
作者&投稿:蓟许 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Acromioclavicular joint: Shoulder-lock joint
Air bronchogram: Bronchial imaging
Ankle joint: Ankle joint
Ankylosis of joint: Joint ankylosis
Arches of foot: Foot arch
Biligrafin: Diclorofenac sodium
Bone age: Bone age
Bone canaliculi: Bone canaliculi
Bone cortex: Bone cortex
Bone deformity: Skeletal deformation
Bone destruction: Osteonecrosis
Bone lacuna: Bone lacuna
Bone lamella: Bone lamella
Bony articular surface: Articular surface of bone
Bursa: Bursa
Calcification: Calcification
Carpal bones: Wrist bones
Cavity: Cavity
Chondral calcification: Cartilage calcification
Compact bone and spongy bone: Dense and spongy bone
Degeneration of joint: Osteoarthritis
Destruction of joint: Joint destruction
Diaphysis: Diaphysis
Digital subtraction angiography, DSA: Digital subtraction angiography
Dislocation of joint: Joint dislocation
Dual photon absorptiometry, DPA: Dual photon absorptiometry
Dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA: Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry
Elbow joint: Elbow joint
Encapsulated effusion: Encapsulated effusion
End plate: End plate
Epiphyseal line: Epiphyseal line
Epiphyseal plate: Growth plate
Epiphysis: Epiphysis
Exudation: Exudation
Fibrotic lesion: Fibrosis
Filling defect: Filling defect
Free pleural effusion: Free pleural effusion
Haemosiderosis: Hemosiderosis
Hafersian system: Haversian system
Haversian lamella: Haversian lamella
Hilar dance: Hilar dance
Hip joint: Hip joint
Hydropneumothorax: Hydrothorax
Hyperostosis/Osteosclerosis: Hyperostosis/Osteosclerosis
Intercondyloid eminence: Intercondyloid eminence
Interlobar effusion: Interlobar effusion
Intermediate lamella: Intermediate lamella
Internal and external circumferential lamella: Internal and external circumferential lamella
Interstitial pulmonary edema: Interstitial pulmonary edema
Intervertebral disc: Intervertebral disc
Intervertebral foramen: Intervertebral foramen
Intervertebral space: Intervertebral space
Intra-alveolar pulmonary edema: Intra-alveolar pulmonary edema
Joint: Joint
Joint capsule: Joint capsule
Joint cartilage: Articular cartilage
Joint cavity: Joint cavity
Joint space: Joint space
Knee joint: Knee joint
Lamellar bone: Lamellar bone
Left atrial enlargement: Left atrial enlargement
Left ventricular enlargement: Left ventricular enlargement
Ligament: Ligament
Localized pleural effusion: Localized pleural effusion
Looser zone: False fracture line
Mass: Mass
Medullary space: Medullary space
Metacarpal bones: Metacarpal bones
Metaphysis: Metaphysis
Metatarsal bones: Metatarsal bones
Niche: Niche
Obstructive atelectasis: Obstructive atelectasis
Obstructive emphysema: Obstructive emphysema
Oral cholecystography: Oral cholecystography
Ossification: Ossification
Ossification center: Ossification center
Osteoblast: Osteoblast
Osteoclast: Osteoclast
Osteocyte: Osteocyte
Osteomalacia: Osteomalacia
Osteonecrosis: Osteonecrosis
Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis
Periosteal proliferation: Periosteal proliferation
Periosteal reaction: Periosteal reaction
Periosteum and internal periosteum: Periosteum and internal periosteum
Phalanges of fingers: Fingers phalanges
Phalanges of toes: Toes phalanges
Pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification: Pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification
Pleural tumor: Pleural tumor
Pneumothorax: Pneumothorax
Proliferative lesion: Proliferative lesion
Pulmonary hilar enlargement: Pulmonary hilar enlargement
Pulmonary arterial hypertension: Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Pulmonary arterial pleonasm: Pulmonary arterial pleonasm
Pulmonary hypertension: Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary oligaemia: Pulmonary oligaemia
Pulmonary venous hypertension: Pulmonary venous hypertension
Pulmonary venous pleonasm: Pulmonary venous pleonasm
Pulmonary venous hypertension: Pulmonary venous hypertension
Pulmonary venous pleonasm: Pulmonary venous pleonasm
Quantitative computed tomography, QCT: Quantitative computed tomography
Right atrial enlargement: Right atrial enlargement
Right ventricular enlargement: Right ventricular enlargement
Sequestrum: Sequestrum
Shoulder joint: Shoulder joint
Soft tissue mass: Soft tissue mass
Soft tissue swelling: Soft tissue swelling
Subpulmonary effusion: Subpulmonary effusion
Swelling of joint: Joint swelling
Tarsal bones: Tarsal bones
Tibia tuberosity: Tibia tuberosity
Trabecula: Trabecula
Volkmann canal: Volkmann canal
Woven bone: Woven bone
Wrist joint: Wrist joint
Abestosis: Asbestosis
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS: AIDS
Actinomycosis: Actinomycosis
Acute military tuberculosis: Acute miliary tuberculosis
Agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung: Lung agenesis and hypoplasia
Allergic pneumonia: Allergic pneumonia
Aluminum pneumoconiosis: Aluminum pneumoconiosis
Amyloidosis of lung: Pulmonary amyloidosis
Angiogram sign: Angiogram sign
Anthracosis: Anthracosis
Aspergillosis: Aspergillosis
Bronchiectasis: Bronchiectasis
Bronchogenic cyst: Bronchogenic cyst
Bronchopneumonia: Bronchopneumonia
Broncho-pulmonary sequestration: Broncho-pulmonary sequestration
Butterfly sign: Butterfly sign
Cement pneumoconiosis: Cement pneumoconiosis
Chronic bronchitis: Chronic bronchitis
Chronic pneumonia: Chronic pneumonia
Coalworker pneumoconiosis: Coalworker pneumoconiosis
Congenital bronchial cysts: Congenital bronchial cysts
Contusion of lung: Lung contusion
Cryptococcosis: Cryptococcosis
Cylindrical bronchiectasis: Cylindrical bronchiectasis
Dermoid cyst: Dermoid cyst
Diaphragmatic eventration: Diaphragmatic eventration
Diaphragmatic hernia: Diaphragmatic hernia
Electric welder pneumoconiosis: Electric welder pneumoconiosis
Esophageal cyst: Esophageal cyst
Foreign body of chest: Foreign body of chest
Foundry worker pneumoconiosis: Foundry worker pneumoconiosis
Goodpasture syndrome: Goodpasture syndrome
Graphite pneumoconiosis: Graphite pneumoconiosis
Halo sign: Halo sign
Hamartoma: Hamartoma
Hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis: Hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis
Hodgkin lymphoma: Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin disease, HD: Hodgkin disease
Honeycomb lung: Honeycomb lung
Hydropneumothorax: Hydropneumothorax
Inflammatory pseudotumor: Inflammatory pseudotumor
Interstitial pneumonia: Interstitial pneumonia
Intrathoracic goiter: Intrathoracic goiter
Kaolin pneumoconiosis: Kaolin pneumoconiosis
Kaposi sarcoma: Kaposi sarcoma
Laceration and hematoma of lung: Lung laceration and hematoma
Laceration of trachea and bronchus: Trachea and bronchus laceration
Lipoma: Lipoma
Lobar pneumonia: Lobar pneumonia
Loffler syndroma: Loffler syndroma
Lung abscess: Lung abscess
Lymphangioma: Lymphangioma
Lymphoma: Lymphoma
Mediastinal emphysema: Mediastinal emphysema
Mediastinal hematoma: Mediastinal hematoma
Mediastinal tumor: Mediastinal tumor

在医学和科研领域中,"CTR"是一个常见的英文缩写,其全称为"Clinical Trial Request",中文直译为“临床试验申请”。这个术语主要用于描述在进行新药或治疗方案研究之前,向相关机构提出的申请,以便进行临床试验以验证其安全性和有效性。在英语中,CTR的流行度相当高,达到了695,这表明它在医学文献、研究...

在医学术语中,"PT"是一个常见的缩写,它代表"经皮气管切开术"(Percutaneous Tracheotomy)。这是一种手术技术,通过皮肤的微创途径进行气管切开,常用于紧急情况下需要迅速建立呼吸道通气的情况。英文缩写PT的中文拼音为"jīng pí qì guǎn qiē kāi shù",在英语中的流行度为137,属于医疗领域的...

VTE,全称为Venous Thromboembolic Events,中文直译为“静脉血栓栓塞事件”。这是一个在医学领域广泛应用的英文缩写词,其在英语中的流行度达到了6198次。VTE主要指的是静脉内形成的血栓导致的栓塞事件,这在临床研究中尤其与脑肿瘤患儿的病情相关,如临床研究中关注的显著静脉或动脉血栓症状。在医学术语中,...


在英语的世界里,标准和方言的区分清晰可见,其中最直观的体现莫过于缩写术语的使用。<\/ 无论是英式英语(BrE, BE)还是美式英语(AmE, AE),它们都各自拥有独特的表达方式和习惯。让我们一起深入了解一下这些常见的英文缩写,它们就像语言的基石,为我们揭示了语言背后的文化差异和学术严谨。首先,我们...

TAC,即"Transient Aplastic Crisis"的缩写,直译为“短暂再生弹性危机”。这是一种医学术语,用于描述一种暂时性的造血功能障碍。这个英文缩写在医学领域,特别是在英国医学中,具有较高的流行度,约为914。TAC的中文拼音是"duǎn zàn zài shēng tán xìng wēi jī",是学习和交流中常用到的术语...

英语缩写"SCA"通常代表"Spinocerebellar Ataxias",中文直译为“小脑性共济失调”。这篇文章将深入解析这个缩写词,包括其对应的英文原词、中文拼音,以及在医学领域中的广泛使用情况。SCA的流行度为1459,属于Medical领域的缩写词,主要用于医学术语和相关专业交流中。SCA的中文解释即为“小脑性共济失调”,...

在医学领域中,有一个常见的英文缩写"HIS",它代表的是"Hemodilution In Stroke study",中文可以直译为“中风研究中的血液稀释”。这个术语用于描述在中风研究中,通过减少血液中的血小板和红细胞浓度,以达到特定治疗目的的过程。HIS的拼音是"zhòng fēng yán jiū zhōng de xuè yè xī shì",在...

IMHA,全称为 "Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia",简明地表示免疫介导的溶血性贫血。这是一种医学术语,尤其在英国医学领域中有所应用。该缩写词的中文拼音为 "miǎn yì jiè dǎo de róng xuè xìng pín xiě",其背后所代表的英文单词详细解释了当免疫系统异常攻击红细胞导致的贫血现象。在英...

2. 在数学和物理学中的使用 在某些数学和物理学公式中,SUP可能有特定的符号意义。例如,在某些数学符号体系中,SUP可能代表“上确界”的缩写,表示一个集合的上限值。在这种情况下,它是一个数学术语,用于描述一个特定集合的上界。了解此特定领域对于理解SUP的正确含义至关重要。这种符号具体如何运用要...

汉滨区18215712149: 医用英文缩写医学用语中常用的英文缩写? -
代昭纯迪:[答案] 白细胞white cell 心尖 cardiac apex 右(左)心房 right(left) atrium 右心室right ventricle 心内膜endocardium

汉滨区18215712149: 有关医学专业术语的英文缩写 -
代昭纯迪: CPR:"Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation" ,也作"Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation "是心肺复苏的英语写法. 心肺复苏是抢救心搏、呼吸停止患者生命的急救技术.一般的,狭义上指包括人工呼吸和胸外心脏按压在内的徒手复苏技术. “...

汉滨区18215712149: 医学名词英文缩写 -
代昭纯迪: 病例 Clinical History 诊断 Diagnosis 治疗 Treatment 预防 Prevention 呼吸 Respiration 便通 Bowel Movement 便 Stool 血液 Blood 脉搏 Pulse, Pulsation 尿 Urine 脉搏数 Pulse Rate 血型 Blood Type 血压 Blood Pressure 麻醉 Anesthesia 全身麻醉 ...

汉滨区18215712149: 医用英文缩写 -
代昭纯迪: 白细胞white cell 心尖 cardiac apex 右(左)心房 right(left) atrium 右心室right ventricle 心内膜endocardium

汉滨区18215712149: CHA是什么医学名词的英文缩写啊?CHA是什么医学名词的英文缩写
代昭纯迪: 这样的最是无头绪的,因为一个词特别是缩写在医学上有很多了: CHA,可以是congenital hypoplastic anemia 先天性再生不良性贫血 cold hemagglutinin 冷血凝集素,有冷血凝集素疾病CHAD

汉滨区18215712149: 求助,关于几个医学方面的英文缩写: -
代昭纯迪: NPT non-penetrating trabeculectomy 非穿透性小梁切除术GCP good clinical practice 药物临床试验质量管理规范VEGF vascular endothelial growth fac 血管内皮生长因子TBI total body irradiation 全身照射Burkitt Burkitt's淋巴瘤Whipple ...

汉滨区18215712149: 每周一次的医学英文缩写是什么? -
代昭纯迪: qw.因为“q”代表“quaque”,“w”代表“week”,意思为一周,合起来就是“每周一次”的意思.“quaque”是拉丁语中的一个词,意思是“每周一次”.在医学领域,这个词通常被用来表示一种给药方案,即每周给药一次.2、bid(每...

汉滨区18215712149: 医学术语英文缩写W - MCR -
代昭纯迪: W是否有特殊含义?请结合上下文 医学相关缩写如下 mcr [=macromomycin]大分子霉素,巨毛霉素 [=manchester comparative reagent]曼彻斯特比较试剂 [=matsubarasche's cutanreaction](德)松原(氏)皮肤反应:癌反应 [=maximal contractile...

汉滨区18215712149: 医学上的英文缩写的意思!请各位专家来解答
代昭纯迪: PaO2 氧分压 PaCO2 二氧化碳分压

汉滨区18215712149: st是什么医学用语 -
代昭纯迪: 有两种解释: 1、st(statim/immediately):立即的意思.常用于临时情况,需要马上处理,常用于抢救病人的时候用. 2、ST段,由QRS波群结束到T波开始的平线,反映心室各部均在兴奋而各部处于去极化状态,故无电位差. 正常时接近于...

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