stop to do和stop doing的意思和区别

作者&投稿:云刘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
stop to do和stop doing 的区别(用法和例句)~

stop to do和stop doing 的区别:stop doing 是“停止做某事”,doing是stop 的宾语,是要停止的动作。 stop to do 是“停下来开始做某事”,to do是stop的状语,表示目的,是要开始做的事情。
一:Stop doing sth stop to do sth. 停止做某事停下来去做某事。
1、All peoples in this world must back to God, stop to do sins and the earthquake will go away.中文翻译为:世界上所有人要回归于上帝洁身自好,地震才不会再发生。
2、In fact, it is never the time to stop trying to do something. 中文翻译为:事实上,要做什么事,永远都不会有停止的时候。
二:stop doing 停止你正在做的事情
1、Stop doing that, or you'll get into trouble. 中文翻译为:别这样做,否则你会陷入困境的。
2、It's probably time to stop doing that. 中文翻译为:也许是时候该停止这样做了。

stop to do sth是停下现在正在做的事,然后去做另一件事 (宾语sth是要去做的另一件事)。stop doing sth 是停下现在现在正在做的事(宾语sth是正在做的事)。
forget to do sth是忘记要去做某事(宾语sth是要去做的事),forget doing sth是忘记曾经已经做过的事 (宾语sth是已经做过的事)。
remember to do sth是记得要去做某事(宾语sth是要去做的事),remember doing sth是记得曾经已经做过的事 (宾语sth是已经做过的事)。

小布老师这就为同学们解答问题哈(。◕ˇ∀ˇ◕),stop to do表示停下正在做的事情去做另一件事,而stop doing表示停止正在做的事情。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ
stop to do表示停下正在做的事情去做另一件事,而stop doing表示停止正在做的事情。
①I stopped to take a rest. 我停下来休息了一下。
②I stopped doing my homework. 我停止做我的作业。
stop to do中的to do表示停下来的目的,而stop doing中的doing表示被停止的动作。
①I stopped to buy some food. 我停下来买了一些食物。
②I stopped eating junk food. 我停止吃垃圾食物。
stop to do表示在某个时间点停下来去做另一件事,而stop doing表示在某个时间点停止做某件事。
①I stopped to watch the sunset. 我停下来看日落。
②I stopped working at 6 o'clock. 我在6点钟停止工作。
stop to do中的主体是停下来去做另一件事的人,而stop doing中的主体是停止做某件事的人。
①He stopped to help the old man. 他停下来帮助那个老人。
②He stopped smoking. 他戒烟了。
stop to do常用于描述停下正在做的事情去做另一件事的情境,而stop doing常用于描述停止做某件事的情境。
①She stopped to tie her shoelaces. 她停下来系鞋带。
②She stopped talking when she saw me. 她看到我时停止了说话。

这题我会。stop to do 停下来做某事。stop doing停下正在做的某事。


Stop to do

英 [stɒp tu duː]   美 [stɑːp tu duː]  


Stop doing

英 [stɒp ˈduːɪŋ]   美 [stɑːp ˈduːɪŋ]  



stop to do和stop doing:

stop to do sth. 表示中断当前做的某事,然后去做另一件事。

I was watching TV just now. When my mom came in, I stopped to do my homework.


stop doing sth. 表示停止正在做的某事。

I stopped watching TV when I heard my mom calling for dinner.



stop to do

1.All peoples in this world must back to God, stop to do sins and the earthquake will go away. 


2.In fact, it is never the time to stop trying to do something. 


3.I wanted to tell Geli Aun and Curry about this but Little Brain was trying her very best to stop me to do that. 


4.Stop feeling obliged to do things just because others expect them from you. 


5.Be prepared to stop if signalled to do so and give way to emergency vehicles. 


stop doing

1.If I were you, I would stop doing the experiment. 


2.People must stop doing this.We must save the Earth. 


3.Stop doing that, or you'll get into trouble. 


4.Most people assume that if you stop doing a task like answering emails or writing a paper, your brain will naturally recover, so that when you start again later in the day or the next morning, you'll have your energy back. 


5.We must tell more people how important rainforests are so that they will stop doing harm to them. 


一、stop to do和stop doing 的具体区别(用法)如下:


stop to do sth. 表示中断当前做的某事,然后去做另一件事。

stop doing sth. 表示停止正在做的某事。


stop to do sth. 这一形式看似是一个短语,其实本质上是“stop”单词加上了不定式“to do”,该不定式表示“要去做……”这个动作。通过了解短语形式以很好的记忆和区分二者用法。

stop doing sth. 是一个固定搭配,一个“约定俗成”的短语。


stop to do sth. 以不定式作目的状语,to do 表示为做的“目的”,即表示“要去做……”

stop doing sth. 用-ing分词作宾语。

Let's stop to have a break.咱们停下来休息一会儿.
stop to do sth.意思是“停下来去做另外的事情”
Stop talking please!请停止说话.
stop doing 意思是“停下正在做的事情.”

安塞县15312119073: 请问stop后面跟doing 还是to do?请问如果都可以的话给我讲一下为什么谢谢了别粘贴 -
彘拜西诺:[答案] stop to do和stop doing都是对的,但是用法不同stop to do 是停下你手中的事,去做别的事,这个DO是指的你要去做的那件事stop doing是停下你手中的事,这个do是指的你正在做的事,你要停止这件事举个例子:I stopped to d...

安塞县15312119073: stop to do 和stop doing 的区别是什么 -
彘拜西诺: ①.stop doing是停下正在做的事 stopped reading the book when my mother asked me to have supper. 当妈妈叫我去吃晚饭时,我停止了读书. ②stop to do 停下来去做某事 i was watching TV just now.When i heard my mother came into the room,i stopped to read my book. 刚刚我在看电视,当听到妈妈走近房间时,我马上停下来,然后去做作业了.

安塞县15312119073: stop to do 和stop doing 的区别是什么?类似的单词或短语还有哪些? -
彘拜西诺: stop to do sth 是停下手头的事,去做另一件事stop doing sth 是停下正在做的事remember to do sth 是记得要去作某事(未做)remember doing sth 是记得做过某事(已做)forget等的用法也一样

安塞县15312119073: stop doing 与stop to do 的区别 -
彘拜西诺:[答案] stop doing sth.是停止做某事 e.g.Hearing the doorbell,she stopped washingthe dishes.听见门铃声,她停止洗碗了.stop to do是停下(手头的事情)去做另外一件事 e.g.Hearing the dollbell,she stopped to open the...

安塞县15312119073: stop to do和stop doing的区别 -
彘拜西诺: stop to do是停下来去做某件事情 stop doing是停下来正在做的事情 希望可以帮到你

安塞县15312119073: stop doing和stop to do有啥区别 -
彘拜西诺: "stop doing"和"stop to do"都是英语中表示停止某个动作的表达方式,但具有羡滑不同的含义和用法.下面茄誉是它们的区别: 1. "stop doing"表示停止正在进行的动作,通常用于指某个动作的持续状态,也可以用于表示某个习惯或行为...

安塞县15312119073: stop to do 与stop doing 的区别 -
彘拜西诺:[答案] stop to do 是停下来去做别的某事 stop doing 是停止做某事 举个例子清楚点: I stopped working to listen to him.我停下工作来听他说话. doing是被停止掉的事情,to do是停止某事后就要做的事情.

安塞县15312119073: stop doing和stop to do 有什么区别
彘拜西诺: stop doing指停止正在做的事 stop to do 指停下来去做某事,如 The students stopped talking when the teacher came into the classroom. He is too tired ,he has to stop to have a rest.

安塞县15312119073: stop todo 与stop doing区别 -
彘拜西诺: stop todo 与stop doing区别 前者是:停下手上的事情去做另一件事情 “停下来去做某事” 后者 :停止手中正做的事“停止做某事”

安塞县15312119073: stop to do sth.和stop doing sth.的例句各5个 -
彘拜西诺: stop to do停下来去做另一件事 I stop to have a rest. She stops to listen to the teacher. She stopped to talk. We stop to have dinner. They stop to play a game. stop doing停止正在做的事 we stopped talking when the teacher came in. Stop playing ! ...

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