求 电影《仙境之桥》的 英文对白 。字幕也行。

作者&投稿:务聂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  Jess Oliver Aarons Jr. - in the beginning of the novel, is habitually fearful, angry and depressed. He also has a crush on his music teacher, which plays an integral role in the final events of the story. After meeting, and then ultimately losing, Leslie, Jesse is transformed, in that he becomes courageous and lets go of his anger and frustration.
  Leslie Burke - An intelligent, talented, imaginative, outgoing girl. Her talents include gymnastics, creativity, swimming, writing, and running. Jesse Aarons thinks highly of her, and they are loyal friends. She is not socially accepted by the other students in Jesse's school, to which she is a newcomer.
  Joyce Ann Aarons - Jess' bratty four-year-old sister. May Belle thinks Joyce Ann is "nothing but a baby."
  May Belle Aarons - May Belle is one of Jesse's younger sisters. She is described as the only one of Jesse's siblings with whom he feels comfortable. However, because she is six years to Jesse's 10, she does not fit the mold of the ideal confidante to Jesse, leaving him still desperate for companionship. She clearly worships him from the beginning, and like him feels that she does not have a place in the family. She is the first of his sisters to learn about Terabithia, and becomes Queen after Leslie dies.[6] She is the only one Jesse allows to enter his world and the only one who has any sort of empathy for, or acceptance of, Jesse in his family.
  Ellie & Brenda Aarons - Ellie and Brenda Aarons are Jesse's two older sisters. They primarily exist as secondary static characters, or characters who do not grow or change as a result of the events of a story. They are never mentioned separately within the novel and are never portrayed in a positive light. From the beginning of the story, they continually ask for favors from their mother, and pocket money which she cannot afford to give them. With sufficient whining, they know how to get their way with their parents, such as asking for five dollars to pay for school supplies from their mother by saying that their father promised that they could have the money. Being the elder of the two and the eldest child in the family, Ellie develops their ideas. Both have an incredible desire not to have anything to do with Jesse specifically, but with all of their younger siblings more broadly. At the climax of the story, when Jesse learns of Leslie's death, Brenda is the one who tells him of it. The fact that Brenda is the one who breaks the news to Jesse in the novel only serves to increase the shock.
  Janice Avery - The school bully at Lark Creek. Janice is very overweight and tends to become very offended when people tease her for being so. She has a crush on Willard Hughes, which Jesse uses to trick her. Janice's father beats her, and she secretly smokes.
  Miss Edmunds - The somewhat unconventional and controversial music teacher, whom Jesse greatly admires. She invites Jesse to go to the Smithsonian Museum, which leads Leslie to go to Terabithia by herself. As a result, Leslie is alone when she falls from the rope and drowns.
  Prince Terrien - A puppy that Jesse gave Leslie as a Christmas present. He is the guardian and court jester of Terabithia.
  Gary Fulcher - He and Jesse both hope to be the fastest kid in the fifth grade. Both are beaten at this by Leslie.
  Mrs. Myers - Jesse and Leslie's teacher, who is given the nickname "Monster Mouth Myers." She thinks highly of Leslie.
  Leslie's Parents - Novelists who come to the story's location for purposes of their work. Unlike most of the locals, they do not watch television.


  Jesse (a.k.a. Jess) Aarons, the only boy in a family of five children, lives in rural southwest Virginia. His mother favors his sisters Brenda, Ellie, May Belle, and Joyce Ann, while his father works in Washington D.C. and therefore spends little time with his children. May Belle, the second youngest sister, adores Jesse and admires him. Leslie Burke is an only child who moves from Arlington, Virginia, to the same area as Jesse. Her parents, both writers, are wealthy.

  Jess and Leslie soon become close friends. Jess shares his secret love of drawing with Leslie, and Leslie shares with Jess her love of fantasy stories. With this new friendship, the two children create an imaginary kingdom in the woods near their homes, accessible only by a rope swing over a creek. They create the imaginary kingdom of Terabithia of which they name themselves King and Queen, and they spend every day after school there. In Terabithia, they are able to face their real-world fears, such as that of the eighth grade bully Janice Avery.

  Leslie gives Jess a drawing pad and a set of watercolors as a Christmas present, and Jess gives Leslie a dog whom she names Prince Terrien, or "P.T." for short. They consider P.T. to be the royal protector, Prince of Terabithia and - due to his puppyish antics - court jester.

  Jesse has a crush on his young music teacher, Miss Edmunds. The central crisis occurs when Jesse accompanies Miss Edmunds to the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., and Leslie goes to Terabithia alone. The rope breaks as she is swinging over the rain-swollen creek. Though a good swimmer, Leslie falls into the creek and drowns. Jesse can overcome his grief only with the strength and courage that his friendship with Leslie had given him.

  He attempts to deal with his grief by going back to Terabithia alone to make a memorial wreath for Leslie. During his ceremony, he hears a cry for help and finds May Belle caught in the midst of a fallen tree that she had been trying to use as a bridge across the creek. He helps her out of danger and rescues her.

  Leslie's grief-stricken parents decide later to leave the area. As Mr. and Mrs. Burke are leaving, Jesse asks to take some of their wooden planks by their shed. They say he may have anything left in the house; thus permitted, he goes down to Terabithia to build a bridge. After he finishes the bridge, he takes May Belle over it and makes her the new Queen of Terabithia. He realizes that while no one could ever replace Leslie, Terabithia must have a Queen and Leslie would agree

Bridge To Terabithia



通往特雷比西亚的桥/寻找梦奇地/仙境之桥 Bridge to Terabithia(2007)


2b Leslie Burke d40 : Just close your eyes but keep your mind wide open.
Scott Hoager: So I guess you're the fastest kid in school now, huh?
[Jesse makes a fist at him]
Scott Hoager: Hey, it was just a joke.
[punches him hard into a wall]
Scott Hoager: What is wrong with you?!
Mrs. Myers: If any of you try to download this essay, you will be downloaded into detention.
May Belle Aarons: Free the pee!
Bill Burke: She loved you, you know that?



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丰顺县15519045146: 求电影《仙境之桥》的英文简介及英文影评 -
琦娟奥博: 这是电影中所有人物的介绍Jess Oliver Aarons Jr. - in the beginning of the novel, is habitually fearful, angry and depressed. He also has a crush on his music teacher, which plays an integral role in the final events of the story. After meeting, and ...

丰顺县15519045146: 仙境之桥是迪士尼公司的电影么 -
琦娟奥博: 中文名: 仙境之桥 外文名: Bridge to Terabithia 其它译名: 通往特雷比西亚的桥,寻找梦奇地 出品公司: Walden Media 制片地区: 美国 导演: 嘉柏·丘波 编剧: Jeff Stockwell等主演: 罗伯特·帕特里克, 乔什·哈切森, 安娜索菲亚·罗伯 类型: 奇幻,家庭,剧情,冒险 片长: 95分钟 上映时间: 2009年1月26日 中国 分级: USA:PG 对白语言: 英语

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琦娟奥博:[答案] 仙境之桥 In the film,major suit people fight and mysterious forest in the dark and mysterious kingdom in two young hero is all quite backing -- Josh Hutcherson and Annasophia Robersan is in the movie,two people age is small,but the acting is ...

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琦娟奥博: 影片《仙境之桥》的英文影评:Bridge to Terabithia is a fantastic Disney film. The main characters are Jess the Farm boy who's family is kind of poor. All the kids pick on him. Then a new family moves next door to him. They have a daughter named ...

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琦娟奥博: 中文名称:仙境之桥 英文名称:Bridge to Terabithia 剧情介绍: 在远离公路的丛林深处,静静地流淌着一条大河,如果你拥有足够的勇气,跨过这条大河,就会发现一处只有两个人知道的秘密世界,将身体躺平,你会发现这个空间充斥着各种...

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琦娟奥博:[答案] Bridge to Terabithiathe idea of kids creating a total fantacy land with no CG involved is amazing,unlike other similar type of film (ex:pan's labyrinth),the world creat by the girl convinces not just ...

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琦娟奥博:[答案] The best prize that life can offer,is to work hard at work worth doing.

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琦娟奥博: 我一个字一个字打的 很辛苦哦 From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole.自从掉进兔子洞的那时起 I've been told what I must do and who I muset be.我就被告诫要做这做那. I've been shurk, stretched, scratched and stufferd into a teapot.莫名其妙...

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