it is quite_____(wind),I'm afraid we can't fly kites today

作者&投稿:嵇亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
it is today ,but quite sunny A.very wind B.very windy~

形容词 a.
The winter was cold, wet, and windy.
It was a windy spring day.

rather / quite 这里都可以用 ^-^

副词quite修饰可比较的形容词时,意为”相当”。如:That”s quite good.
当它修饰不可比较的形容词时,则意为”十分或完全”。如:She is quite right.”

(1)”有点;相当地”,往往与”可分级”的形容词(能被more, less和very修饰的形容词)搭配。如:a quite pleased afternoon 一个相当令人愉快的下午;

(2)”全部地;完全地”,倾向修饰绝对形容词(即不能被more, less和very修饰的形容词)。如:a quite outstanding performance一场非常出众的表演。(当quite涉及动词和副词时,同样的区别也适用)

修饰perfect完美的,如果用fairly程度太弱,与这个词的意思不符;如果用rather,有一些消极的意思。而very是修饰具有比较级的形容词,而perfect 是没有是不可比较的。所以本题选D。

fairly, quite, rather

This film is fairly good. This film is fairly good. 这部电影还可以看看。
Your composition is quite good. Your composition is quite good. 你的作文还不错。
His homework is rather good. rk is rather good. 他的作业相当不错。
This book is fairly easy. This book is fairly easy. 这本书还算浅易。
He is quite grown up. He is quite grown up. 他差不多长大成人了。
That is rather hard to explain right away. That is rather hard to explain right away. 要立即说明是颇有难度的
2.fairly只用于修饰褒义的形容词和副词,如可以说She is fairly clever,不可说She is fairly
She is fairly
foolish。rather主要用于贬义,如rather poor/bad/stupid/ugly,但它也可以用在某些褒义的形容词
和副词前,具有比fairly更强烈的褒义,相当于very,如rather good/ well/pretty /clever。另外,
This soup is fairly hot. This soup is fairly hot. 这汤蛮热的。
This soup is rather hot. er hot. 这汤太烫了。
She is fairly tall for her age. She is fairly tall for her age. 就她的年龄来说,她长得算是高了。
She is rather tall for her age. She is rather tall for her age. 就她的年龄来说,她长得过于高了。

My mother is rather better today. My mother is rather better today. 我母亲今天病好多了。
This book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.
ifficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.

This does not quite satisfy me. This does not quite satisfy me. 这没有完全使我满意。
I don”t quite follow you. t quite follow you. 我不大懂你的话。
They rather expected to win the match. d to win the match. 他们颇想赢得这场比赛。
I rather like her. I rather like her. 我相当喜欢她。
5. quite和rather都可修饰名词,但须放在不定冠词前。如:
That was quite an accident. That was quite an accident. 那是一次不太寻常的事故。
It”s rather a pity. s rather a pity. 这真是相当遗憾。
They had a quite good time. 也可说quite a good time。
It is a rather cold day. 也可说rather a cold day。

windy 大风的



延长县17297573552: 我下周很忙怎么说 句式it is quite -- - - me next week -
雷送康司:[答案] 我下周很忙怎么说 句式 it is quite【busy for】me next week ----------------------------------- 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

延长县17297573552: It is quite c.?填什么.是根据首字母填 -
雷送康司:[答案] common:sdj.常见的 confusing:adj.混乱的;混淆的;令人困惑的 complicated:adj.难懂的,复杂的 可填很多.

延长县17297573552: 它与中国的婚礼完全不同 翻译 It is quite ( ) ( ) Chinese wedding -
雷送康司:[答案] It is quite (different) (from) Chinese wedding.

延长县17297573552: it is quite something是什么意思
雷送康司: it is quite something 这事还真不简单. 例句 1.It is quite something to have won him over. 把他争取过来是一件很了不起的事. 2.It is quite possible that you have to speak about something you have neverheard of, or have no opinions. 你极有可能得聊一些你从没听说过或者没有想法的话题.

延长县17297573552: 我下周很忙怎么说 句式it is quite -- - - me next week -
雷送康司: 我下周很忙怎么说 句式 it is quite【busy for】me next week----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

延长县17297573552: It is quite (有风的)and warm in spring -
雷送康司: It is quite windy and warm in spring.春天是十分多风和温暖的.

延长县17297573552: 单向选择 It is quite ___ for him to be late for school. -
雷送康司:[选项] A. seldom B. hard C. never D. rare 选什么?为什么?

延长县17297573552: yes it is quite()here.Asnowy B snowing C sonws -
雷送康司:[答案] A be动词后面加形容词 A是形容词 译:是的,这里是个多雪的地方.

延长县17297573552: it is quite a beautiful spot quite的用法 -
雷送康司: "quite a ..." 是个词组, 意思是 "不寻常的" 比如说 "she is quite a girl" 就是说 "她不是普通的女孩". "it is quite a beautiful spot" 就是说"这是一个非比寻常美丽的地方".

延长县17297573552: It is quite ___ that the football match will be-tonight.A certain:on the air B certain :in the air C sure:on TV C sure :in the air这里的It is quite ___ 用certain和... -
雷送康司:[答案] sure的主语是人,It is certain that^……是个句型! 选A,on the air 是通过电台直播的意思!

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