
作者&投稿:戢畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3. The repayment amount due and payable by Party B to Party A is computed upon such principal amount and/or any amounts of this nature is/are actually received by Party A.

Section 7 - Late Payment Fees & Penalties

Party B is obliged to make payments in accordance with the repayment schedule, specifying the the dates and amounts of installments as they become due, and other provisions set forth in Section 6 herein. Overdue loans, represent the portion of principal and interest accrued in arrears (the "Arrears Amount"), shall be charged late payment fees and penalties, calculated as follows:
(a) the Arrears Amount will continue to accrue at an interest rate of 0.04% calculated on a daily basis, and
(b) the Arrears Amount will incur a penalty for the breach of this Agreement, at a rate of 0.05% calculated on a daily basis.



那年是 2094 ,它已经被宣布一颗慧星正在前往 theEarth 。它大部份将会失踪我们的植物,但是二块或许将会击中 southen 一半的地球
在七月 17 日,块四公里广阔地进入地球"s 用一个巨大的爆发气氛。大约一半的块被破坏,但是剩余的部份在 200 次击中大西洋南方部声音的速度。海洋煮沸和一个极大的洞在海洋床中被挖。极大的波被产生而且从洞被向外地传布。water.a 公里高度的墙壁,在 800 公里 1 小时向非洲南部冲闯。在非洲海岸上的城市完全地被破坏,而且数以百万计的人被淹死。
在波延伸南美洲之前,慧星的第二块降落在阿根廷。地震和火山在安迪斯山脉山中被出发。震惊波进入加州之内向北移动和在太平洋的周围四处。洛杉矶市,旧金山和东京完全地是地震的 destroved 。南方一半的地球的数以百万计的人已经死,但是北方的韩币"很久的 t 逃亡。因为爆发,太阳在世界秋天左右是 hiddenby 灰尘的云、和温度到几乎零的。农作物被毁灭。太阳韩币"t 再被见到许多年。战争为洪水爆发当做国家打架。一年晚,不超过一千万活着保持。
它可以真的发生吗?事实上,它在地球的历史中已经发生了超过一次。恐龙在地球上 coer 一亿六千万年。六千五百万年前然后,他们突然消失了消失。许多科学家相信地球被空间的物体的 pisce 打了。恐龙不能活的透过跟随的寒冷的气候和他们死出。我们将会遇见相同的结束吗?

今年是2094它已经宣布一颗彗星正走向theearth.most ,会想念 植物,但两件可能会打到一半,南方的地球上17july ,一条4公里宽进入 地球上的" S气氛中举行了大规模explosion.about一半的作品是摧毁,但剩下的部分命中南大西洋举行 200倍音速. 大海沸腾了巨大的洞,在海上风浪bed.huge 是创造和传播出去,从钻墙公里水的高,就急着往非洲南部800公里 hour.cities在非洲海岸,是完全摧毁,数百万人溺毙. 前波到达南美洲, 第二块彗星土地argentina.earthquakes和火山爆发所引发的安第斯山长白山冲击波谨 进入北加州和全国各地对太平洋的城市洛杉矶,旧金山和东京都是完全由destroved earthquakes.millions人在南部一半的地球人已经死亡,但是北方获胜"笔逃生的long.because 爆炸的,太阳是hiddenby腾起的尘土,以及全球各地的温度下降到几乎是zero.crops ruined.the孙荣获"笔 再次看到许多years.wars爆发为国家争取flood.a推迟一年,不超过10万留 活着. 难道真的会发生吗? 事实上,它已经发生了超过2014年历史的地面交通是恐龙 在地球上的顽160万years.then 65亿年前,他们突然消失disappeared.many科学家相信地球 击中了pisce物体在空间中的恐龙麦麸的" T度过寒冷的气候,然后,他们 死亡out.will我们达到同一目的?

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①他感激她的同情和理解,因为当时对他来说意味着许多。(appreciate )He appreciated her sympathy and understanding, because it means that many for him at that time.②她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后开始往巴黎拨打电话。(finally , dial )Finally she came to a telephone booth, put in a ...

and happiness from the outside.The god will give me the power to be succeed.I will be grateful,and use hundreds times of the tears and sweats more than regular people to complete the promise which i made to my family,career,homeland and my own life.100%手工翻译 包你满意 ...

1. "Cover Me" 掩护我 冲锋的时候需要队友的火力掩护 2. "You Take the Point" 你占据该要点 让队友占据此射击点 3. "Hold This Position" 占据这个位置 告诉队友占领此处有利地形 4. "Regroup Team" 重组队伍 把分散的队员重新组织起来 5. "Follow Me" 跟随我 让队友跟你一...

英语 求翻译 汉译英
1客厅里有一个长沙发和一把扶手椅子 There is a couch and an armchair in the living room.2角落里有一些书籍 There is a few books in the corner.3这间屋子里没有壁炉 There is no fireplace in this room.4书房里有几个书架 There is a few bookshelves in the study.5车上有CD机吗?...

求 英语翻译
1 Our class master only five years senior than us.2 Today, people prefer to E-mail instead of writing.3 I usually eat breakfast at a glance at the headlines.4 In the summer, he got a chance of doing a part-time job to earn some money.5 His way to communicate with ...

有道:This article first introduced the condition and harm of fire. Then introduce the geographic information system concept, function and the development present situation, and the spatial analysis function of the network are introduced, for the paper research theory basis, and made a ...

A great musician never stops learning.一个伟大的音乐家从不停止学习。To be a great musician is to be in school forever. The great Beethoven, near the end of his life, received as a gift, the complete works of Handel, a composer he had long admired.成为一个伟大的音乐家将永远...

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求英语翻译大神帮忙翻译一段中文!线上等! Should first of all in this statement is, the "tolerance", does not mean that the teacher Fan Meizhong "run" behavior has what it takes to do so full of "moral superiority"moralists condemned or tolerance of the "sin", just that, ...

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诸葛巩双仁: The power of examples is endless. Someone once said: "Sow a thought reap an act, sow an action reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character, reap a destiny." Spread of a model, we can always see the hard targets and reference. Example is an upward force, a mirror, is the banner.

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诸葛巩双仁: 1. It is unbelievable that such a person who suffered a lot in his life should believe this trick.2. I will take this responsiblity to let you see what your fault is.3.My beating over the opponent in the competition owes to you.4.I turned out that he had ...

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诸葛巩双仁: 我的回答:明天我不去上班了,明天烧烤,你下午跟我买东西去.I am not working tomorrow just for tomorrow's barbeque, you come with me this afternoon to buy the stuff.你们快点回来吧,我请你们吃东西 You guys gotta rush to come back as I have a nice treat waiting for you. 欢迎参考...呵呵...

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诸葛巩双仁: 是这样的,首先要知道 doubt是否定的意思,译为怀疑,不相信,然后断句 I doubt/ that anyone could be too happy if they are in poor health.后半部分翻译为:如果身体健康状况差,任何人都会很开心 但前半部分否定了这一说法,变成了:我不相信/如果身体健康状况差,任何人都会很开心.意译过来就是楼上各位的意思了.

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诸葛巩双仁: The foreign small yellow chrysanthemum - - may set minds at rest, the favor flesh, maintains a youth. the verdolaga - - includes rich nutrient contents and so on Vitamin E, Vitamin C, renieratene and Guguangantai, but also contains rich ingredients ...

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诸葛巩双仁: This summer, blowing the softest heart of our place, to leave me, you will not want to stop the well-being of time, perhaps we will meet the next intersection, then once again write the sentiment

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诸葛巩双仁: 翻译为:我知道我在遇见你之前就爱上了你,我梦想你能进入我的生命.这是句歌词 出自 野人花园的单曲《I KONW I LOVE YOU》...

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