
作者&投稿:采往 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  time表示时间; 时刻; 时代的意思,那么你知道time的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了time的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!


  about time

  1. 早该


  it's about time I came clean and admitted it.

  ahead of time

  1. 提前,提早

  ahead of one's time

  1. 想法太超前的,思想前卫的

  all the time

  1. 一直,始终

  at a time

  1. 每次,一次


  he took the stairs two at a time.

  before time

  1. 提前,在原定时间以前

  behind time

  1. 迟,晚

  give someone the time of day

  1. 对…礼貌(或友好)


  I wouldn't give him the time of day if I could help it.

  half the time

  1. 一半时间;常常

  have no time for

  1. 没时间(或不愿意)做

  除了 文章 和课题外,他没时间做别的事。

  he had no time for anything except essays and projects.

  have the time

  1. 能有时间


  she didn't have the time to look very closely.

  2. 因为有表而知道时间

  in (less than) no time

  1. 立即,马上


  the video has sold 30,000 copies in no time.

  in one's own time

  1. 在自己做好准备时(或认为方便时);不着急地

  2. 在非工作时间,在业余时间;无偿地

  keep good (或 bad) time

  1. (钟,表)走得准(或不准)

  2. (人)守时(或不守时)

  常用 俚语 :

  dead time

  n .

  1. (监狱用语)牢内在押时间(徙刑期的一部分)

  俚语类型: 美国俚语

  Long time no see.

  n .

  1. (见面 问候语 )好久不见了。

  Long time no see! How are you?


  俚语类型: 美国俚语

  the small time

  n .

  1. 不起眼的小公司、企业、娱乐团体或体育组织

  After six years in the small time she finally had a big hit and went to Broadway.


  俚语类型: 加拿大俚语 南非俚语 新西兰俚语 澳大利亚俚语 爱尔兰俚语 美国俚语 苏格兰俚语 英国俚语

  time warp

  n .

  1. 时间异常,阴差阳错,时代偏见

  Bitterness gave her outtook a peculiar time warp


  俚语类型: 美国俚语

  two time

  v .

  1. 爱情上对…不忠,欺骗(自己)的恋人

  Sam wouldn't two-time Martha. He just wouldn't.


  俚语类型: 美国俚语


  1. She studied him for the longest time, looking wryly amused.


  2. In her spare time she read books on cooking.


  3. She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer.


  4. Mark had for some time been making advances towards her.


  5. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time.


  6. Surfing the Internet is fun, but it's also a time waster.


  7. Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.


  8. By golly we can do something about it this time.


  9. He's touring South America at this moment in time.


  10. He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs.


  11. He lost two stone in weight during his time there.


  12. 1998 was an important year for everyone: a time of change.


  13. We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.


  14. I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.


  15. Mitchel's schedule had not permitted him to take time off.


名词\/代词宾格 介词短语的例句
第一人称  Ime we us 第二人称 you youyou you he  himthey them 第三人称 she herthey them it  it they them They picnicked in the woods. 他们在树林里野餐。Don’t walk on the grass. 不要在草坪上走。句中的in the woods和on the grass均为介词短语。


百度输入法导出的词库和个性短语文件在同一个文件夹。ch2、en2为词库,cphrase为短语 【词库】:在百度输入法‘更多设置’里的‘词库管理’‘词库备份与恢复’本地导出的词库文件是ch2.txt与en2.txt 文件,导出位置在手机的指定ime文件夹内:【个性短语】:在百度输入法‘更多设置’里的‘高级设置’‘...


2、名词短语引导的the moment,the minute,the instant,each tiime,every tiime,the first time,the last time,next time 3、副词:immediately,directly,instantly等 4、地点状语从句where,wherever,anywhere,everywhere 5、条件状语从句,supposing that,soppose that等,6、原因从句now that,because,as,...

They called for punishiment to be meted out tothe traitors._百度知 ...
be meted (out) to+sb:被赐予某人。这是mete的用法。

the next day和next day的区别是什么?
由于缺少定冠词,这个短语可能会让读者或听者产生一定的歧义,尤其是在没有清晰的上下文提示时。 4. 结构灵活性: "the next day" 的结构相对较为固定,通常用作时间状语,表示从某一天或某个事件之后的第二天。 相比之下,"next day" 的结构在某些情况下可能会更灵活。例如,它可以与其他时间状语连用,以更明确地...

gone到某地去了(不在说话地方)。一,二人称不能用have gone。 6. 在美语中have\/ has got = have\/ has。7. hardly...when..., no sooner...than... 引导倒装句,常与过去完成时连用。8. hope, intend, mean, plan, think, want常用过去完成时表示过去的意图而实际没有实现的情况 ...


66.hope+to+do+sth希望做某事,注意没有hope+sb+to+do+sth这个句型。还有一个句型是hope+句子。只有这两个句型67.in front of在...前面,There is a car in front of the house;in the front of在...(内部)前面,There is a table in the front of the classroom.68.next to挨着、邻近,与near可...

建邺区18755462988: 求关于time所有词组, -
余哀环磷:[答案] all the time始终 time after time 一次又一次地;重复地 time and again 一次又一次;重复地 bide one's time 等待良机 from time to time 有时;偶尔;时常 have no time for 没时间做(某事) in no time (at all) 立刻;赶快;马上 keep time (钟表)走得...

建邺区18755462988: 关于时间TIME的短语 -
余哀环磷:against time 1. 争分夺秒地,尽快地:时限很快就要到了地 Worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.争分夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞 at one time 1. 同时的 2. 曾经:在过去的某一时刻或某段时期 at the ...

建邺区18755462988: 关于time的所有词组用法总结, -
余哀环磷:[答案] at times adv.有时, 不时 in time adv.及时 on time adv.按时 at the time当时 all the time始终;一直 from time to time有时;偶尔;时常 have no time for没时间做(某事) in no time (at all)立刻;赶快;...

建邺区18755462988: time的短语 -
余哀环磷:[答案] at the same time 同时 same time 同时 in time 及时 all time 始终 for the first time 第一次,首次 on time 按时 last time 上次 no time 无时,一会功夫 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

建邺区18755462988: time的全部词组 -
余哀环磷:[答案] all the time at the same time at this time of...this time next time at that time

建邺区18755462988: 含有time 词组越多越好 -
余哀环磷:[答案] In time 及时on time 准时time over时间到

建邺区18755462988: 大哥大姐,帮我找找关于time的词组 -
余哀环磷:[答案] all the time 一直,始终 at a time一次; 同时; 一下子; 每次 at one time(过去)有个时期; 曾经,一度 同时 at the time 当时,在那个时候 for a time 一度,暂时 for the time being 暂时,暂且 in time 及时 on time 准时

建邺区18755462988: 有关time的词组! -
余哀环磷:[答案] at the same time 同时;然而 same time 同时 in time 及时;适时 all the time 始终,一直 for the first time 首次;第一次 long time adj.长期的(持久的);长时间;好久好久 every time 每次,每当 first time 第一次;第一时间 on time 按时,准时;按时付...

建邺区18755462988: 搜索一些关于time的短语 -
余哀环磷: 含有time 的常见短语 :ahead of time 提早,提前 all the time 连续的,一直的 at times/from time to time 有时候 at all time 多少次,屡次 at the time 一直,总是 at one time 以前,从前 at a time 一次 in no time 立刻,马上 at no time 决不,从不

建邺区18755462988: 求与time有关的短语 -
余哀环磷: against time 争分夺秒的 ahead of time提前 all the time 一直 as time goes on随时间推移 at all times 无论如何 at a time一次,每次 at one time曾经,一度 at any time随时 at no time绝不 at the time of在什么时候 at times 不时 before one's time提前...

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