do harm for 和do harm to 区别

作者&投稿:涂姣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
be harmful to和be harmful for 有何区别~

又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺,be harmful to通常用来表达某事物对另一事物产生直接负面影响或损害,而 be harmful for通常用来表达某事物对另一事物的环境或情况产生负面影响。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ
be harmful to通常用来表达某事物对另一事物产生直接负面影响或损害,而 be harmful for通常用来表达某事物对另一事物的环境或情况产生负面影响。
①Smoking is harmful to health. 吸烟有害于健康。
②This type of behavior can be harmful for the community. 这种行为可能对社区有害。
be harmful to有更广泛的应用语境,通常用于具体和直接的事物,包括人、物品或体系等。而 be harmful for通常使用在较为抽象的事物或环境上。
①Air pollution is harmful to humans and animals. 空气污染对人类和动物有害。
②Excessive competition can be harmful for the company’s culture. 过度的竞争可能对公司文化有害。
虽然 be harmful to和 be harmful for都可以表达对某一目标的伤害或损害,但在句法结构上,be harmful for通常后接一句话或从句来说明对环境或情况的具体影响。
①Excessive noise is harmful to our ears. 过大的噪音对我们的耳朵有害。
②It can be harmful for the plants if they get too much water. 如果植物的水分过多,可能会对它们有害。

=be harmful to sb,意为对某人有害,后面没有的,harm和sb就这一种用法

"Do harm to" 是一个常用的表达,用来描述某种行为或情况对他人或事物造成伤害。而 "Do harm for" 不是一个常见或正确的短语,应该避免使用。正确的用法应该是 "Do harm to"。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 do harm for 和do harm to 吧:

do harm for 和do harm to 的区别:


do harm for: 这个短语通常用于表示对整体、群体或更广泛范围的事物造成伤害或不良影响。

例子1:The new government policies could do harm for the economy. (这些新的政府政策可能对经济造成伤害。)

例子2:Certain chemicals in the air can do harm for people's health. (空气中的某些化学物质可能对人们的健康造成伤害。)

do harm to: 这个短语通常用于表示对特定个体、物体或具体事物造成伤害或危害。

例子1:The earthquake did harm to several buildings in the city. (地震对城市的几栋建筑物造成了损害。)

例子2:Excessive use of pesticides can do harm to the environment. (过度使用农药可能对环境造成危害。)


do harm for: 这个短语后面通常直接接名词或名词短语,表示为某物或某人所做的有害行为。

例子1:He didn't intend to do harm for anyone. (他并没有打算对任何人造成伤害。)

例子2:Her actions could do harm for the company's reputation. (她的行为可能对公司的声誉造成损害。)

do harm to: 这个短语后面通常接名词、代词、动词的-ing形式或代词的宾格形式,表示对特定对象所做的有害行为。

例子1:The virus can do harm to your immune system. (这种病毒可能对你的免疫系统造成伤害。)

例子2:Bullying can do harm to young individuals' mental health. (欺凌可能对年轻人的心理健康造成伤害。)


do harm for: 这个短语的动作强度相对较轻,强调可能造成的负面影响。

例子1:Skipping breakfast may do harm for your productivity. (不吃早餐可能会对你的工作效率造成不良影响。)

例子2:His sarcastic remarks did harm for her feelings. (他讽刺的话语可能伤害了她的感情。)

do harm to: 这个短语的动作强度较大,强调实际上已经造成的伤害。

例子1:The accident did harm to the car's engine. (事故对汽车的发动机造成了损害。)

例子2:Excessive alcohol consumption can do harm to your liver. (过量饮酒可能对你的肝脏造成伤害。)


do harm for: 这个短语有时用于表示有意义的行为,尽管可能有害,但主要目的是为了实现某个目标。

例子1:The government believed that the policy might do harm for some businesses, but it was necessary for environmental protection. (政府认为该政策可能对一些企业有害,但对环境保护是必要的。)

例子2:He took the risk of doing harm for his reputation by speaking out against injustice. (他冒着对自己声誉有害的风险,公开反对不公平现象。)

do harm to: 这个短语更强调行为的负面影响,往往没有强调实现其他目标。

例子1:Gossiping about others can do harm to relationships. (对别人闲言碎语可能会损害彼此的关系。)

例子2:Overexploitation of natural resources can do harm to ecosystems. (对自然资源过度开发可能对生态系统造成伤害。)

do harm to与do harm for的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。

一、意思不同 harm to意思:加害,损害 harm for意思:伤害

二、用法不同 harm to用法:接由名词、形容词、动词不定式、过去分词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。


Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him. 

无原则的迁就对他有害。 harm for用法:接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。


It wouldn't do any harm to stay up late for a few days. 


三、侧重点不同 harm to侧重点:用于肯定句。 harm for侧重点:用于否定句。

do harm for 和do harm to是两个不同的英语单词,它们有以下的定义区别、用法区别、使用环境区别、形象区别和影响范围区别:

1. 释义区别:

"do harm for"表示对某人或某物造成伤害或损害。"do harm to"表示对某人或某物造成伤害或危害。


- Smoking does harm for your health.(吸烟对你的健康有害。)

- The earthquake did harm to the buildings.(地震对建筑物造成了损害。)

2. 用法区别:

"do harm for"通常用作动词短语,后接名词或代词作宾语,表示对其造成伤害或损害。"do harm to"通常用作动词短语,后接名词或代词作宾语,表示对其造成伤害或危害。


- Pollution does harm for the environment.(污染给环境造成了伤害。)

- The chemicals in the cleaning product can do harm to your skin.(清洁产品中的化学物质可能对你的皮肤造成伤害。)

3. 使用环境区别:

"do harm for"较少使用,更常见于非正式的口语场合中。"do harm to"常用于正式场合或较正式的文体中。


- His careless actions did harm for our project.(他粗心的行为给我们的项目带来了损害。)

- The company's unethical practices did harm to its reputation.(公司的不道德做法对其声誉造成了伤害。)

4. 形象区别:

"do harm for"的形象较为主动,强调对他人或事物的主动伤害。"do harm to"的形象相对较为被动,强调对他人或事物的损害或危害。


- His actions did harm for his relationship with his friends.(他的行为对他与朋友的关系造成了伤害。)

- The storm did harm to the crops in the field.(暴风雨对田地里的庄稼造成了损害。)

5. 影响范围区别:

"do harm for"和"do harm to"的影响范围在实际使用中无明显区别,都表示对某人或某物造成伤害或危害。


- His dishonesty did harm for his career.(他的不诚实对他的事业造成了损害。)

- The toxic chemicals in the water did harm to the aquatic ecosystem.(水中的有毒化学物质对水生生态系统造成了危害。)

可以从以下两点来区分do harm for 和do harm to:

1、be harmful to 强调状态;do harm to 强调动作。

2、do harm for 对--有害;do harm to 对某人某物有害 ;do harm to等于be harmful for。


do harm to

[英][du: hɑ:m tu:]

[美][du hɑrm tu]

基本释义:损害,伤害; 残害;




3、 对有害

4、 残害

5、 加害



Do you think that drinking will do harm to your health? 


do harm for



1、 Third, playing these will have greatly affected on children's eyes, and also do harm for the children's normal life.


2、 In fact, the added things do nothing to the taste of food, instead, they will do harm for people's health.


do harm for 和do harm to 区别:

1、be harmful to 强调状态,do harm to 强调动作。

2、do harm for 对--有害,do harm to 对某人某物有害 ,do harm to等于be harmful for。


do harm for

1、At last, put forward corresponding measures about negative factors what still do harm for listed companies effiency after the split share structure reform. 


2、The strong guys don't do this harm for survival, they do that for amusement. 


3、The presence of water in the natural gas could result in natural gas pipeline water blocking and ice blocking which will corrode pipelines, equipment and instrumentation, Influence the measurement accuracy of natural gas, do great harm for the safety of the natural gas production and use. 


4、Drug donations can do more harm than good for the recipient countries. 


5、It would do no harm at all for a bit of that sensitivity to rub off on Washington. 


do harm to

1、Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him. 


2、One should never intend to do harm to others, but should always guard against the harm others might do to him. 


3、We guarantee it would not do harm to security benefit of you or any third party. 


4、If you do harm to me I shall not look over you. 


5、Do you think that work without rest will do harm to your health? 


云霄县18292197284: do harm for什么意思 -
拓卷复方: do harm for 对--有害 do harm to 对某人某物有害 do harm to等于be harmful for

云霄县18292197284: do harm to 与do harm for的区别 -
拓卷复方:[答案] 好象没有do harm for be harmful to 强调状态. do harm to 强调动作. 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.

云霄县18292197284: do harm to,do harm for,be harm for有什么区别 -
拓卷复方: be harmful for=do harm to

云霄县18292197284: do harm for 和do harm to 区别 -
拓卷复方:[答案] be harm for=do harm to 好象没有do harm for

云霄县18292197284: do harm 有没有do harm with/to/of -
拓卷复方:[答案] do harm for 对--有害 do harm to 对某人某物有害 do harm to等于be harmful for

云霄县18292197284: do harm 后面接什么? -
拓卷复方: do harm to sb/sp(some place) 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

云霄县18292197284: do harm中文是什么意思 -
拓卷复方: do harm 英[du: hɑ:m] 美[du hɑrm] [词典] 有害处,不利; [例句]Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him. 无原则的迁就对他有害.

云霄县18292197284: 如何分辨词组前该用be还是do -
拓卷复方: be 为系动词 所以后面加的是 形容词 而 do 是助动词 或者是 一个实意动词 “做” 的意思,所以后面加的应该是名词 例如:be harmful for / do harm to harmful 是形容词 harm是名词现在理解了吗? 希望对你有帮助!

云霄县18292197284: Overwork will do - ---(伤害) for your health -
拓卷复方: Overwork will do (harm) for your health.过度劳累会有害你的身体健康.do harm to (for) 对...有害 也可以直接说harm you

云霄县18292197284: 直接宾语后接to和for及用法 -
拓卷复方: 1、两者都可以引出间接宾语,但要根据不同的动词分别选用介词 to 或for: (1) 在give, pass, hand, lend, send,tell, bring, show, pay, read, return, write, offer, teach, throw...

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