高考英语作文关于 尊老爱幼

作者&投稿:孔泡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我可不高兴了,明明是我们先来了,怎么让他先办起业务呢?而且这么大人了,先来后到这点道理不懂吗? 可妈妈却好像让着他一样,什么话也没说,而且还把身子往一边让了让。 妈妈的举动,更让我惊讶和气愤,难道妈妈也不懂这点道理吗? 妈妈好象看见了我表情的变化,就悄悄把我拉到一边,微笑着对我说:“你是不是有点不高兴啊?”我用劲地点了点头,气愤地说出了我的想法。妈妈的脸色立刻变得严肃起来,对我说:“你这就不对了。虽然先来后到是规矩,但是他毕竟是位老人啊!而且他跌跌撞撞,必然有重要的事情。尊老爱幼是中华民族的优良传统,也是一种道德的表现,所以我们必须要让着他,尊敬他。”我这才点了点头。妈妈的表情终于由严肃化为轻松,“如果你也是一位老人,你愿意为这么一件小事而和别人争吵吗?”我不好意思地摇了摇头。 这是,那位老人的事已经办好了,正招呼我们过去。他这时向我们解释:“刚才真对不起,我有点急事,让你们久等了!”我笑着说:“没关系!这不算什么!” 同时,我也看见了妈妈赞许的目光。
最近,汶川发生了大地震,许多人为次慷慨解囊。但是,我在报纸上看见一条反面的新闻:“某地区奥运火炬手在绕过捐款箱后,把一只空的手放在箱子边,什么也没捐。” 这件事在社会上引起了轩然没有错,他们已经捐过了钱,只是几位记者没拍到照片,就让他们空大波,指责声,叫喊声,责骂声,不绝于耳。经事后调查,火炬手并着手再走了一边。这件事让火炬手很郁闷,人民很纳闷,也让社会充满了疑问,这记者怎么这样呢!我则感到很气愤,媒体本是为人民服务,让人民更加了解社会,却报道出这么一条消息,又和报假新闻有什么区别呢!这是拿灾区人们的利益开玩笑,是对火炬手的不尊重,是对社会的形象的严重损害!实事求是道德的基本表现,而这家媒体却连这点道德都做不到,还怎么再谈自己的信誉呢?



The old and the young are two indispensable parts of society. We should treat them well.


On the one hand, the elderly should be respected by the whole society. We should always remember that what we have and enjoy now was created by the early old people.


On the other hand, we should all take good care of young people. It is the children who let us see the future of the country, because they are the builders of the future of the country.


Therefore, we should take care of them and protect them from harm. But that doesn't mean we can spoil them.


It is a Chinese tradition to respect, care for and support the elderly and to protect, educate and care for young people.


Let's keep and carry forward this virtue together, because only in this way can we feel that we live in a happy family and our society will develop harmoniously.



To Respect the Elderly and Take Good Care of the Young
The elderly and the young are two indispensable parts in society, and we should treat them kindly.
On the one hand, the elderly should be respected by all though the society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged peeple in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, “One generation plants tress under whose shade another generation rests”. Those people who consider the elderly useless can’t deny that they are hound to become old some day, therefore, any kind of maltreatment of old people should be prohibited.
On the other hand, all of us should take good care of the young, too. It is children who make us see the future of our state, for they are the future builders of oar country. Therefore, we should take care of them and protect them from being hurt. But it doesn’t mean that we can spoil them. Spoilt children are well seen nowadays. They depend on their parents so much that they can do nothing without them. How can we count on those children to make contributions to our society? We should take good care of the young so that they will be useful in the social construction later when they come of age.
It is a Chinese tradition to respect, love and support the elderly and to protect, educate and take good care of the young. Let’s keep and develop that virtue together, because only in this way can we feel as if we were living in a big and happy family, then our society will develop harmoniously.

Well, ensure respect love enterprises retiree old age life of stability and to the improvement of life quality, is everybody, every enterprise, unit, the whole society should pay great attention to and serious responsibilities of and to promote economic and social development, constructing the harmonious society has a very important role.

Respect the old life and social development is to respect the law, is to respect history. The party led the people in carrying out revolution, construction and reform and open policy the different historical stages, the old are for national liberation, country prosperous and the people's happiness has devoted his youth and strength, establish a glorious performance. They should respect by the whole society. We present a happy life are the foundation of entrepreneurial struggle reared lay, each one can forget evaluators older generations of credit. We will vigorously promote respect for the respect that the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, maintain the elderly, and to their rights to solve practical problems, ensure they share with other members of the society of reform, opening-up and modernization results, that they be raised, LaoYouSuoYi, old LaoYouSuoXue, LaoYouSuoWei, and probes LaoYouSuoLe.

China is the world's most populous country, aged 60 years or older currently has 135 million (including centenarians, 17800 than in 1953 when the first national census of 14416 3384 people increase -- "tianjin older times), this from a reflects the our country economy, science and technology, education, culture, public health cause of booming development and the people's living standards improved significantly, but also to the family structure and social life brings new changes of economic and social development, a significant impact. Old people's physical and mental health benefit every family and all the social stability and peace, we should continue to do work, love to respect all social advocate and form fully understand and respect the old, warm heart and the good prevailing custom to care for the elderly.

Countries in October 1996, 1st amendment execute the elderly rights for old people, the protection of the legal rights andinterests and aging activities laid the legal basis, no matter from the moral level or abide by laws, we every citizen to contribute to do the hard work. To further attention to respect love, propaganda by the practical action to respect love, respect, and resolutely against those who think love elderly "useless", is "to put their burden" abandoned aside thoughts and behavior, setting up old people is a social and family "treasure", is "wealth" the understanding, take our due respect old love responsibility.

Let us all better form joint efforts, and inclusiveness, intergenerational harmonious good atmosphere, promote socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization construction better forward development, promote the construction of socialist harmonious society, make happiness life more upward.
The elderly and the young are two indispensable parts in society, and we should treat them kindly.
On the one hand, the elderly should be respected by all though the society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged peeple in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, “One generation plants tress under whose shade another generation rests”. Those people who consider the elderly useless can’t deny that they are hound to become old some day, therefore, any kind of maltreatment of old people should be prohibited.
On the other hand, all of us should take good care of the young, too. It is children who make us see the future of our state, for they are the future builders of oar country. Therefore, we should take care of them and protect them from being hurt. But it doesn’t mean that we can spoil them. Spoilt children are well seen nowadays. They depend on their parents so much that they can do nothing without them. How can we count on those children to make contributions to our society? We should take good care of the young so that they will be useful in the social construction later when they come of age.
It is a Chinese tradition to respect, love and support the elderly and to protect, educate and take good care of the young. Let’s keep and develop that virtue together, because only in this way can we feel as if we were living in a big and happy family, then our society will develop harmoniously.


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