非独生子女如何翻译成英文?The only-child children?

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独生子女是only child

我是独生子女是I am an only child. 复数是 We are only children.

注意:不要说I am the only child. 或是 We are the only children. 因为我可以说I am the only child that likes football. (我是唯一一个喜欢玩足球的小孩。)但是意思不是说独生子女。

Most of today's children are the "only-child".
【其它例句】Today's university students, most of them are the "only-child" , who are more mentally frail.

one couple with one child only
因为独生子女的本意也不是描述孩子本身 而是一种家庭状况

This is called the "one child policy" but if you want more then its a freedom of birth rights.

因为中国的政策是只生一个. 而非独生子女是中国国情的专有名词. 翻成这样是想表示


谁能帮我翻译成韩语 谢谢~
你好!~ 翻译如下,请参考!成长经历:我生长在一个温暖的三口之家,是独生子女,在父母的爱与呵护下长大。所以性格随和,但是倔强任性,我喜欢听歌 看书 写作 ,不喜欢运动 但是喜欢慢跑,可以让自己的思想沉淀。성장 경험: 저는 화목&#...

独生子女没有兄弟姐妹为伴,幼时缺少与小伙伴一起游戏的集体活动,既不易养成与人协同合作精神,又缺少竞争性,所以社会适应能力差,可能形成孤僻、缺少热情的个性倾向.Not for the one-child with brothers and sisters, and the lack of childhood small group of partners of the game, both ...

only除用于表示“独生子女”外,一般不用在不定冠词an之后。This colt is only two months old.这只小雄驹只有两个月大。五、five 1、含义:num. 五。2、用法 five 五 来自PIE*penkwe, 五,词源同pentangle, quintet.My company is five miles distant from my home.公司距离我家五英里远。

But only in their dreams can man be truly free.
中文意思:但只有在他们的梦里,人才能真正自由。两个总是这样,而且永远这样。dreams读音:英 [driːmz] 美 [drimz]n. 梦想,美梦(dream的复数形式)短语:INDIAN DREAMS印度人的梦想 ; 印第安之梦 ; 印第安梦幻 ; 印地安之梦 Sweet Dreams 甜蜜梦幻 ; 甜蜜的梦 ; 甜美的梦 ; 甜蜜梦境...

The parents of the only child can have a second child 有道翻译

It is good for the earth environment. If human control the birth rate, there will be a balanced relation between the human and the earth.It also can lighten the social and national burden because of the large amount population.Moreover,it can save the money in a family, it is...

求翻译成英文: 结婚以后,若双方都是独生子女,如无意外的话,需要赡养...
After marriage, if both sides is an only child, and hopefully, needs to support four old man, also need to take care of the child after birth, increase the burden of life, one more brothers and sisters took turns to support their parents, both economically and in life, a ...

现在大部分学生都是独生子女,由于从小到大受到溺爱 ,一些人变得自私起来...
ab apple of one's eye掌上明珠 selfish自私

帮忙翻译《Learning to Respect Our Parents》
最近,一项名为“学习,尊敬父母”在我们学校开始。  我们都知道,尊重父母是中国传统的道德价值之一。然而,现今大多数的学生都是“独生子女”在家庭,他们往往把自己作为家庭的中心,不关心他们的父母。 10做的方案,已经工作了我们父母的生日,表达我们的良好祝愿。离开家时,我们应该告诉...

宾川县15819023950: 非独生子女如何翻译成英文?The only - child children?独生子女翻译为 the only child, 非独生子女为什么翻译为The only - child children求解释,谢谢 -
典待多力:[答案] one couple with one child only 说得时候是:我家是### 因为独生子女的本意也不是描述孩子本身 而是一种家庭状况 所以我和外国朋友这么说都没问题 当然也看你强调哪一样方面: 有时候会说,我没有亲系的兄妹 语言不要太执着

宾川县15819023950: 求“非独生子女”,英文翻译 -
典待多力: child with siblings

宾川县15819023950: 独生子女的英文 -
典待多力: only child the only child in one's family 都有 独生子女 的意思.具体的看上下文了. singleton 也可以,不过就是独生子的意思.例:过分溺爱独生子女的父母 Parents who dote on their only child.独生子女有时被宠坏了. Only children are ...

宾川县15819023950: 在中国,独生子女与非独生子女的好处与坏处,用英语怎样表达?口语课程用~谢谢!请帮帮帮忙 ,在中国,独生子女与非独生子女的好处与坏处,用英语怎... -
典待多力:[答案] In China,the whether to have an only child or non-only child in one's family is a controversial issue these days.

宾川县15819023950: 独生子女用英语怎么翻译 -
典待多力: 独生子女 the only child 直接这样翻译就可以了

宾川县15819023950: 一篇关于独生子女和非独生子女区别的英语作文,一百五十词左右 -
典待多力: for the children,they are only children and non-only children,there are some differences between them.the only children in one's family who can get more care.however,they may feel alone.for non-only children.although they shall share care with each other from their parents.the happiness of them is great.望采纳 原创

宾川县15819023950: 独生子的英语翻译 独生子用英语怎么说 -
典待多力: 独生子 英文意思是:The only child 英文也可以读作:The only child the only child 英 [ðə ˈəunli tʃaild] 美 [ði ˈonli tʃaɪld] 独生子女 only child 英 [ˈəunli tʃaild] 美 [ˈonli tʃaɪld] 独生子 child 英 [tʃaɪld] 美 [tʃaɪld] n. 小孩,孩子;幼稚的人;产物;弟子 复数: children

宾川县15819023950: 独生子女的好处和坏处英语 -
典待多力: the advantages and disadvantages of the one-child policy

宾川县15819023950: 独生子女 英语怎么说 -
典待多力: 独生子女 [dú shēng zǐ nǚ]the only child;only son [daughter] ◇独生子女费 the only-child allowance;独生子女家庭 (a) one-child family;独生子女家长 one-child parents;独生子女证 certificate of the only child;a one-child certificate

宾川县15819023950: “我们是独生子女”用英语怎么翻译? -
典待多力: We are the only child of our families.我是家里独生子女.child 用单数即可.

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