
作者&投稿:左丘虎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、科技文献检索:Document Retrieval Technology.
2、设施园艺学:Horticultural facilities.
3、园林植物病虫害防治:Garden plant pest control.
4、园林植物遗传育种学:Garden plant genetics and breeding.
5、城市生态学:Urban Ecology.
6、城市规划原理:Principles of Urban Planning.
7、室内装潢与设计:Upholstery and Design.
8、园林建筑环境设计:Landscape architecture, environmental design.
9、园林工程预决算:Garden Budget and Final Accounts.
10、插花艺:Floral Art.
11、盆景艺术:Bonsai Art.
12、外国园林史:Foreign garden history.
13、园艺与环境与人:With gardening and the environment.
14、植物造景:Plant Landscaping.
15、植物组织培养:Plant Tissue Culture.
16、草坪与地被:Lawn and Vegetation.
17、植物研究进展:Research progress.
18、景观生态学与园林建设:Landscape Ecology and Landscape Construction.
19、Chinese Theory and Practice of Landscape Architecture.
20、园林工程:Garden project.
21、园林艺术:Garden Air.
22、园林树木学:Landscape Tree Science.
23、风景区规划设计:Scenic design.

Sports physical rituals
Military Theory
The contemporary/present youth psychology
Modern Enterprise Management
WTO basic knowledge
Chinese calligraphy art appreciation
Women EQ
3D Animation production
The basis of the Chemical machines
【basis chemical machines】


Education Tech. In tr.
Mortal Literature
Photo Tech.
Circuit Analysis
PC Soft Hardware Maintenance
PC Programmer
Courseware Making
The Basic of Media Tech.
Edu. TV Making & Disposing
Edu. Information Spreading & Disposing
PC Assistant Edu.
Mimic Circuit
Modern Vision Media Art
Animation Design & Making
Western Art Anaysiy
Instructional Design
Electroacooustic Media Edu.
Digital Circuit
PC Online Edu
Information Research
China Folklore
Teaching Ism & Weige
Moving Lasting Composing
Wed Programmer
Distance Edu.& TV Equipment System
Vocational Guidance


Educational technique study introductory remarks,
Humanities society branch,
Photographic technology,
Artistic foundation, Calligraphy,
Circuit analysis,
Computer software and hardware maintenance,
Computer programming,
Class manufacture,
Multimedia technology base,
Education television manufacture and processing,
Education information dissemination and processing,
Computer assistance education,
Analogous circuit,
Modern vision media fine arts,
Animation design and manufacture,
Western all previous dynasties fine arts celebrated workappreciation,
Teaching design,
Electroacoustical media and teaching,
Digital circuit,
Computer network education application,
Information retrieval,
Chinese ethnology,
The teaching discusses with the micro standard teaching,
The film and television later period synthesizes,
Web programming,
Long-distance range education and television equipmentsystem, Career guidance.

Education Tech. In tr.
Mortal Literature
Photo Tech.
Circuit Analysis
PC Soft Hardware Maintenance
PC Programmer
Courseware Making
The Basic of Media Tech.
Edu. TV Making & Disposing
Edu. Information Spreading & Disposing
PC Assistant Edu.
Mimic Circuit
Modern Vision Media Art
Animation Design & Making
Western Art Anaysiy
Instructional Design
Electroacooustic Media Edu.
Digital Circuit
PC Online Edu
Information Research
China Folklore
Teaching Ism & Weige
Moving Lasting Composing
Wed Programmer
Distance Edu.& TV Equipment System
Vocational Guidance

翻译 崇祯五年十二月,我居住在西湖。接连下了三天的大雪,湖中行人、飞鸟的声音全都消失了。 这一天初更以后(大约八点以后),我撑着一只小船,穿着细毛皮衣,带着火炉,独自前往湖心亭欣赏雪景。冰花一片弥漫,天与云与山与水,上下全白了。湖心湖上的影子,只有(淡淡的)一道长堤的痕迹,一点...

We live can have very many misunderstanding, the misunderstanding can bring very many jokes, sometimes also can bring the trouble. If you noisily left the joke, you can think very embarrassed.I have such experience, when me high school, our class has a schoolmate's name and my ...

C:我觉得他应该在上课的时候多加一些关于英语的东西。I think he should add some more English teaching in the class.B:你是指什么?What do you mean?C:比如一些西方国家的风俗习惯...Such as some western culture and so on.A:好建议,我们可以和老师说一下。Good point. We should remind...

yea..Feel a little bit strange..耶...感到有点怪怪的...do i really need to write about something?-.- 我真的需要写点啥?-.- ~Am i a senior3 student???我是高三学生吗???i can't accept that kinda heave study course but i have to..我受不了那么繁重的功课可是我必须......

有一些问题并不容易解决。但是很多数据的解释可以帮上忙。比如说,如果我们把二和二放在一起,我们或许可以得到正确的答案。我们都知道两个人的智慧总胜于一个人的。所以工作上两个人解决一个问题总比一个人强。Sometimes there are no two ways about it. Some problems have only one solution. You...

毫无疑问,眼前的情景把大部分老一代人的记忆带回到了36年前 (此句参考了网上翻译。)2.He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern.他很聪明,也是一个平易近人的好伙伴,一个粗心的学生...

Ms.Linda: You are one of the best teachers I've ever met, I love your method of teaching , I'm looking forward to this semester English class was made by you . I hated the kind of English class take notes about the syntax of non-active atmosphere that has distorted ...

So be happy yourself! 要快乐喔!(是鼓励的话)You’re gonna find your true love. 你会找到你的真爱的。Just wait. 稍等。I am just like you. 我跟你一样。We are both waiting . 我们都在等待。Good morning. 早安。So I believe you have classes today. 你今天有课吧。Am I ...

With the rapid development of the national economy, China's transportation road construction has undergone enormous changes. Road vehicles more and more, faster and faster, so vehicle design and improvement of monitoring system is especially important. The issue is the existing traffic ...

theadvanced scientific knowledge, for all will be the future enters thesociety, will offer up an own strength, we should diligently grasp thespecialized knowledge in today, will be able tomorrow well for thesocial service.我也不是很清楚“逆水行舟,不进则退”的英文的写法。Sorry。

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 高手帮忙翻译下4个课程的名字吧~!!(英语) -
雪艺三乙: 1、Digital music sound2、Multimedia software design and application3、The teaching media and technology4、Network animation

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 请帮忙翻译一下课程名称 -
雪艺三乙: The Analects of Confucius, Chinese and foreign art appreciation, Cantonese dialect spoken and culture, study Chinese as a foreign language teaching techniques

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 本科生物专业的课程名称翻译 -
雪艺三乙: cognitive biology(认知生物学) synthetic organic chemistry, 有机合成化学 biochemistry,生物化学 cell biology,细胞生物学 structural biology,结构生物学 bioinformatics, 生物信息学 microbiology,微生物 marine biology 海洋生物学 neurobiology.神经生物学 请给分,谢谢

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 请财务英语高手帮忙翻译一些课程名称,谢! -
雪艺三乙: 会计学原理 accounting principle 中级财务会计 junior financial accounting 高级财务会计 senior financial accounting 审计学 audit 财务管理 financial management 成本会计 cost accounting 管理会计 management accounting 财务报表分析 ...

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 我的专业是材料科学与工程,金属方向,各位高手请帮我翻译部分课程名称,...
雪艺三乙: 《材料科学基础》Basics of Materials Science 《机械设计基础》Basics of Mechanical Design 《材料工程基础》Basics of Materials Engineering 《工程力学》Engineering Mechanics 《工程图学》Engineering Graphics 《材料研究与测试方法...

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 热心的翻译高手可以帮我看看这些课程名称怎么翻译吗? -
雪艺三乙: International Trade Practices国际贸易实务 International Settlement国际结算 Customs Operations报关业务 International Finance国际金融 Economics经济学 International Trade Law 国际贸易法 Business English Communication 外贸英语函电 Marketing 市场营销 Introductory Financial Accounting基础财务会计 International Operations 跨国经营学

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 请英语高手帮忙翻译室内艺术设计专业的课程名称 -
雪艺三乙: 室内设计表现技法Interior Design Presentation Techniques 构成艺术Constitution Art 计算机基础 PC Basics 计算机实用软件PC Practical Software 建筑制图与透视 Architectural Graphics and Perspective 室内设计 Interior Design 室内世界CAD ...

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 急!请帮我翻译一下下列课程的英文名称: -
雪艺三乙: 药学;Pharmacy 有机化学;Organic chemistry 分析化学;Analytical chemistry 物理化学;Physical chemistry 药物化学;Pharmaceutical chemistry 天然药物化学;Natural pharmaceutical chemistry 仪器分析;Instrument analysis 工程制图;...

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 高手帮我翻译一些主修课程,着急,谢谢 -
雪艺三乙: Mathematical statistics and random processes, modern circuit theory and technology, modern image processing and computer vision, pattern recognition, signal coding...

木里藏族自治县15780613742: 请高手帮我把下面课程名翻译成德语 -
雪艺三乙: 工程力学 Technische Mechanik 土木工程 Bauingenieurwesen 大学德语、Hochschuldeutsch 高等数学、Höhere Mathematik 线性代数、Lineare Algebra 大学物理、Hochschulphysik 画法几何与工程制图、Darstellende Geometrie und technisches Zeichnen 理论力学、Theoretische Mechanik 材料力学、Festigkeitslehre 工程测量、Technische Messung 土木工程材料、Baustoffe 房屋建筑学Gebäudearchitektur

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