典范英语Arctic Hero原文

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典范英语arctic hero 全文中文翻译~

典范英语arctic hero 全文中文翻译:北极英雄
Matthew Henson和他的朋友一起去北极旅行,但每次都被正在融化的冰,暴雪等击退,但是他们没有放弃,反而每一次都比前一次更接近北极,在他们觉得这是他们的最后一次希望时,他们成功了,他们成为了全世界第一波到达北极的人。





邪恶,勇敢地寻求和为爱sturggle的权利。 “


When Matthew as a boy, he always longed for adventure. At the age of 12, he raw away to sea. He joined a ship as a cabin boy, peeling potatoes and cleaning the decks. He left when he was 18,he had already traveled the world.
A few years later Matthew was working in a shop when he met an explorer called Robert Peary. Robert offered him a job, as his servant, working in the jungles of Central America. Matthew was keen to travel again, so he took the job.
When they in Greenland, Matthew quickly learned to speak Inuit and became good friends with the people. They called him” Matthew-the-kind-one”. They learned how to fish for charr and hunt for seals. They learned to build igloos and make clothes and boots from animal skins. They also learned to build sledges and drive teams of husky dogs. In fact, Matthew soon became an expert sledge driver.
Despite the dangers, Robert and Matthew bravely went back to the Arctic again. But Robert got a frostbitten. He was in such pain that he couldn’t walk or even stand. So they must wait. Three more times they tried to reach the Pole. Each time they were beaten back by blizzards or melting ice.
In 1908 Robert and Matthew sailed from New York to make their fifth attempt to reach the Pole. On their way north, they stopped in Greenland to buy the huskies, furs and equipment that they needed. They also visited several villages to hire Inuit men and women to come with them and help them on their last journey. They happened a lot of thing on their way. When they back home Cook want to be the Arctic Hero, but at last, Matthew was the Arctic Hero.


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