
作者&投稿:季凡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Nowadays, more and more young people like western festivals, such as Christmas, Valentine's day, mother's day and so on, but often ignore Chinese traditional festivals. 

There are many reasons for this phenomenon: first, western culture is relatively strong, for example。

Young people usually watch Hollywood movies and western music, so young people think that western festivals are more fashionable.

Second, western festivals are more human, such as father's day and mother's day, which attach great importance to family relationship。

So they are more easily accepted by young people The Chinese government has increased the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival and other statutory festivals.

But the impact of these festivals on young people is relatively weak.

As agers, we should strive to promote traditional culture, we should change outdated concepts, and more traditional festivals like France. 

They are proud of their own culture, while Japan has succesully integrated Western culture with its tradition, The model of perfect harmony is worth learning from. 

We should adhere to the open mind and protect the festival heritage of China, because only those belonging to the nation belong to the world.








Chinese traditional culture is an invaluable treasure of the Chinese nation. As globalization continues and international cultural exchanges become more frequent, it is more important than ever to spread Chinese traditional culture to the world. Here are some ways to promote Chinese traditional culture:
1. Hold cultural exhibitions and performances
Cultural exhibitions and performances are an excellent way to showcase Chinese traditional culture. Organize exhibitions and performances featuring traditional Chinese arts such as calligraphy, painting, music, dance, and opera. Invite people from all over the world to experience the charm of Chinese culture.
2. Use modern technology
Modern technology provides an excellent platform for promoting Chinese traditional culture. Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share information about Chinese traditional culture. Create online courses and tutorials on traditional Chinese arts such as calligraphy, painting, and martial arts.
3. Establish cultural exchange programs
Cultural exchange programs provide an opportunity for people from different countries to learn about each other's cultures. Establish cultural exchange programs with schools, universities, and cultural institutions in different countries. Invite foreign students and scholars to study Chinese traditional culture and provide them with opportunities to visit China.
4. Support traditional cultural institutions
Support traditional cultural institutions such as museums, libraries, and cultural centers. These institutions are an important source of knowledge and information about Chinese traditional culture. Provide them with the resources they need to carry out their work and promote traditional Chinese culture.
In conclusion, promoting Chinese traditional culture requires a long-term and sustained effort. By holding exhibitions and performances, using modern technology, establishing cultural exchange programs, and supporting traditional cultural institutions, we can bring Chinese traditional culture to people all over the world and help them appreciate its unique charm.




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