能不能请哪位英语老师帮忙翻译一下?一定要保证正确无误,这是基本要求!!! 急急急急急!!!!!!!!

作者&投稿:臾雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
能不能请哪位英语老师帮忙翻译一下?一定要保证正确无误,这是基本要求!!! 急急急急急!!!!!!!!~

I love my childhood
It was a wonderful childhood
Now I spent the last precious the June 1 children's day
Back to my childhood, I'm free to run, flying in their own sky
Laughter filled my life

I have a dream
That is a beautiful dream
I wish I could grow up quickly
Because I can grow up for home free (这句话挺怪的,你有没有打错?)
Parents weren't so tired
At that time, I will see them gratified smile

I have a dream
It was a great idea
When I grow up, I want to be a teacher
Everyone said the teacher is people's soul engineer, is the gardener garden
Yes, and I hope the knowledge transfer to the next generation of our motherland
They are taught knowlege with one great ideal woven
Let them struggle for ideal, become the beams of our motherland.

I found, do you want to do, for his own ideal adhere to struggle, you will be able to realize the value of your life!!!!!


I love my childhood

That's a wonderful childhood

Now I spent the last precious the June 1 children's day

Back to my childhood, I'm free to run, flying in his sky

Laughter filled with my life

I have a dream

That is a beautiful dream

I hope I can grow up quickly

Because I can grow up to share the house

Parents is not so tired

At that time, I will see them gratified smile

I have a dream

That is a great ideal

When I grow up, I want to be a teacher

All said the teacher is the people's engineers of souls

The gardener is gardens

B: yes, I hope that the knowledge transfer to the next generation of our motherland

They are taught with knowledge of a great ideal woven

Let them for the ideal and struggle, become the beams of our motherland!!!!!

I found, do what you want to do, for its own good, you will be able to struggle to realize the value of your life!!!!!

I love my childhood
It was a wonderful childhood
Now I spent the last precious the June 1 children's day
Back to my childhood, I'm free to run, flying in their own sky
Laughter filled my life
I have a dream
That is a beautiful dream
I wish I could grow up quickly
Because I can grow up for home free
Parents weren't so tired
At that time, I will see them gratified smile
I have a dream
It was a great ideal
When I grow up, I want to be a teacher
All said the teacher is the people's engineers of souls
The gardener is gardens
Yes, and I hope the knowledge transfer to the next generation of our motherland
They are taught knowledge with one great ideal woven
Let them struggle for ideal, become the beams of our motherland.

I found, do you want to do, for his own ideal adhere to struggle, you will be able to realize the value of your life!!!!!

I love my childhood it was a wonderful childhood, now I had that last a precious Children's Day recalls childhood, I am free to run, flying in the sky, their laughter filled my life I have a dream It was a wonderful dream I hope I can grow up quickly because they grow up, I can share those parents were not home so tired that time, I will be happy to see them smile I have an ideal that is a great ideal if I grew up, I want to be a teacher said that teachers are the engineers of the soul of a hundred people in the garden is a gardener, and I hope the knowledge passed to the next generation of our country and teach them the knowledge to use woven into one great ideal as the ideal they strive to become pillars of the motherland! I found, do they want to do, uphold the struggle for their ideals, you will be able to realize the value of your life!

I love my childhood
It was a wonderful childhood
Now I spent the last precious the June 1 children's day
Back to my childhood, I'm free to run, flying in their own sky
Laughter filled my life

I have a dream
That is a beautiful dream
I wish I could grow up quickly
Because I can grow up for home free
Parents weren't so tired
At that time, I will see them gratified smile

I have a dream
It was a great ideal
When I grow up, I want to be a teacher
All said the teacher is the people's engineers of souls
The gardener is gardens
Yes, and I hope the knowledge transfer to the next generation of our
They are taught knowledge with one great ideal woven
Let them struggle for ideal, become the beams of our motherland.

I found, do you want to do, for his own ideal adhere to struggle, you will be able to realize the value of your life

I treasure my boyhood
So beautiful a childhood it was
Now I have my last Children’s Day sent away
Refreshing growing up, I found myself immerged in freely scampering and soaring Live was full of my laughter

I cherish a dream
So sweet it is
Hope growing up over one night
Then I can shoulder burden with families
Dad and Mom won’t be so overworked
And then they would wear a comfort smile

I uphold a wish
Which is a great one
To be a teacher when I grow up
Human being’s engineers as teachers are
Gardeners taking care of various bubs in the garden as they are
For next generation, I do hope to pass what I learned to them
To construct their great wishes by instructing them knowledge
Assist them to work hard on their ideas and to become motherland’s ridge beams

I can see, to make your life valuable, engage in your interests and to fight for it


第三,每科的教师都必须具有相应学科的教师资格证,否则没有教学资格,不能担任教学工作。高中语文教师和英语教师,如果要兼教语文和英语两门课,就必须同时考取这两门课程的教师资格证,这是难以普遍做到的,所以由同一位教师教既教语文又教英语也是不现实的。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...


那得看多大的孩子了。如果小的话。轻松一点 愉快一点 不要压力过大。如果小学五六年级 就要把音标 单词 语法 三大重点抓好。中学以上多注意单词积累 阅读和写作以及一些更难的语法。学英语千万不要死记硬背的记单词。那样效率很低。初高中可以多看看原声的外国片 动画片最好。对英语学习很有好处。

哪位大哥大姐教一下,英语中“ Mr、Mrs 、Ms、Miss”的用法..详细一点...
1. Mr意为"先生",一般用于男子姓氏或职务前;不管年龄大小;辈分长幼;职务高低;结婚与否,男子都可称为Mr;要注意的是,英美人的姓在名字后面,中国人的姓在名字前面;如果一个英国男子叫John Brown,就称他为Mr Brown,但不能称其为Mr John;如果一个中国男子叫刘诚,就称他为Mr Liu,不能称...

正确的说法是:1、Mr.\/Mrs.\/Ms + Last name。注意:很多女老师喜欢用Ms + Last name,而不喜欢Mrs\/Miss。2、也有老师喜欢没那么正式的叫法,直接叫名字。3、低年级的学生也会用Mr.\/Mrs.\/Ms + First name。英语学习方法 1、英语基础 要想学好高三英语,英语基础是必须学好的,英语基础没有想象...

Which teacher is good with students?



【语文组】 匡遐龄 杨建勋 李隽 王惠梅 卢彦君 吴庆彬 刘举 苏建梅 王玉芹 王红英 罗春梅 杜晓霞 章彩凤 杨惠玲 魏霞【数学组】吴彩霞 韩英 庄佳琳 贾昀 周应坤 张玲芳 邵满红 田大富 陶虎 张爱 夏伟州 杨莹莉 李保民【英语组】 杨坤 刘劲竹 段云霞 马君 窦媛 叶红芳 石晓倩 蔺朝飞 甘彩燕 ...

定日县18650098758: 请英语好的帮忙翻译一下,不要翻译器的 谢谢老师不好意思今天没有去上课,因为我发烧了,现在已经有所好转了.特此给您发了这封邮件,希望您见谅. -
谷幸尧强:[答案] Dear teacher: I am sorry for I didn't go to school today because I had a fever, now I feel better. Hereby I send you the Email, I hope you can forgive me. 希望能帮到你,不明白还可以追问. 你要快点采纳哟,嘻嘻!

定日县18650098758: 麻烦英语老师帮忙翻译一下:我的英语不好,如果说错话,请不要介意.我一直都会很尊敬你. 请问可以告诉 -
谷幸尧强: 我的英语不好,如果说错话,请不要介意.我一直都会很尊敬你.请问可以告诉我你其它的联系方式吗?比如电子邮箱或QQ.Please don't mind if I say something wrong because of my poor English.I am always respecting you,and would you please tell me how to contact you the other way,like your mail address or you QQ number.Thank you.

定日县18650098758: 烦请哪位英语老师帮我翻一下? -
谷幸尧强: 1.It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.对于40岁以下的普通读者而言,他们难以,甚至根本无法想象一个能...

定日县18650098758: 急需,请哪位英语高手翻译一下,谢谢
谷幸尧强: Hello,everyone! My name is xxx. I'm twelve years old. My moto is Try My Best To Do Everything! I don't know the reason that it happened a lot of things around me! In front of the troubles, I trust myself. My friends let me know how to cherish, my ...

定日县18650098758: 急!请会英语的帮忙翻译.谢谢 -
谷幸尧强: Teacher goodbye, high 217 class of schoolmates can think you, you also c...

定日县18650098758: 请哪位英语爆强的人帮我翻译一下这段采访稿吧!我很急需的呀!没有它我成不了~ -
谷幸尧强: The English broadcast program of today we are very happy to invite my school two a column eyes which comes from an Australia to t...

定日县18650098758: 急求英语翻译,哪位老师帮忙解决一下?
谷幸尧强: 翻译:I'm sorry, I don't know what should I do? You are to return my money, I then lijing name with next order? But my account and have not received any refund, please forgive me. I won't repeat until no refund payment, I like this program, but I can't ...

定日县18650098758: 请英语高手,帮忙翻译一下,上课老师要提问,急,拜托了,万分感激 -
谷幸尧强: Performance art is a form of performance in which the actions of an individual or a group at a particular place and in a particular time make up the work.中文翻译:表演艺术是一种表演形式,在这种表演形式中,个人或者团体在特定的地点和特定...

定日县18650098758: 请英语老师帮忙翻译
谷幸尧强: 我只能翻译意思,对仗不可能象真正译者那样工整,但应该可以看懂 1. 请确定:直径为0.062(我不知道单位是什么,可能是毫米)的孔,边缘不要太锋利(大概要打磨光滑的意思. 2. 我个人以为HEX应该是指helix,螺旋,但不肯定. 在螺纹的那一边没有全螺纹,也是可以接受的.(这个是专业问题,我不太懂,但只有HEX 是不肯定,其它肯定没错)

定日县18650098758: 请老师帮忙翻译一下、谢谢! -
谷幸尧强: 1 some funny poeple2 most students4 in great number of photos5 some difficult things6 of course9 look like13 decide to do sth14 decide not to do sth15 try to do16 try doing 1...

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