
作者&投稿:爱新觉罗满 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:Excuse me。 could you do me the favor with this survey?
B sure. what can i do for you?
A OK. Can you tell me what do you do usually for entertainment?
B um. i usually play online games.
A ok. and my next question is what is your favorite sports/
B i like playing pingpong and jogging.
A Do you often attend the social activities? what are they?
B yeah. i find a parttime job as a salesgirl on weekends.
A Are you a locale here? if not,
do you get accustomed to the food here?
B. It is all right. i come from beijing and i like spicy and hot food.the food here is light and sweet. anyway. it is ok for me.
A what is your hobby?
B hehe you know girls like shopping .
A Um, ok this is so much about my survey. thanks a lot.

——It's very nice of you to invite me.
——I'm very glad you could come, Mr. Liu. Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It's an informal dinner, please don't stand on ceremony... Mr. Liu, would you like to have some chicken?
——Thank you. This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant. Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food?
——Generally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light; Shanghai food is rather oily; and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste.
——Chinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious, and very palatable. They are very good in colour,flavour,and taste.
——Mr. liu, would you care for another helping?
——No more, thank you. I'm quite full.
——Did you enjoy the meal?
——It's the most delicious dinner I've had for a long time. It's such a rich dinner.
——I'm so glad you like it.

A:I'm so sad!
B:what's wrong with you ?
A:you are so good at English,but i just lost in the English exam.I find it so hard to learn English,and can you give me some ways to learn English well ?
B:oh ,i am glad to give you some methods.First,you must keep the pace with the teacher,which means you must be absorbed in class all the time.
A:yeah,i know that's important but i can't concentrate on the English very long and i always think other things.
B:so you must remind yourself to listen to what the English teacher said.
A:I will try my best
B:second,you must learn to remember the new words you have learnt and form a habit of looking up the words you don't understand . try to remember some useful expressions .these all can enlarge your vocabulary ,can contribute to your compisition.
A:that's a good way,but sometimes i have remembered the words,then serval days later,i forgot .that's so painful,so i don't like to remember.
B:this is a big problem,many students just as you then they hate to remember.so you must often review what you have remembered,because you often review them you will find it hard to forget them.
A:oh ,that sounds nice.i will try
B:the last one is the most important .as English is a language ,you can read moe English books,listen to more tapes and speak with people to practice your oral English.you cao find it is interesting and easy to learn English.don't afraid and don' be shy,you make it!
A:wow!thank you very much,i will take efforts to learn just as you said .
我自己一字一句敲上去的,很好看懂,就是讲A想B 请教学英语的方法,B 分三个步骤告诉A该怎样学好英语,最后A感谢B而且会按照B 的方法努力学好英语。希望对你有帮助,其实三分钟很好说,我们考试口语一般都是在外交那里临时抽题目,对话二十五分钟才能停。呵呵,希望英语系的学姐能帮上忙哦!

A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?

B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.

A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?

B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.





A: Excuse me. I’m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?

B: I’m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.



A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the Museum.

B: Boy, you are lost. It’s across town.

A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?

B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.





大一小组英语演讲 要求是情景剧 7分钟 老师不看内容只听发音 所以哪里...


CET(College English Test)大学英语考试分为四级 (CET-4) 和六级 (CET-6),每年各举行两次,6月和12月。从2005年1月起,报道成绩满分为710分,由国家教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语四六级考试委员会”发给成绩单,不再颁发过级证。不过大家通常以425分为过级线。四级成绩过550或六级成绩过520...

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hey,XX,we heard that you had a bad cold,so we come to visit you after school.thank you ,you guys,come in!how are you doing now?i feel much better now after i took some pills and had a good rest.how did you get a cold?i don't know,i guess it's the sudden chang...

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a long ago,there was a huge apple tree. a little boy love to come and play around it everyday.he climbed to the tree top,ate the apples,took a nap under the shadow…he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.time went by…the little boy had grown up and ...

10.你的钱包不见了,你打算报警,但是你又不知道警局在哪里,所以你向你的朋友求助,询问在哪里可以找到警察!Make a phone call, anxious!A:##, How are you,B:you good\/have what can help you?A:can I bother you how many minutes?B;related to yes, you please say\/take place what ...

hey,XX,we heard that you had a bad cold,so we come to visit you after school.thank you ,you guys,come in!how are you doing now?i feel much better now after i took some pills and had a good rest.how did you get a cold?i don't know,i guess it's the sudden ...

为你解答。选择[D]。—Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?—(I hope so). It has rained for ten days. It's too wet everywhere.你认为明天雨会停吗? 但愿吧。已经下了十天了。到处都湿。解释:答语要根据上下文来确定。问句说雨要停,如果选A,意思就成了“我希望雨不会停”...

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安牲枸橼: B--Time to dinner, would you like to go with me? A--No, thank you, but I don't feel like I can eat anything. B--What's going on? Is everything OK? A--I'm Fine. Everything is fine. B--Come on, tell me! A--Oh, it's about...OK, it's my English class. ...

渭滨区18888469893: 求救~~~英语小对话,急急急急急~!!! -
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安牲枸橼:[答案] making a decision on a trip Peter, Dave, Tony Peter:hi, Dave, long time no see. How are you? Dave: fine. thanks. I just came back from Yangzhi river cruise.(长江三峡游) . This is my buddy Tony. We wen...

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渭滨区18888469893: 求助英语情景对话
安牲枸橼: P:你好,迈克. 男:很高兴见到你,彼得.您好吗? P :好,谢谢.你呢? 男:我很好.这些天我在度假. P :哦,我也是. 男:真的吗?那么,为什么不计划同行? P :你刚才告诉一个好主意.我已经想到去广州很长一段时间. 男:这...

渭滨区18888469893: 紧急求助~!!一段英语对话!!! -
安牲枸橼: :好的,我要一个套餐就好了. 1:不要和我客气,再点多点东西吃吧. 2:这样就够了,真的. 1:好吧.我和她一样.然后我要一杯汽水,你呢? 2:我要一瓶啤酒.1:这次来这里,是玩还是工作啊? 2:这次我是来参加一个面试的,我想...

渭滨区18888469893: 急求大学英语情景对话考试,急急急!!! -
安牲枸橼: -- hey dude! long time no see.how is everything going --everything's fine.how time flies! it has been 10 years since our last meet.--you have changed a lot. i heard from XX that you are a manager of a great company,congratulations!--thank you. i am ...

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