
作者&投稿:堂届 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

e-business is defined as the business activities on the web. When business links their intranet, extranet and internet with their employee, suppliers and the partners, the activities among these links are called e-business. e-business is built based internet or LAN or WAN. It includes the entire process of sales, marketing and business information management. The system in this paper complies with this requirement. The paper has described the design goal of the whole system, overall structure and the detail design for all modules.

keywords: e-business, e-business web, e-business system

Abstract: Wireless network optimization CDMA system in actual operation in the process of absolute importance. This article on the CDMA system, wireless network optimization measures were analyzed. I hope this research can promote the development of CDMA wireless network system.

CDMA system operating in the course of gradual expansion and continuous optimization, and mobile communication networks in most of the problems on the network can not expect the planning stage, and can only be completed through the network wireless network optimization to address, so the wireless network optimization problem will become increasingly important and must ensure the normal operation of the mobile communication network for continuous optimization.

After reform and open policy, many state-owned enterprises, theforeign enterprises, the private business like mushroom growthsequally rapidly develop, this caused some aspects talented people tofall short of demand, also caused some enterprise staffs frequently tochange job. How therefore cultivates the person, enables the person tobecome one kind of capital, enables the human capital to be able thevery good display function, positively takes the effective action tobe supposed the stern situation which massively drains to the talentedperson. These questions solutions only then can enable the enterpriseto get rid of the awkward aspect, in does not have the gunsmoke in thetalented person contest to gain the final victory.
This article obtains from the brain drain present situation analysis,through to the brain drain reason analysis, emphatically to the salarywelfare, the working conditions and the development space analysisintroduced, explained how detains the enterprise staff and theattraction talented person, how prevented the preventive measure whichbrain drain and its should adopt to make the introduction.

Abstract Since the reform and opening up, many state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises have mushroomed in the same rapid development, That has led to some aspects of the manpower shortage has resulted in some staff members frequently switch. Therefore educating people, making people as a capital, human capital to make good role to play, to take effective measures to meet the huge loss of personnel of the grim situation. Solutions to these issues will enable enterprises to rid themselves of an embarrassing situation, in the absence of Gun Battle for Talent made the final victory. From brain drain to the analysis of the status quo, through the brain drain of analysis, focusing on wages and benefits. working environment and development space for the analysis and description of how to retain their employees and attract talent, how to prevent brain drain and should take preventive measures were also introduced.
Key words : condition, cause a brain drain prevention measures

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1.2 方法:用什么方法做这个研究;1.3 数据:用什么样的数据来验证你的方法;1.4 结论:从研究中得出什么结论;1.5 意义:得出的结论对研究领域和实践有什么意义(理论与实践意义)2.引言(Introduction)2.1 研究背景(Research background):目的是证实该研究问题的重要性。如这一类问题造成的损失...

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