
作者&投稿:野径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 导语:谜语主要指暗射事物或文字等供人猜测的隐语,也可引申为蕴含奥秘的事物。 谜语源自中国古代汉族民间,历经数千年的演变和发展。它是古代汉族劳动人民集体智慧创造的'文化产物。我收集整理了一些经典的英语谜语,希望大家喜欢。

1、What is wind?

【谜底:Air in a hurry】

2、What's a skeleton?

【谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!】

3、Which letter is a drink?


4、What table is in the field?


5、Which letter is an animal?


6、What is an astronomer?

【谜底:A nigh watchman with a college education.】

7、Which letter is a question?


8、What always travels on foot?

【谜底:A shoe】

9、What has teeth but cannot eat?

【谜底:A comb】

10、What kind of dog never bite?

【谜底:A hot dog】

11、Where can milk be best stored?

【谜底:In a cow】

12、Which letter is around an island?


13、What is dark but made by light?

【谜底:A shadow】

14、Which letter is a part of your face?


15、What wears a cap but has no head?

【谜底:A bottle】

16、How many letters are in the alphabet?


17、What is never used until it's broken?

【谜底:An egg】

18、Which letter is a kind of vegetable?


19、What is the biggest ant in the world?

【谜底:an elephant】

20、What is in the middle of the world?

【谜底:the letter “r”】

21、Where can happiness always be found?

【谜底:In the dictionary】

22、What comes after the letter “A”?

【谜底:All the other letters】

23、What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

【谜底:It never eats.】

24、How many sides does a house have?

【谜底:Two-inside and outside.】

25、What is the smallest room in the world?


26、Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?

【谜底:He can't read.】

27、What is smaller than an insect's mouth?

【谜底:Anything it eats.】

28、When do you go as fast as a racing car?

【谜底:When you are in it.】

29、What do workers do in a clock factory?

【谜底:They make faces all day.】

30、What can you break with only one word?


31、What question can you never answer “yes”。

【谜底:Are you asleep】

32、What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?


33、What do you know about the kings of France?

【谜底:They are all dead】

34、What rises in the morning and waves all day?

【谜底:A flag】

35、I am the tallest animal in the world.What am I?

【谜底:a giraffe】

36、What word can you make shorter by adding to it?


37、How many great men have been born in London?

【谜底:None. Only babies.】

38、Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?

【谜底:Because he's dead.】

39、What's the hardest thing about learning skating?

【谜底:The ice】

40、What person does every man take his hat off to?

【谜底:A barber】

41、What is higher without a head than with a head?

【谜底:A pillow】

42、I fly, but I have no wings.I cry, but I have no eyes.


43、What can you swallow that can also swallow you?


44、What goes around the world but stays in a corner?


45、What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?


46、The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?


47、What do you call your father's father's only son?


48、What two words have thousands of letters in them?

【谜底:Post office】

49、What large instrument do you carry in your ears?

【谜底:Drums, that is eardrums.】

50、On which side does a bird have the most feathers?

【谜底:The outside.】

50个简单的适合小学生的英语谜语及答案:RIDDLES 1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?什么东西干净时是黑色的,脏的时候是白色的?2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?什么东西有一个圆圆的脸和两条细细的手,一只手...

英语谜语及答案翻译 英语谜语20则1. What table is in the field? 2. What is the only thing you can break when you say its name? 3. What is there in your house that ought to be looked into? 4. What is that which you have never seen, heard or felt, which never existed and still ...

英语开始以拉丁字母作为拼写系统大约是在公元六世纪盎格鲁撒克逊时代。下面是我为你们整理的关于经典英语 谜语 大全及答案精选,希望你们能够喜欢。 目录 经典英语谜语 英语谜语答案 趣味英语谜语和答案 经典英语谜语 1. Which letter is an animal? 哪个字母是一种动物? 2. Which letter is a question? 哪个...

2.What letter is a vegetable?3.What letter is a question?4.What letter is a part of the head?5.What has four eyes but can’t see?The keys:1.The letter B.2.The letter P.3.The letter Y.4.The letter I.5.The Mississippi.用百度搜索一下English Riddles,答案多多!

英语谜语题目:What letter stands forthe ocean? key:C(sea) 哪个字母坐落在海边? 【答案】C(sea) 英语谜语题目:what letter is a question? key:Y 哪个字母是一个问题? 【答案】:Y(why) 英语谜语题目:what letter is your eye? key:I 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 【答案】:I(eye) 英语谜语题目:what letter...

小学生英语谜语(含答案)1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?4. I am small. I can fly. ...

有关英语的谜语 寻求谜底。
英语谜语2 I jump into the water,what do I do ?I 跳到了水中,I(我)该怎么办?waiter 服务生的意思 游泳运动员,跳水运动员,或者是救生员 蛙人 (提示:关键在字母I.这里有两个意思,一个是表示字母I,另一个是表示我的意思.答案的单词中也有这个字母.)有趣的英语谜语---来猜一猜吧!What ...

2 . 它是如此的微弱,一个小风可以移动它,它是如此强烈,那你可以用刀子切,不会留下任何痕迹。3 . 什么字母是头的一部分? 4。为什么是一条很有钱吗? 5。哪四个字母是小偷害怕? 6)。时钟的哪一部分? 7总是。什么是脏的时候是白的? 8。什么东西qustions却有很多答案吗? 9.其中一封信使她...

找几个英语谜语(可以是猜单词或者英文歌曲电影明星等等),笑话,游戏,成语接龙,英语故事寓言谚语等等  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了? 超级帮助达人 2012-04-15 · TA获得超过1897个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:693 采纳率:33% 帮助的人:111万 我也去答题访问个人页 ...

you neck---like a breeze.But if I play rough.I can buckle you knees.我是你颤抖,抖动,动摇。我是你身后的阴影,是你永远不会跳出的那一步。当我温柔的时候,我会是——拂动你脖颈的微风。但我粗暴的时候,我会扣住你的脖子。(time 时间)四个谜语的谜底都是一样东西,就是时间 ...

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应蒋罗西:[答案] 1. What are several things you can always count on2. If 5 dogs are chasing a can down the street, What time is it?3. Which travels faster, heat or cold? 4. How do you make a slow horse fast?5. Who i...

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应蒋罗西: 1. You play with this (ball) 2. You eat with this (spoon) 3. You drink with this (straw) 4. You talk with this (mouth) 5. You look with his (glasses)

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应蒋罗西:[答案] 问题: 1.What gets larger,the more you take away?什么东西你拿走越多,反而越大? 2.What goes on four legs in the ... 答案: 1.Ahole.洞 2.People.They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old ...

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应蒋罗西:[答案] 1.What animal wears big black glasses on its face? 什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜?(Panda 熊猫) 2.I'm almost white,but the fur of my ears,eye pits are black.I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos!Who am I 我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的.我...

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应蒋罗西: 1.what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? Key: snowman(雪人) 2.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案? Key: dictionary (字典) 3.What question can ...

同仁县13273037563: 有关英语的谜语带谜底 要翻译 -
应蒋罗西: 1.What animal wears big black glasses on its face? 什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜? (Panda 熊猫)2.I'm almost white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black. I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos! Who am I ? 我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝...

同仁县13273037563: 请提供几则有趣的英语谜语 -
应蒋罗西:[答案] Riddles I(001-010) 1.What is smaller than an insect's mouth? 2.What season is the most dangerous one? 3.What's too much ... Keys (I) 答案 1.Anything it eats. 2.Autumn.Because it is also FALL. 3.A secret. 4.March fourth.When a war breaks out,they'll ...

同仁县13273037563: 英语谜语(简单点、要有答案、还要有中文翻译) -
应蒋罗西: 英语谜语1.what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里? Key: snowman(雪人) 2.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers? 什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案? Key: dictionary (字典) 3.What question ...

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