
作者&投稿:谷贵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

On summer vacation, I went to Hainan with my family. We went to Hainan by plane and I can't believe it only took us four hours to get there. On the frist day, we went to beach. It was a sunny day. My brother swam in the sea ,but my sister preferred to surf with my mother. I dived with my father .I saw many fish and some pink coral which wasvery funny. Next day, we went to a big garden .In that park I saw many tropical plants, like coconut trees. They're all very tall .Some plants have big leaves, but some plants don't have any or their leaves were small. We drank some cocoa in the park .It was amazing!On the last day ,we came back. We had a good time!


Today, I want to introduce Holland to you. Holland is located in Western Europe, bordering the North Sea, between Belgium and Germany. The country’s full name is Kingdom of the Netherlands. There are 16.25 million people live in the country. Netherlands is a modern, industrialized nation, and it is also a large exporter of agricultural products. The culture of Holland may sounds like a cliché, but the Dutch are passionately liberal and believe that people should be free to do whatever they want so long as it doesn't inconvenience others; a social attitude exemplified by the ready availability of so-called 'soft' drugs. Marijuana is not officially legal, but you are able to buy grass, hash, loose joints, smoking paraphernalia and seeds in registered 'coffee shops'. These are very different from China. Chinese people thought that it is very important to help people, and if you sell narcotic drugs, you will be punished.
If I can go there, I will bring some important things. Digital camera, first-aid kit, backpack, medication, credit card and jogging shoes. I think both passport and visa are needed. Holland has many places of interest, so now I want to introduce five of them to you. 1,National Museum: the National Museum stores up more than 1 million’s work of art, and many artists’ works are also in the museum. So if you want to enjoy the national treasure, the National Museum is the best choice. 2. Tulip Park: There are millions of tulip and more than 500 kind of tulip there. Tulip is Holland’s national flower, every April and may, tulip bloom everywhere. 3. Alkmaar Cheese Market. The market is located in North of Amsterdam, all the workers wear the traditional clothes, some of them carry the cheese, and some of them are in charge of measure weight. 4.National Park: The National Park covers an area of 5500 hectares. It is the largest natural dependent territory. Most of the land has been planted with fairly young trees. 5. Miniature World: It is a little world. You can see Amsterdam’s canal, windmills, houses and so on. I think Miniature World would be very interesting.
I would like to choose this country to visit because the scenery is graceful; bikes, dykes, windmills and blazing flower fields are pretty much the norm outside the major cities. Much of the no developed land is covered by grass, which is widely used for grazing. Birds thrive in the watery lands of the Netherlands and the marshes and wetlands are major migration stops for European birds. At various times of the year you can see gulls, terns, herons and many more species. Clogs are very famous; I think they are special souvenir. Netherlands is a beautiful country, and I like it very much! 背就行了、、

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一篇《第一次___》的作文 500字左右
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