from their hearts为什么要加s?

作者&投稿:师莫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
You Could Still feel everybody's hearts berating faster as their turn approached的中文意思~

【读音】:英 [ˈevribɒdi] 美 [ˈevribɑ:di]
Tonight, I think he proved to everybody what a great player he was
No one is absent. Everybody's here.
Not everybody can do it.

【读音】:英 [hɑ:t] 美 [hɑ:rt]
Alik's words filled her heart with pride
She loved his brilliance and his generous heart
The heart of the problem is supply and demand
【读音】:英 [bɪˈreɪt] 美 [bɪˈret]
Marion berated Joe for the noise he made.
She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car
But lately American leaders have shown signs of the inertia for which they usedto berate Japan.
【读音】:英 [əˈprəʊtʃ] 美 [əˈproʊtʃ]
【释义】:vt.& vi.接近,走近,靠近。vt.接近;着手处理;使移近;试图贿赂(或影响,疏通)。n.方法;途径;接近。vi.靠近。
He didn't approach the front door at once
The path serves as an approach to the boat house.
When Chappel approached me about the job, my first reaction was of disbelief


from their hearts,从他们的内心上说。

From their hearts,从他们内心image前面的是their,他们的,这是一个第三人称复数的形容词性物主代词。
应该最少是两个人,所以应该是from their hearts 。


包头市18466829319: 可以告诉我基督山伯爵一书里面名句的英语原句吗 急用,谢谢 -
房豪益心: * "We are never quits with those who oblige us," was Dantes' reply; "for when we do not owe them money, we owe them gratitude. * Drunk, if you like; so much the worse for those who fear wine, for it is because they have bad thoughts which they...

包头市18466829319: "最好的情,莫过于心底彼此拥有,一辈子不离不弃,无论天隔一方而或先你而去”用英语怎么说? -
房豪益心: The best thing is to own each other from their hearts, and never separate or leave for the whole life, no matter you are apart from the sky or from her life.

包头市18466829319: 互相都知道对方用英语 -
房豪益心: To know each other from their hearts.To know each other from their rapport.

包头市18466829319: I want to tell you, I am playing from their hearts with love you! Is true love you can no 是什麽意 -
房豪益心: (我想告诉你,我正在从他们的心爱你!是真的爱你)

包头市18466829319: 求几个英文句子 -
房豪益心: God wills it that man whom he has created , and in whose heart he has so profoundly rooted the lore of life , ahould do all in his power to preserve that existence , which ,however painful it may be ,is yet always so dear.上帝创造了人,并在他的心中...

包头市18466829319: ..."from the bottom of one's heart",若使用复数则正确的是“from the bottom of their heart"还是"from the bottom of their hearts"呢?固定词组的单复数变... -
房豪益心:[答案] from the bottom of their hearts 关键在于 核心名词 是否可数 记住不可数名词 和不规则变化 前面的量词是否有特殊用法

包头市18466829319: 我认为我的好朋友应该能对我说真心话怎么用英语来说 -
房豪益心: I think my good friends should tell me true words from their hearts

包头市18466829319: "喜欢金钱是万恶之源”在圣经里的英文原句是? -
房豪益心: 一、您要找的经文应该是《新约圣经》“提摩太前书”6章10节.“贪财是万恶之根.有人贪恋钱财,就被引诱离了真道,用许多愁苦把自己刺透了.” 二、以下是九种不同英文译本的译文: 1、[niv] For the love of money is a root of all kinds of ...

包头市18466829319: 以《beauty comes from the heart》为主题的英语作文 -
房豪益心: If you say that beauty without virtue is a flower without perfume. I can't agree with you any more. Beauty is an eternal topic in our life. However, opinions on this topic are different from individuals to individuals. Some place more importance on their ...

包头市18466829319: 翻译下面这段话:中国学生对于英语学习的激情并不是发自内心的热爱,而是迫于当下的考试制度.一旦通过了 -
房豪益心: Most Chinese students learn English just because they are compelled by the examination system, but not because they love English from the bottom of their hearts. Once they pass the examination, they will not learn English any more. However, the ...

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