
作者&投稿:秘鲍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

相信我能胜任这份工作: I believe I am fit for this job.我能胜任分公司经理这个位子。I am qualified for the position of branch manager.我认为我过去的经验和受过的教育使我能胜任这份工作。I think my previous experience and education make me qualified for this job.www.robroad.com


I'm really cut out for this work.

I feel that I am equal to that task.

I am competent at this job.

I am not qualified for this position.
be qualified for..........

be qualified for
I am quite qualified for this job.

be competent for
be equal to
be up to

be up to


player 说几个player的例子吧:player: [ 'pleiə ]n.选手,比赛者,运动员 例句与用法:1. There are eleven players in the game.这场比赛中有11名选手。2. This tennis player ranked third in the world.这位网球运动员排名世界第三。3. In the default of one player we have to ...

角色扮演 英文:role playing;cosplay 一、role playing v.角色扮演( role play的现在分词 )例句:Up to four players can compete in a virtual world of role playing 最多可以有4个玩家在一个虚拟世界中扮演角色互相拼杀。二、cosplay n.英文Costume Play的简略写法,一般指利用服装、饰品、道具...

"试用期"和"转正" 用英语怎么说?
1、试用期:Probation period。2、转正:Become a regular worker。3、试用期一个月1000块,转正后1200块一个月。The probationary period is 1000 yuan per month, and 1200 yuan a month after the correction.4、试用期是1到2个月。The probation period is 1 to 2 months....

应聘的英文:accept an offer of employment accept 读法 英 [ək'sept] 美 [ək'sept]1、作及物动词的意思是:接受;同意;承担(责任等)2、作不及物动词的意思是:接受 短语 1、accept aid接受援助 2、accept an apology接受道歉 3、accept an assignment接受任务 4、accept an ...

经验用英语表示:experience experience:音标:英 [ɪkˈspɪəriəns] 美 [ɪkˈspɪriəns]n. 经验;经历;体验 vt. 经验;经历;体验 短语:experience in 有经验;有…的经验 working experience 工作经验;工作经历 work experience 工作经验...


请求,要求 用英语怎么说
request 英 [rɪ'kwest]     美 [rɪ'kwest]n. 请求;要求 名词: requester,过去式: requested 词汇搭配 request eagerly迫切要求 request earnestly恳求 request formally正式邀请 request immediately立即请求 例句 用作名词(n.)I will oblige any sincere request.我会答应任何诚意的...

明确的目标的英文:clear objective 一、clear 英 [klɪə(r)] 美 [klɪr]adj.明确的;清澈的;清楚的,明白的;清晰的,明亮的 adv.完全地;清晰地;整整 二、objective 英 [əbˈdʒektɪv] 美 [əbˈdʒɛktɪv]a...

“用人不疑,疑人不用.”的英文:If you use a man, don't suspect him;if you suspect him, don't use him.suspect 读法 英 [səˈspekt] 美 [səˈspɛkt]1、作及物动词的意思是:猜疑(是);怀疑,不信任;怀疑…有罪 2、作名词的意思是:嫌疑犯 ...

不劳而获 用英语怎么说
不劳而获的英文:get without any labor labor 读法 英 ['leɪbə(r)] 美 ['lebɚ]1、n. 劳动;工作;劳工;分娩 2、vi. 劳动;努力;苦干 3、vt. 详细分析;使厌烦 短语:1、labor protection 劳动保护 2、labor power 劳动力 3、labor cost 人工成本;工资;劳工成本...

双峰县17775059423: “胜任”的英语单词 -
菜怎精氨: Competent

双峰县17775059423: 胜任某事用英语怎么说 -
菜怎精氨:[答案] be competent for sth be qualified for sth

双峰县17775059423: 表示“胜任”的英文词组有哪些?越多越好,thx -
菜怎精氨: http://dj.iciba.com/search?s=%E8%83%9C%E4%BB%BB 你可以找到很多词组 ·

双峰县17775059423: “我能胜任这份工作”用英语怎么说呀 -
菜怎精氨: 多种表达,请斟酌选用work,job,task可以相互替换1.地道表达 I'm really cut out for this work.我确实能胜任这份工作.2.其他表达 I feel that I am equal to that task.我觉得我能胜任那份工作.I am competent at this job.我能胜任这份工作.

双峰县17775059423: 胜任这个工作,用英语怎么翻译 -
菜怎精氨: qualified for this job

双峰县17775059423: 形容一个人能胜任一件事用英语怎么说 -
菜怎精氨: be full of connotation 如: I expect that he is a warmhearted person who is full of connotation and also knows how to take good care of others. 我期望理想中的伴侣要有内涵,有爱心、懂得体贴人 A hollow person. 无内涵的人

双峰县17775059423: 用英文解释He is not worth his salt -
菜怎精氨: 他并不称职. worth one's salt值得雇佣,称职.源自人类使用食盐的历史和世界货币.食盐是非常重要的东西,在亚非某些地区曾用盐作为货币;罗马帝国有时用盐作为官员们的薪俸;古罗马时期,还曾用盐作军饷.如果某人作战不利,或卫兵在执勤时打盹,就会被指责为不值他的那份盐.(1)Not everyone in our factory is worth his salt. 我们工厂里并非人人都称职. (2)Any engineer worth his salt should know how that machine works. 每个称职的工程师都应该了解那台机器的性能.

双峰县17775059423: 我能胜任这份工作用英语怎么说 -
菜怎精氨: 相信我能胜任这份工作: I believe I am fit for this job.我能胜任分公司经理这个位子.I am qualified for the position of branch manager.我认为我过去的经验和受过的教育使我能胜任这份工作.I think my previous experience and education make me qualified for this job.www.robroad.com

双峰县17775059423: “希望你能胜任你的工作”用英语怎么说. -
菜怎精氨:[答案] hope you can feel up to your work 能胜任 基本翻译 feel equal to feel up to 网络释义 能胜任:feel up to|be equal to sth.|feel p to (能)胜任的:competent 等于,能胜任:be equal to

双峰县17775059423: 英语翻译我有信心胜任这一职位.能不能翻译为 I have the confidence to fulfill this position. -
菜怎精氨:[答案] “我有信心胜任这一职位”可以这么说: I strongly believe that I will be competent for this position. 注:be competent for = 胜任

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