Part1- Hoseholds owning and renting accommodation in England and Wales 1918 to2011

作者&投稿:武林 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Topic: The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918and 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures, and make comparisons where relevant.

The bar graph illustrates how the rates of families living in both possessed and leased houses changed in England and Wales in a span of 93 years.

It is clear that the percentage of households who lived in rented accommodations generally decreased during this period, while the counterpart of households in owned residences overall increased at the same span of time.

To be specific, in 1918, about 23% of families lived in accommodations which were owned by themselves. The proportion continuously enlarged, and peaked in 2001, at around 68%, then declined to roughly 65% after 10 years. By contrast, the percentage of households living in rented houses was nearly 80% at the beginning, which was much more substantial than the equivalent rate of rented accommodations. After a long period of shrinkage,in which the level of the other type of households equaled and surpassed it in1971 and 1981,respectively, merely about 32% of families resided in rented homesin 2001, then the percentage experienced a fall to around 36% in 2011.

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翟雯丁舒: part1,汉语翻译就是第一节,第一部分或者第一段落的意思,一般是一篇文章的起始,或者你要叙述的第一个段落意思表达,比如说写一篇文章《周末露营》,然后开始写“周末天气很好,适合露营,然后就是part1,露营前的准备,帐篷啊,手电筒啊、露营灯啊”就是指这个意思.

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