人工智能应用研究快讯 2021-08-05

作者&投稿:市东 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

DC Ong
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.13734, 2021
ABSTACT :The recent rapid advancements in artificial intelligence research and deployment have sparked more discussion about the potential ramifications of socially-and emotionally-intelligent AI. The question is not if research can produce such affectively...

D Grewal, A Guha, CB Satornino, EB Schweiger
Journal of Business Research, 2021
ABSTACT :That artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to provide significant benefits is generally accepted by both practitioners and scholars. However, the dark side of AI is less discussed, and less understood. In this paper, the authors first classify the...

K Vaz, T Goodwin, W Kemp, S Roberts, A Majeed
Seminars in Liver Disease, 2021
ABSTACT :There has been a tremendous growth in data collection in hepatology over the last decade. This wealth of “big data” lends itself to the application of artificial intelligence in the development of predictive and diagnostic models with potentially greater...

MA Riegler, MH Stensen, O Witczak, JM Andersen...
Human Reproduction, 2021
ABSTACT :In recent years, the amount of data produced in the field of ART has increased exponentially. The diversity of data is large, ranging from videos to tabular data. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) is progressively used in medical practice and...

V Sahni, S Srivastava, R Khan
Journal of Food Quality, 2021
ABSTACT :Artificial intelligence (AI), or AI/machine vision, is assuming an overwhelming part in the realm of food handling and quality affirmation. As indicated by Mordor Intelligence, AI in the food and refreshments market is required to enlist a CAGR of...

M Li, W Wang, K Zhou
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021
ABSTACT :With the spillover of the relevant knowledge on AI (artificial intelligence), an increasing number of scientific topics in the field of AI are meeting many opportunities, including transformation and applications in a multitude of areas;...

T Ghosh, MH Al Banna, MS Rahman, MS Kaiser...
Sustainable Cities and..., 2021
ABSTACT :Autism is a disability that obstructs the process of a person's development. Autistic individuals find it extremely difficult to cope with the world's pace, can not communicate properly, and unable to express their feelings appropriately. Artificial ...

JT Soto, SG Hershman, EA Ashley - 2021
ABSTACT :Advancements in mobile digital technology, including wearable devices with mechanical, electrical, and optical sensors, have allowed for an unprecedented scale of measurement in the monitoring of human health. As well as tracking, there is...

VI Madai, DC Higgins
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.13454, 2021
ABSTACT :Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is a potentially revolutionary tool to achieve improved healthcare outcomes while reducing overall health costs. While many exploratory results hit the headlines in recent years there are only few certified and...

JC Liang, GJ Hwang, MRA Chen, D Darmawansah
Interactive Learning..., 2021
ABSTACT :This study explores the roles and research foci of AILEd (Artificial Intelligence in Language Education). The AILEd studies published from 1990 to 2020 in the WOS (Web of Science) database were included in the present study. Based on the well...

B Mohammadi, R Moazenzadeh, K Christian, Z Duan
Environmental Science and..., 2021
ABSTACT :Accurate and timely monitoring of streamflow and its variation is crucial for water resources management in watersheds. This study aimed at evaluating the performance of two process-driven conceptual rainfall-runoff models (HBV...

M Sammer, AC Sher, AJ Towbin
American Journal of Roentgenology, 2021
ABSTACT :Of over 100 FDA-cleared artificial intelligence (AI) tools for triage, detection, or diagnosis in medical imaging, only one is cleared for use in children. As is, children may be unable to benefit from the advances that AI provides to adults. Furthermore...

M Hosseini, H Bahrami, F Khormali, K Khavazi...
Journal of Soil Science and..., 2021
ABSTACT :Purpose Soil respiration (SR) is strongly affected by soil water content and soil temperature. The common methods for SR measurement are costly, time consuming, and laborious. The goals of this investigation were (i) to predict SR by artificial ...

V Barone, C Puzzarini, G Mancini
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021
ABSTACT :The established pillars of computational spectroscopy are theory and computer based simulations. Recently, artificial intelligence and virtual reality are becoming the third and fourth pillars of an integrated strategy for the investigation of complex...

A Marcovich, T Shinn
Social Science Information, 2021
ABSTACT :This article points out some issues raised by the encounter between astrophysics (AP) and a newly emergent mathematical tool/discipline, namely artificial intelligence (AI). We suggest that this encounter has interesting consequences in terms of...

M Ahmad, K Rashid, Z Tariq, M Ju
Construction and Building Materials, 2021
ABSTACT :Fly ash (FA) is widely used to synthesize geopolymers, but it is heterogeneous as it consists of reactive, partially reactive, and inert parts, which may influence the behavior of the resultant geopolymer. Therefore, in this experimental and analytical...

A Abdulaal, A Patel, A Al-Hindawi, E Charani...
JMIR Formative Research, 2021
ABSTACT :Background The artificial neural network (ANN) is an increasingly important tool in the context of solving complex medical classification problems. However, one of the principal challenges in leveraging artificial intelligence technology in the health care...

M Klumpp, M Hintze, M Immonen, F R=C3=B3denas-Rigla...
Healthcare, 2021
ABSTACT :The development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in health care contexts is a concurrent research and management question. Especially for hospitals, the expectations regarding improved efficiency and effectiveness by the...

T Yang, X Yi, S Lu, KH Johansson, T Chai
Engineering, 2021
ABSTACT :Based on the analysis of the characteristics and operation status of the process industry, as well as the development of the global intelligent manufacturing industry, a new mode of intelligent manufacturing for the process industry, namely, deep...

K Khandelwal, AK Upadhyay
Strategic HR Review, 2021
ABSTACT :Purpose This paper aims to explore the application of artificial intelligence (AI) for coaching. This paper discusses the different applications, benefits, challenges and implementation issues in AI usage in coaching. It highlights how AI is facilitating the...

人工智能应用研究快讯 2021-11-08
J Serey, L Quezada, M Alfaro, G Fuertes, M Vargas... Symmetry, 2021 ABSTACT :This study analyses the main challenges, trends, technological approaches, and artificial intelligence methods developed by new researchers and professionals in the field of machine learning, with...


在餐饮界,海底捞的智能服务机器人,单台运行140次\/天,运送280个托盘,24小时上班,远远超过人工的工作量,关键它还能炒菜,三分钟即可端出美味菜品。 例如,电话促销员、不动产登记的审核和调查、保险行业从业人员、税务申报代理人、图书馆员助理、数据录入员、 体育 运动裁判等25种职业,由于人工智能化的发展,10至20年后...


【虚拟人快讯】YY直播AI数字人与主播同台,兴业数金推出数字人服务_百 ...

第四,进一步提高支付 科技 创新应用的普遍性。要进一步拥抱时代变化,借助数字货币、数字化开户的推广深化转型,积极运用可疑交易识别、延时交易、智能合约等工具,推动区块链、物联网等 科技 手段与业务场景深度融合,使支付服务加快向精细化、智能化方向迈进,为产业转型升级和现代化发展提供坚实的支付基础...



iPhone 15将首次全部搭载苹果自研芯片;Meta全球传播主管离职
供应链消息称,苹果明年推出的iPhone 14将搭载三星4nm制程的高通5G数据机晶片X65及射频IC,搭配苹果A16应用处理器。而2023年推出的iPhone 15将首度全部采用自研芯片,其中5G芯片会采用台积电5nm制程,射频IC采用台积电7nm制程,A17应用处理器将采用台积电3nm量产。 库克2021年薪酬将近1亿美元 苹果公司向美国证券交易委员会...

01 兄弟装饰·创意设计研究院 兄弟装饰创意产业的孵化和交流基地,与兄弟装饰在美国、加拿大、新加坡、中国香港等研发机构互为臂力,构建全球设计资源共享体系。以研发为驱动,在设计交流、设计研发、设计创新和设计标准制定和成果转化等方面,整合全球资源,持续为消费者带来更丰富、更细致和更高品质的家居服务...

安新县19296391182: 人工智能的发展前景如何?
楚清五子: 随着信息时代的来临,人类生产生活的数据基础和信息环境有了大幅提升,人工智能正从学术驱动转变为应用驱动,从专用智能迈向通用智能,比历史上任何一个时期都要更加接近于人类智能水平,进入了新的发展阶段.全球各国均围绕新一代...

安新县19296391182: 人工智能未来的发展前景怎么样?
楚清五子: 当前,国内外互联网巨头纷纷将人工智能作为下一次产业革命的突破口,积极加大投资布局,与此同时,随着人工智能技术进步和基础设施建设不断完善的推动下,全球人工智能应用场景将不断丰富,市场规模持续扩大.“人工智能”一词最初...

安新县19296391182: 人工智能的发展前景怎么样?
楚清五子: 当前人工智能技术正处于飞速发展时期,大量的人工智能公司雨后春笋般层出不穷,国际的大型IT企业在不断收购新建立的公司,网络行业内的顶尖人才试图抢占行业制高点.人工智能技术发展过程中催生了许多新兴行业的出现,比如智能机器...

安新县19296391182: 有关人工智能的发展方向?最新应用?现状? -
楚清五子: 人工智能的发展方向,是力求使智能系统会分析,自适应并做出自己的决策. 应用:在工业上应用于某些计算系统和传感系统中.例如神经系统:有三台机子共同承担某项工作,当有一台坏了,另外的两台自动分担坏掉的这台机子的任务.传感器探测方面:探测范围发生了变化,传感器会自动适应等等. 现状:目前还只能做到通过简单的学习,系统会自动记住并适应,也能做简单的分析.现在我国可以人工芯片植入控制鸽子行为.它国有人凭意念控制电脑操作.

安新县19296391182: 人工智能未来的发展怎么样?
楚清五子: 近年来我国人工智能产业呈现出了蓬勃发展的良好态势.一是部分关键应用技术特别是图像识别、语音识别等技术,处于全球相对领先的水平,人工智能论文总量和高倍引用的论文数量,也处在第一梯队,据全球相对前列.二是产业整体实力显...

安新县19296391182: 浅谈人工智能技术在生活科技中的运用技术? -
楚清五子: 人工智能研究与应用虽取得了不少成果,但离全面推广应用还有很大的距离,还有许多问题有待解决,且需要多学科的研究专家共同合作.未来人工智能的研究方向主要有:人工智能理论、机器学习模型和理论、不精确知识表示及其推理、常识...

安新县19296391182: 人工智能的发展怎么样?
楚清五子: 人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,英文缩写为AI(Artificial Intelligence).人工智能的目的在于尝试使用计算机技术生产出与人类智能相似的智能机器,包括但不仅限于人工智能机器人、语言识别、图像识别等系统.人工智能的智能表现在对人的...

安新县19296391182: 未来人类都不用上班,人工智能将怎样改变我们的生活? -
楚清五子: 人工智能的发展越来越受到世界各国的重视.人工智能是一门边缘学科,用来模拟人的思维,并且有越来越多的实用意义,而且许多不同专业背景的科学家正在人工智能领域内获得一些新的思维和新的方法.据国外媒体报道,埃隆·马斯克(...

安新县19296391182: 人工智能未来的发展好嘛?
楚清五子: 工智能的前景还是非常好的,可以从两个方面来看:一是发展空间、二是应用情况 一、发展空间:现在我们日常生活中接触的人工智能都是通过大数据沉淀的算法模型然后套用的结果,就类似于鹦鹉学舌,并非真正的“智能”.所以要达到可以...


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