
作者&投稿:种河 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chapter VII
The first unit vector algebra
1. Vectors and basic vector operations;
2. Vector plot of the quantity; vector vector plot;
3. Mixed plot.
The second unit space curved planar surface and its equation
1. Plane and its equation
2. A straight line and its equation
3. Linear relationship with the planar
Chapter VIII

Multi-function differential method and its application
The first function of the basic concepts of multi-unit
1. Planar Point Set
2. Multi-function concept and the limits of
3. Multi-function continuity
The second partial derivative unit with fully differential
1. Partial derivative of the definition and calculation method
2. Higher-order partial derivative
3. The definition of fully differential
4. In the approximate calculation of fully differential application
The third unit multi-function implicit function derivation and derivation
1. Multi-function derivation rules
2. Implicit function equation with the equations case derivation
The fourth unit multi-function study of differential geometry application
1. Spaces surface tangent and the normal plane
2. Surface tangent plane and normal
Fifth unit directional derivative and gradient
1. Directional derivative and gradient
The sixth unit the extremum and its multi-function method
1. Multi-function maximum and minimum
2. Conditional extremum LaGrand
Seventh unit the Taylor formula for the dual function of least square method
1. Taylor formula
2. Extremum a sufficient condition for proof of
3. Mastery of the least square method
Chapter IX Multiple Integral
The first unit weight and the nature of the concept of integral
The introduction of the concept of re-integration and nature of
The second double integral calculation unit
1. Cartesian coordinates of the calculation under the double integral;
2. Polar coordinates for calculating double integral;
3. Double integral of the exchange element method.
The third unit triple integral
1. The use of rectangular coordinates triple integral calculation
2. Using cylindrical coordinates triple integral calculation
3. The use of spherical coordinates triple integral calculation
IV Application Multiple Integral
Weight points at geometry, physics applications.
1. Surface area
2. The focus of the coordinates
3. Moment of Inertia
4. Gravitational
Chapter X integral curve and surface integrals
Integral curve of the first unit
1. The first type curve integral concept of nature;
2. The first calculation of curve points;
3. The second type curve integral concept of nature;
4. The second type curve method of calculation points;
5. Two types of points of contact.
The second unit surface integral
1. The first definition of surface integral;
2. Integral nature;
3. The first surface integral method;
4. The second category of the definition of surface integral;
5. The second type surface integral method of calculation;
6. Two types of surface contact points.
Green's formula for the third unit
1. Green's formula;
2. Curve points with the path independence;
3. All-differential quadrature
Chapter XI infinite series
The first unit of several series
1. Series of basic concepts
2. Comparative law and the limits of the form of discriminant
3. The ratio and root discriminance
4. Alternate Series and Convergence
5. Absolute convergence and conditional convergence
Second unit power series
1. Power series and convergence;
2. Convergence radius method;
3. The computing power series;
4. Function Expansion into power series
5. Deployable Application

Dear Mr. Yang:
hello! I am ** biological chemical industry Limited company's Wang Bing, we have met, should say that was the friend. saw that you receive a letter I to be very happy. Because I have embarked in the near future in outside, has not been able to reply in writing promptly, was sorry very much. Our company started from 2007 to carry on the dining trash comprehensive research development, and starts to construct the dining trash comprehensive utilization the key project, namely take dining trench oil as primary data annual production 200,000 ton living thing diesel oil project. This project is national Development and Planning Commission initiates a project and the key support, moreover the identical area is no longer redundant project. May digest east of our province Jinan's all trench oil. Now the first phase (yearly produces 50,000 tons) to complete and the place in operation operation. we will be preparing the construction dining trash comprehensive utilization in the near future other projects. Our company for Weifang's dining trash comprehensive utilization enterprise, is decided as by Shandong Province the entire province the Experimental enterprise (Weifang also to become along with it experiment site city), and reported national Development and Planning Commission, prepares to become national the Experimental enterprise. We are willing with your firm to carry on the exchange, and carries on the cooperation in the possible situation.
I herewith offer
Wang Bing

Dear Mr. Yang:
Hello! I'm ** ,Biological and Chemical Company's Wang Bing, we have met, it should be said to be friends.
To see your letter I am very pleased. Because I recently have been starting out, failed to reply, I am sorry.
Our company began in 2007 from the food and beverage waste comprehensive research and development, and began construction of key projects of comprehensive utilization of food wastes, that restaurant waste oil as the main raw material of the annual 200,000 tons bio-diesel project. The project is the State Development and Reform Commission and focused on project support, and not repeat the same area of the project. Jinan province east of digestible out all the waste oil. Now a project (an annual output of 50,000 tons) have been completed and put into production operations.
We are planning to build the recent utilization of food wastes and other items. Our company Weifang City, catering waste utilization business, is the province of Shandong Province as the pilot enterprises (Weifang City, also will become the pilot cities), and has been reported to the State Development and Reform Commission, to prepare a national pilot enterprises. We would like to communicate with your company and, where possible, cooperation.
Wang Bing

1,good morning everyone, i'm your best friend ,***,Character chromatics use red,blue yellow and green as the symbol to conclude those realitivily complacated characters.different colours stands for different characters andwere also reflected in their emotional attitudes. which one do you belong to?
2,do not promise anything, if you can not make it. as for man, not only there is gold under your knees but also in your mouth.do not make promise easily because you may back out!
3,i have to say that it was agood question,so, the first man, as for family and work,love and job,self and society,which one do you prefer?
4,according to the Character chromatics ,li was the red one,for he has good qualification and too many choices,and also,he looks like a child who has not yet have enough fun and fefuse to grow up and to undertake responsibilities. even though, you still stick to your choice?
5,i'd like to give to a suggestion ,you will die painfully if you want to ingratiate yourself to those ladies

1. . Everyone audience friends good morning, I am your good friend, personality, color science with simple blue and red yellow green 4 kinds of color for symbols, the character of relatively complicated concluded, different color represents different character, also reflected in their emotional attitude. Which color do you belong to?
2. Can't do it, they don't promise. The man had gold, mouth also have gold, don't easily promised anything, because you may eat them.
3. Ha ha, I have to say it was a good question, then 1 male guest in family and work, love and career, his own and society, which side would you choose
4. Tell from colour psychology, lee belong to red, because conditions so good, so many choices, not enough, children play mentality, I don't want to grow up, refuse to undertake the responsibility of family. Even so, you still insist on your choice?
5. Give you a piece of advice, if you want to please all female guest, I think you will die very badly

1. Members of the audience good morning, i'm your friend, xxx is presented. a study of colour in a simple blue and yellow green color is the symbol of relatively complex, personality, under different colors of the different character, and is also reflected in their emotional attitudes. which color do you belong to? two can't do it, you should not promise. the man, they have gold, and gold, do not promise anything, because you may break your word.
3. Ha ha, I have to say it was a good question, then 1 male guest in family and work, love and career, his own and society, which side would you choose
4. Tell from colour psychology, lee belong to red, because conditions so good, so many choices, not enough, children play mentality, I don't want to grow up, refuse to undertake the responsibility of family. Even so, you still insist on your choice?
5. Give you a piece of advice, if you want to please all female guest, I think you will die very badly

1. Everyone audience friends good morning, I am your good friend, XXX. Character with simple chromatics red blue olivine 4 kinds of color for symbols, the relatively complex character concluded, different color represents different character, also reflected in their emotional attitude. Which color do you belong to?

2 can't do it, they don't promise. The man had gold, mouth also have gold, don't easily promised anything, because you may eat them.

3 well, I have to say it was a good question, then 1 male guest in family and work, love and career, his own and society, which side would you choose

4 from color psychology, speaking, lee belong to red, because conditions so good, so many choices, not enough, children play mentality, I don't want to grow up, refuse to undertake the responsibility of family. Even so, you still insist on your choice?

5 give you a piece of advice, if you want to please all female guest, I think you will die very badly


I miss you, very much... I don't want to argue with you, I just want to be good to you everytime, make you happy, not argue about how you are being to me. I really hope that you can understand!


Many people confused with how to learn English well.In my oppinion.At first,you should take down the notes timely when you are in class.Then you need to review all the main point which you learn from the class at home.Listen the tapes of your course to consolidate your new ...

汉译英:我们最好走不同的路线.We'd _ _a _ _.
We'd better take a different path\/route\/way.

3Bob and Frank don't get along well with each other ,it was embarrace that the were to work in the same department 4as a boy i used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf was coming 5it's not easy to do scientific research,is requires time ...

每个等级的土壤平均温度都由下列算式得出——最高温度加上最低温度 再除以空气温度。

汉译英公司较好的有文思海辉技术有限公司、统一数位翻译公司、CSOFT International、江苏省舜禹信息技术有限公司、FBC GLOBAL等。1、文思海辉技术有限公司 文思海辉是一家来自中国的全球性IT服务企业,汇聚了国内外近30,000余名专业人士,为全球客户提供领先的数字化咨询、体验交互、技术实施与运营服务,并致力...

汉译英 1.你们最好回到学校去。 2.现在是十一点钟,你最好去睡觉。 3...
1.Youd better to go to school.2.Now is 9oclock .youd better to go to bed.3.you look grey vrey much.youd better to go to the doctor.4.we must finish the work in two days.wed better to do are begining now.5.youd better to use the pen to write.

body scale distortion; Management of cartoon audience mistake positioning, cause animation audience customer group age levels and do not have a single consumption level, not fashionable mainstream, many cartoon only for youth children.参考资料:自己翻译的,难免有些差错,请多包涵 ...

authentic oral Manderin. If you are the one I am looking for, please phone me or text me. My mobilephone number is 123456. Looking forward to your reply.有些内容帮你删掉了,如:我英语不好,带去温暖,等等。有些是因为容易让人产生误解,有些是因为不符合本文的文体。

古城区13332929194: 汉译英:英语是国际语言,因此我们非常重视英语的学习.求大神翻译,转换器的不要! -
彤桂泰能:[答案] English is an international language. Thus we attach great importance to English learning.

古城区13332929194: 请帮忙翻译几句英语 汉译英 不要翻译器 -
彤桂泰能: There are a lot of pockets on the backpack for tissues and meal-boxes.Stars are objects in the sky that can shine.Stars are far away from us.Only at night can we see stars.

古城区13332929194: 英译汉几个句子,不要翻译器翻译的,warned that fuel pools in plants across the country were riskprone unless the rods could be submerged at all times.,... -
彤桂泰能:[答案] 警告说,除非鱼竿能在所有的时间都被水淹没,植物燃料池遍布全国.(riskprone 就真不知道什么意思了.……这几句很不顺的说) 在1996年3月4日,时代杂志说的一篇文章:“大量的辐射,释放并渲染数百平方英里的土地,不适合居住.这次地震和...

古城区13332929194: 英语翻译不要翻译软件的翻译,最好是人工的翻译,急用的 -
彤桂泰能:[答案] Sichuan Xinlong Ventilation Air Conditioning Equipment Co.

古城区13332929194: 求翻译成英文.不要翻译器. -
彤桂泰能: Art is a way for people to express their feelings and emotions. As a product of human's abstract mind, it expresses, in a material form, the spiritual value of human being. Art arises from creative techniques, and it will always has a technique ...

古城区13332929194: 汉译英,帮忙一句,不要翻译器的
彤桂泰能: Consummates English writing teaching to the high school teachers ponder the college entrance examination written expression point scale new change, not only proposed to the student a higher request, similarly also set a higher request to the high ...

古城区13332929194: 求帮忙翻译!汉译英!要通顺 不是翻译器的哦! -
彤桂泰能: Iron Art, has a long history, the development of iron materials and processes also has 2,000 years of development. As building decorative arts, appears in t...

古城区13332929194: 求汉译英...不要翻译器翻译的... -
彤桂泰能: The defendant was a 30-year-old woman who insisted herself not guilty.Generally, jujube, soya-been milk and some other leafy green vegetables are the best resource...

古城区13332929194: 帮忙翻译,中译英,最好自己翻译,不要依靠翻译器 -
彤桂泰能: A:我烧了鱼,你爱吃鱼吧? (I cook some fish,would you like to eat that?) B; 我不爱吃鱼 (I don't like to eat fish at all) A:你不爱吃鱼? (Do you mean it?) B: 我不爱吃鱼 (precisely) A: 是鲔鱼呀 (come on,man,it is tuna!) B: 谢谢啦...

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