
作者&投稿:邴傅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Erämaan Viimeinen
The Islander
While Your Lips Are Still Red
Ever Dream
Ghost Love Score

wish i had an angel
the kinslayer
she is my sin
over the hills and far away
walking in the air
ever drean

专辑1.Angels Fall First(1997)
所有曲目:   1-Elvenpath   2-Beauty And The Beast   3-The Carpenter   4-Astral Romance (1997)   5-Angels Fall First   6-Tutankhamen   7-Nymphomaniac Fantasia   8-Know Why The Nightingale Sings?   9-Lappi (Lapland)   10-Once Upon A Troubadour   11-A Return To The Sea
专辑2.Oceanborn (1998)
专辑曲目:   01 - Stargazers   02 - Gethsemane   03 - Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean   04 - Sacrament of Wilderness   05 - Passion and the Opera   06 - Swanheart   07 - Moondance   08 - The Riddler   09 - The Pharao Sails to orion   10 - Walkin in the Air   11 - Nightquest   12 - Sleeping Sun (Bonus Track)
专辑3.Nightwish: Wishmaster (2000)
专辑曲目:   01 - She Is My Sin   02 - The Kinslayer   03 - Come Cover Me   04 - Wanderlust   05 - Two For Tragedy   06 - Wishmaster   07 - Bare Grace Misery   08 - Crownless   09 - Deep Silent Complete   10 - Dead Boy's Poem   11 - Fantasmic   12 - Sleepwalker (Bonus Track)
专辑4.Over the Hills And Far Away(EP)(2001)
专辑所有曲目:   01 - Over The Hills And Far Away   02 - 10th Man Down   03 - Away   04 - Astral Romance   05 - The Kinslayer (Live)   06 - She Is My Sin (Live)   07 - Sacrament Of Wilderness (Live)   08 - Walking In The Air (Live)   09 - Wishmaster (Live)   10 - Deep Silent Complete (Live)
专辑5.Century Child (2002)
专辑曲目:   01 - Bless The Child   02 - End Of All Hope   03 - Dead To The World   04 - Ever Dream   05 - Slaying The Dreamer   06 - Forever Yours   07 - Ocean Soul   08 - Feel For You   09 - The Phantom Of The Opera   10 - Beauty Of The Beast   11 - Lagoon   12 - The Wayfarer (Bonus Track)
专辑6.Once (2004)
专辑曲目:   1. Dark Chest of Wonders   2. Wish I Had an Angel   3. Nemo   4. Planet Hell   5. Creek Mary's Blood   6. The Siren   7. Dead Gardens   8. Romanticide   9. Ghost Love Score   10. Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan   11. Higher Than Hope   12.White Night Fantasy (Bonus Track)   13.Live to Tell The Tale (Bonus Track)   14.Where Were You Last Night (Bonus Track)
专辑7.Dark Passion Play(2007)
专辑曲目:   1. The Poet And The Pendulum   2. Bye Bye Beautiful   3. Amaranth   4. Cadence Of Her Last Breath   5. Master Passion Greed   6. Eva   7. Sahara   8. Whoever Brings The Night   9. For The Heart I Once Had   10. The Islander   11. Last Of The Wilds   12. 7 Days To The Wolves   13. Meadows Of Heaven   14.The Escapist (Bonus Track)
这是所有的歌了,推荐几首好听的给你1.she is my sin2.sleeping sun 3.over the hills and far away 4.amaranth 5.nemo 6.7days to the wolves 7.bye bye beautiful 这些是我比较喜欢的!

《Wishmaster》是他们的第三张专辑01 - She Is My Sin02 - The Kinslayer03 - Come Cover Me04 - Wanderlust05 - Two For Tragedy06 - Wishmaster07 - Bare Grace Misery08 - Crownless09 - Deep Silent Complete10 - Dead Boy's Poem11 - Fantasmic

专辑Over The Hills And Far Away
01 - Over The Hills And Far Away02 - 10th Man Down03 - Away04 - Astral Romance05 - The Kinslayer (Live)06 - She Is My Sin (Live)07 - Sacrament Of Wilderness (Live)08 - Walking In The Air (Live)09 - Wishmaster (Live)10 - Deep Silent Complete (Live)11 - Over the Hills and Far Away12 - 10Th Man Down13 - Away14 - Astral Romance




跪求夜愿(Nightwish)歌曲歌词中使用的西方神话(典故、故事等)_百度知 ...
貌似这个MV是根据一幅芬兰画家Hugo Simberg的油画作品,叫受伤的天使(The Wounded Angel),作品评价很高,但是画家拒绝透露其具体含义,大多数人根据这位画家有着遭受髓膜炎的经历,揣测这幅画是他精神的一个象征。而在Nightwish的MV里,两个男孩在河边钓鱼发现了这个不省人事,眼里流着血的天使,他们抬...

我想这就是nightwish的音乐理想所在吧! 21。passion and the opera 很传统的一首摇滚,曲子没有太多的创新,但是唱声感觉更趋于完美,主唱的魅力进一步升级。同时吉他的弹奏技巧和鼓的敲击已经达到了一中难以超越的境界,难怪我们再也感觉不到他们的进步,也许就是因为他们已经身在巅峰。 22。Dead ...


求夜愿(nightwish )的所有歌曲
1-Elvenpath 2-Beauty And The Beast 3-The Carpenter 4-Astral Romance (1997) 5-Angels Fall First 6-Tutankhamen 7-Nymphomaniac Fantasia 8-Know Why The Nightingale Sings? 9-Lappi (Lapland) 10-Once Upon A Troubadour 11-A Return To The Sea 01 - ...


谁知道 夜愿的nightwish 诠释的悲痛 中文
是不是这首啊??? 翻译并修改了一下,仅供参考 Gethsemane 客西马尼(基督被犹大出卖被捕之地)--苦难之地 Toll no bell for me Father 别再为我敲响丧钟,我父 But let this cup of suffering pass from me 就让这如酒般炽热的苦楚从我从身体里流过 Send me no shepherd to heal my world 别把...

推荐: Nightwish - Nemo Nightwish - come cover me Nightwish - 10th man down Nightwish - stargazers Nightwish - sleeping sun Nightwish - she is my sin Nightwish - over the hills and far away Nightwish - bless the child Nightwish - deep silent complete Nightwish - ...

随便来几首Nightwish的歌曲名 翻译 歌词英汉 三首以上来。
就我认为最火的三首吧 she is my sin她是我的罪 bye bye beautiful再见美丽 Nemo无名之歌 She Is My Sin 她是我的罪 Take heed, dear heart, once apart 小心留意 亲爱的心 一旦分离 She can touch nor me nor you 她便无法触摸你或我 Dressed as one 剥去身上的皮毛 A wolf will betray...

请问谁 有nightwish(夜之颂)这支乐队的资料和相关作品名称
Nightwish 主唱:Tarja (已经于2005年离开乐队,目前新主唱为Anette Ozlon) 吉他:Emppu 贝斯:Marco 键盘:Tuomas 鼓:Jukka 成立于1996年的芬兰交响哥特金属团Nightwish是这个弹丸小国的一宝,北欧的淳厚的古典积淀和新金属的浓烈氛围,造就了Nightwish的天籁之音。 Heavy metal(重金属) ...

求Ever Dream——Nightwish(夜愿乐队) 的歌词跟中文翻译。
NightWish - Ever Dream 夜愿 旧梦 Ever felt away with me 恰似与我远离 Just once that all I need 犹如往日所期 Entwined in finding you one day 心似乱麻相思何寄 Ever felt away without me 恰似未曾远离 My love, it lies so deep 此情深藏不渝 Ever dream of me 每每相见皆在梦里...

大理白族自治州17834477325: 给我推荐几首NIGHTWISH的经典歌曲 -
彩轻四季: sleeping sun(诗一般的歌词), nemo, she is my sin, last of the wilds(爱尔兰风笛主旋律加上吉他,超赞)-----这些是你老姐喜欢的,有很多nightwish的歌我还没听过.

大理白族自治州17834477325: 求芬兰哥特金属乐队Nightwish(夜愿)的经典歌曲 -
彩轻四季: 《sleeping sun》 《she is my sin》 《walkking in the air》 《beauty and beast》 《bye bye beautiful》

大理白族自治州17834477325: 求个夜愿(nightwish)全部歌曲的列表 -
彩轻四季: 是这个吗? Nightwish - Amaranth Nightwish - Tenth Man Down Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful Nightwish - Sleeping Sun Nightwish - Phantom Of The Opera Nightwish - Over the hills and far away Nightwish - Nemo Nightwish - Elvenpath Nightwish - ...

大理白族自治州17834477325: 求一首nightwish的歌啊 -
彩轻四季: Last Ride Of The Day第一句歌词是We live in every moment but this one

大理白族自治州17834477325: 推荐几首nightwish的好听的歌曲,最好听的! -
彩轻四季: bye bye beautiful the islander ghost love score lasts of the wild nemo

大理白族自治州17834477325: 推荐一些Nightwish的经典歌曲! -
彩轻四季: 很多了 T姐的 she is my sin. wish i had an angel. nemo. over the hills and far away.bless the child.deep silent complete. sleep sun. ocean soul.stargazers. A姐的 amaranth. bye bye beautiful.Cadence of Her Last Breath.eva .sahara.强力推荐 大作 ...

大理白族自治州17834477325: nightwish有哪些好听的歌?
彩轻四季: nightwish - she is my sin nightwish - nemo nightwish - the kinslayer nightwish - 10 th man down nightwish - wish i had an angel - once nightwish - come cover me nightwish - moondance nightwish - over the hills and far away nightwish - walking in the ...

大理白族自治州17834477325: 推荐几首nightwish(夜愿)的经典歌?
彩轻四季: 1.sleeping sun2.Over The Hills And Far Away3.nemo 4.walking in the air 5.she is my sin 6.Moondance 7.Bye bye beautiful 8.Wish I Had An Angel

大理白族自治州17834477325: 跪求Nightwish乐队脍炙人口的歌曲!
彩轻四季: 多得是 nightwish - she is my sin nightwish - moondance nightwish - stargazers nightwish - the deep dark ocean - devil nightwish - the kinslayer nightwish - the riddler nightwish - the poet and the pendulum 我歌库里有十几首他们的歌,都太有feel了~!这些是最有feel的! (他们的歌简直是 无与伦比 )

大理白族自治州17834477325: 求NIGHTWISH的歌?
彩轻四季: Tarja时期的,推荐: bless the child sleeping sun the kinslayer Stargazers,刚听到前奏就心跳加速. wish i had an angel Over The Hills And Far Away Creek Mary's Blood 忧伤,深情,悲愤 nightwish比较特别的一首歌 FantasMic Dead Boy's Poem the carpenter Anette时期: Bye Bye Beautiful Amaranth 7 Days To The Wolves Sahara she is my sin就不用了,太有名了 这个 乐队 很不错的!

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