2 诚实... -
资耿藏茵:[答案] Dear Tom, Glad to hear from you.I'd like to share my opinions on getting along with friends(高分句型).(引出话题) First of all,trust each other.True friendship is based on trust and without it there will be no real friendship.Second,being honest to ...

富顺县18754086933: 假如你是李华、你的好友Tom在期末考试时要抄你的答案,被你拒绝后他不理你了、向他解释并希望和好、1 写信目的2 我没分了、、要不然多给点了 -
资耿藏茵:[答案] 第一,目的:因为你是我最好,也最重视的好友,我不想因为这样的原因造成我们之间的友情无法弥补而破裂,形同陌路,所以写信想和你和好!第二,理由:不让你抄袭是为了你好,人的一生不可能永远去抄袭别人,抄袭别人是得不到...

富顺县18754086933: 假如你是李华.你的朋友Tom给你写信诉说心中的烦恼:自己每天忙于学习,朋友很少,感觉很孤独,尽管自己也想改变这种状况,但不知该如何去做.现在请... -
资耿藏茵:[答案] Dear Tom, From your letter I know that you spend most of your time studying and hardly talk to your classmates.You feel quite lonely and wish to have good friends!I think your problem is mainly about confidence.Don't be shy.Look at your classmates.Are ...

富顺县18754086933: 假如你叫李华,期末考试将至,你的好友TOM因生病而在家复习迎考,以下是学校关于英语考试的有关...假如你叫李华,期末考试将至,你的好友TOM因生... -
资耿藏茵:[答案] how're you feeling, Tom? the final tests are coming, we 'll have tests on next Tuesday, please take care of yourself and take a good rest, i hope you could come with us for the tests by then.

富顺县18754086933: 英语作文:假如你是李华,用英语给你好朋友Tom写一封70字的信,信中描述你家房子. -
资耿藏茵:[答案] Dear Tom I have my own room.It is cosy and comfortable. There's a wood bed and a blue shelf in the left side of my room. I put some picture of sea on the wall.On the ride side of my room,there is a big window,the sunshine shinning down from it. I always ...

富顺县18754086933: 假如你是李华,你的美国好友Tom的球队因一分之差输掉了球赛,请你回信表示安慰. 1.输赢不重要,重在参与2.你可以从其他队吸取经验3.多加练习一定会赢... -
资耿藏茵:[答案] 神奇的李华……-_-||每年高考都是他.你让李雷怎么看……想想国足Tom就兴奋了

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