有没有《飞天小女警 》英文 简介!!!!急求!!

作者&投稿:职夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




Powerpuff Girls 飞天小女警

《飞天小女警》(英文:The Powerpuff Girls),是美国时代华纳公司旗下的Cartoon Network推出的动画片,1998年播映了完整的动画片。该动画片在台湾Cartoon Network频道(卡通频道)、香港有线电视、亚洲电视的国际台,以及中国中央电视台重新配音及剪切后播出。   有段时间,香港地铁有利用飞天的形象来宣传交通安全。   目前总共制作了六季七十九集,以及一部在2002年上映的同名电影。   每一集通常分为两段故事(一般在集数之后加上a、b作为区别),不过部分集数例外。   飞天小女警:拯救世界的小不点儿~     飞天小女警每集的片尾
飞天小女警讲述三位拥有神奇力量的罪恶克星花花、泡泡及毛毛拯救世界的故事。。   绝大部分的故事都发生在美国一个名为小镇村(The City of Townsville)的都市,飞天小女警则是这座城市的保护者,举凡阻止银行抢案、火场救援、防止怪兽破坏城市等,都是她们的工作[2]。 飞天小女警对付犯案者及怪兽毫不留情,几乎总是会狠狠的揍他们一顿,再把他们丢进监狱或交给警方。   飞天小女警有专属的热线电话,市政厅、小橡树幼儿园和飞天小女警家里都设有分机。发生犯罪事件时通常是由市长打电话通知飞天小女警。飞天小女警的主旨是「英雄不是绝对的善,坏蛋也不是绝对的恶…因为每个人都有好的本性和坏的本性,只看你怎么选择。」   结尾画面和结尾语也是本作的特色,各故事都有结尾画面和结尾语。大部分的结尾画面为飞天小女警三人,结尾语通常则是「一天又平安的过去了,感谢飞天小女警的努力!」但前两者并非每集都是一成不变;较可能出现的会是解决该集纷争最有助力的人、事、物,而也并非绝对单一个体(也可能是好几个)。   小镇村本来只是一个平凡的小镇,可是,自从科学家尤教授来到镇上以后,这个平凡的小镇就摇身一变成为一个举世瞩目的地方。尤教授希望可以运用科学方法,创造出世界上最「完美」的小女孩。他将蔗糖和香料还有各种美好的材料混在一起,不过,他不小心将神秘的黑色化学物质「X」也给加了进去,结果就创造了三位模样可爱,嫉恶如仇,誓与罪犯周旋到底的飞天小女警。   虽然三位飞天小女警在打击罪恶及伸张正义的时候非常团结,但是她们的性格却完全不同。花花是飞天小女警的领袖及代言人;泡泡是个乐天开朗的女孩子,而毛毛则十分坚强,最喜欢教训作恶多端的罪犯。   三位飞天小女警与尤教授一起住在小镇村外的郊区。尤教授一心想将三位飞天小女警教育成普通的女孩子,可是他却没有办法阻止她们与魔人啾啾、毛茸怪兽、阿米巴帮,以及蟑螂教练等一班坏蛋们斗智斗力。   不过,即使没有这帮邪恶的坏蛋,三位飞天小女警还是静不下来。花花拥有飞天小女警中最冷静机智的头脑,毛毛代表著飞天小女警的爆发力,而泡泡则坚持著小女孩天真的本色。泡泡傻呼呼的个性经常触怒暴躁的毛毛,毛毛忍受不了,便时常教训泡泡,不但弄哭了泡泡,并惹得她火冒三丈!如果没有花花从中调解,这对活宝贝随时都会火拼起来,根本不能同心协力维持正义。唯有靠花花的领导才能,让泡泡看到明确的目标。同时,花花必须不停用行动证明,使毛毛明了一个周详的计划往往比一股蛮劲来得重要。   现在,The Powerpuff Girls已出了不少版本,如飞吧在聊的PPGD,和不少人喜欢的日本版PPGZ,当然最经典的还是数幼儿园版的PPG了~

"Powerpuff Girls" (English: The Powerpuff Girls), is the U.S. subsidiary of Time Warner animated Cartoon Network launched in 1998, broadcast a complete animation. The animation channel Cartoon Network in Taiwan (Cartoon Network), Hong Kong Cable TV, ATV World, and China Central Television broadcast a dubbed version and after shearing. There was a time, the Hong Kong subway image by flying to promote traffic safety. Now produced a total of Seventy-nine set of six quarters, and one in the movie released in 2002. Each set is usually divided into two stories (usually add a few sets a, b as the difference), but some set the number of exceptions. Powerpuff Girls: Powerpuff Girls save the world little one episode of the credits ~
Powerpuff Girls have told of three magic power of the evil nemesis flower, bubbles and save the world the story of Mao Mao. . Most of the stories are a small town in the United States a village called (The City of Townsville) in the city, The Powerpuff Girls is the protector of the city covered the stop bank robbery, fire rescue, prevention of damage to the urban monster are all of their work [2]. Powerpuff Girls showed no mercy against the perpetrators and monsters, almost always severely beat their meal, then they are thrown into prison or to the police. Powerpuff Girls have a dedicated hotline, City Hall, a small oak tree nurseries and home are equipped with extension Powerpuff Girls. When crime occurs usually by the mayor to call the Powerpuff Girls. Powerpuff Girls of the subject is "a hero is not absolute good nor absolute evil bad guys ... because everyone has a good nature and bad nature, just look at how you choose." At the end of the screen and also the end for the language features are at the end of the story and the end of the screen language. Most of the end of the screen for the three Powerpuff Girls, The closing usually is "day after peace has passed, thanks to the efforts of the Powerpuff Girls!" But the first two episodes are not static; more likely to occur disputes will be resolved most of the power set of the people and things, and it is not absolutely a single individual (or possibly several). Town village used to be just an ordinary small town, but, since the professor came to town, especially after the scientists, the ordinary small town transformed into a remarkable place. Professor Yu would like to apply the scientific method to create the world's most "perfect" little girl. He will be all sugar and spice mixed with the material better, but he did not care to Chemicals mysterious black "X" also added in. The result created a three look lovely, the evil, swear deal with criminals in the end of the Powerpuff Girls. Although the three Powerpuff Girls in the fight against crime and justice when the very united, but their personalities are completely different. Powerpuff Girls Flower is the leader and spokesman; bubble is Lotte, cheerful girl, and plush is very strong, like most lessons of all kinds of evil criminals. Professor of the three Powerpuff Girls and live with, especially outside the village in the outskirts of town. Professor bent the three Powerpuff Girls, especially education, as a normal girl, but he has no way to stop them with the magic of people tweeted, furry monster, amoeba help, and coaches a group of bad guys cockroach battle of wits . However, even without the gang of evil villains, the three Powerpuff Girls, or restless. Powerpuff Girls Flower has the most calm and witty mind, plush Powerpuff Girls represent the power, but insisted the little girl bubble naive character. Bubble stupidly offended fiery personality often hairy, hairy can not stand, they often learned bubble, bubble not only cry, and angered her furious! If you do not mediate flower, which live together Baby Rush at any time, simply can not work together to maintain justice. Only by Flower leadership, the bubbles can see a clear goal. Meanwhile, the flower must be kept to demonstrate that, so that a comprehensive plan to understand Mao Mao is often more important than an very fresh. Now, The Powerpuff Girls has been out a lot of versions, flying it in the talk of the PPGD, and many people like the Japanese version of PPGZ, of course, the number of kindergartens is the most classic version of the PPG by ~

用英文打 Powerpuff Girls在google搜索就有了

阳山县18739878648: 在网上能看到《飞天小女警》英文版么? -
东野辰加葵: 当然可以的哦,我这里就有全集的飞天小女警英文版本的.

阳山县18739878648: the powerpuff girl (飞天小女警)英文台词 -
东野辰加葵: Touch give me one more touch 力量全进入我身体 Touch 指尖的魔力 把一切都变成奇迹 Rap: 遨游天际 整个城市都一览无疑 信号声如果响起就要出击 这种感觉如此的AMAZING 我们可以立刻在这里出现你是否好奇 你看快乐就是我的武器 天真善...

阳山县18739878648: 求飞天小女警 第一集 英文剧本 (不是Z的啊)带英文台词的视频也行 -
东野辰加葵: 如果我没有理解错的话,你要的是 蟑螂大军(Insect Inside) 这一集的吧?powerpuff-wikia-com/wiki/Insect_Inside/Transcript (请把-换成点)

阳山县18739878648: 美版的《飞天小女警》是我儿时最爱看的动画片,现在突然想起来了,却发现了一些问题. -
东野辰加葵: 飞天小女警确实只有30多级,光盘的六季说的其实没有错,因为飞天小女警大概5集就算一季,而百科说的60也没错,因为飞天小女警一集里面有两段,这两段的内容不一样,所以算得上是60多集~ 望楼主采纳

阳山县18739878648: 有没有动画片是连续剧形式的 英文版的? -
东野辰加葵: 南方公园,辛普森一家,飞天小女警,摩登原始人…………

阳山县18739878648: 求飞天小女警英文版,跪求~!
东野辰加葵: http://www.verycd.com/topics/6731/ 这个是电驴资源,肯定是英文的,好像没有中文字幕- - 700多MB,还挺大的,你要就差几集就上youku什么的网站搜搜看,电驴虽全但是慢.

阳山县18739878648: 飞天小女小警 英文版 -
东野辰加葵: 买碟,或在播放器看

阳山县18739878648: 现在有那些好听的歌?介绍一下! -
东野辰加葵: 好听流行:(大都是新歌哦) 1.中文: 卡奇社:《世界末日的某个角落》(新) INDIE唯美女声之作,颗粒与自然卷前主唱魏如萱首度同一作品共同献声; 容祖儿:《小小》 每个人心里,最深的角落,都有一个『小小』…. 小小的世界,有最坚...

阳山县18739878648: 最近有什么好听的歌呀,麻烦大家介绍介绍 -
东野辰加葵: 华语: 周杰伦:《周大侠》《青花瓷》《我很忙》《蒲公英的约定》《我不配》 王力宏:《我们的歌》《改变自己》《Can you feel my world》《你是我心内的一首歌》 S.H.E :《中国话》《7仔》《你最近还好吗》《谢谢你的温柔》《爱来过...

阳山县18739878648: 有啥好歌介绍介绍??越多越好、、、 -
东野辰加葵: 慢的: ALIN--《给我一个理由忘记》《以前以后》 徐佳莹--《失落沙洲》 陈芳语--《爱你》金海心--《阳光下的星星》虽然老,但是很好听 邓紫棋--《AINY 爱你》《回忆的沙漏》 许美静--《都是夜归人》《倾城》经典老歌胡彦斌--《罗马假期》...

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