
作者&投稿:雀利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


There are four key points to study Chinese:listening,speaking,reading and writing.


Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in Chinese. By doing this,we canimprove ore talking and listening skill.


Secondly,we should try to listen to all kinds of Chinese programmes as much aspossible. In this way,we can gradually improve our pronunciation.


Thirdly,we should often read Chinese books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I think it is a good way of reading.


Fourthly,we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea,we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to our study.


Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar. As long as we listen,speak,read and write more,we are sure to make remarkable progress!




vt. 学习;得知;认识到

vi. 学习;获悉


He is learning to play the piano.



n. 书写;写作技能;著书立说,写作的职业;作品,著作;文字;笔迹

v. 书写;写作(write 的现在分词)


She began writing poetry in her teens. 


Learning Chinese is a challenging but rewarding task. Here are some suggestions for how to learn Chinese effectively:

  1. Start with the basics: Begin by learning the Chinese phonetic system, including the four tones and Pinyin. This will help you to properly pronounce Chinese words and phrases.

  2. 从基础开始:先学习中文的拼音系统,包括四个声调和拼音。这将有助于您正确发音中文单词和短语。

  3. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to learning any language. Make a schedule and stick to it, even if it's just a few minutes a day.

  4. 定期练习:持续的练习是学习任何语言的关键。制定一个计划并坚持下去,即使只是每天几分钟。

  5. Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with Chinese media, such as TV shows, movies, and music. This will help you to become more familiar with the language and its nuances.

  6. 沉浸在语言中:让自己沉浸在中文媒体中,如电视节目、电影和音乐。这将帮助您更加熟悉语言及其细微之处。

  7. Find a language partner: Find a Chinese-speaking friend or language exchange partner to practice speaking with. This will give you the opportunity to practice your conversational skills and receive feedback.

  8. 找到语言伙伴:找一个说中文的朋友或语言交换伙伴练习口语。这将为您提供练习会话技巧和接受反馈的机会。

  9. Learn characters: Learning Chinese characters may seem daunting, but it is an important aspect of mastering the language. Start with the most commonly used characters and gradually build your knowledge.

  10. 学习汉字:学习汉字可能看起来很困难,但它是掌握语言的重要方面。从最常用的汉字开始,逐渐建立您的知识。

  11. Practice writing: Writing Chinese characters can help you to remember them better. Practice writing characters by hand or using a digital writing tool.

  12. 练习写作:写汉字可以帮助您记忆它们。通过手写或使用数字写作工具练习写汉字。


  1. phonetic system:拼音系统,指代中文的拼音系统。

  2. consistent practice:持续的练习,指代持续不断地练习。

  3. immerse:沉浸,指代完全投入、沉浸其中。

  4. conversational skills:会话技巧,指代口语表达能力。

  5. daunting:令人生畏的,指代令人感到害怕或困难的。

  6. commonly used:常用的,指代经常使用的。

  7. structured learning:有结构的学习,指代按照一定的学习计划和教学方式进行的学习。

  8. gamification:游戏化,指代将学习过程转化为游戏的形式,以增加学习的趣味性和参与度。

  9. reading comprehension:阅读理解,指代阅读材料时理解其意义和内容的能力。

  10. native speakers:母语为中文的人,指代以中文为母语的人。


  1. Learning the phonetic system is crucial for mastering Chinese pronunciation.(学习拼音系统对于掌握中文发音至关重要。)

  2. Consistent practice is the key to making progress in your Chinese studies.(持续的练习是在中文学习中取得进步的关键。)

  3. Immersing yourself in Chinese media can help you to better understand the language and culture.(沉浸在中文媒体中可以帮助您更好地理解语言和文化。)

  4. Finding a language partner is a great way to practice your conversational skills.(找到语言伙伴是练习口语技巧的好方法。)

  5. Learning Chinese characters may seem daunting at first, but it is worth the effort.(学习汉字起初可能会令人生畏,但它值得花费努力。)

  6. Using a digital writing tool can make practicing writing Chinese characters more convenient.(使用数字写作工具可以使练习写汉字更加方便。)

  7. Join a language class: Taking a Chinese language class can provide you with structured learning and the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback from a teacher.

  8. 参加语言课程:上中文语言课程可以为您提供有结构的学习,以及向老师提问和接受反馈的机会。

  9. Use language-learning apps: There are many apps available that can help you to learn Chinese, such as Duolingo, HelloChinese, and Memrise. These apps often use gamification to make learning more engaging.

  10. 使用语言学习应用程序:有许多应用程序可用于帮助您学习中文,如Duolingo、HelloChinese和Memrise。这些应用程序通常使用游戏化的方法使学习更加有趣。

  11. Read Chinese texts: Reading Chinese texts, such as news articles or books, can help you to improve your reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  12. 阅读中文文本:阅读中文文本,如新闻文章或书籍,可以帮助您提高阅读理解和词汇量。

  13. Practice with native speakers: Practicing with native Chinese speakers can help you to improve your listening and speaking skills, as well as learn more about the language and culture.

  14. 与母语为中文的人练习:与母语为中文的人练习可以帮助您提高听力和口语技能,以及学习更多关于语言和文化的知识。

  15. Taking a Chinese language class can provide you with a solid foundation for further learning.(上中文语言课程可以为您提供扎实的基础,以便进一步学习。)

  16. Language-learning apps are a convenient and fun way to supplement your Chinese studies.(语言学习应用程序是补充中文学习的方便和有趣的方式。)

  17. Reading Chinese texts can be challenging, but it is a great way to improve your language skills.(阅读中文文本可能会有挑战性,但它是提高语言技能的好方法。)

  18. Practicing with native speakers can help you to learn more about Chinese culture and customs.(与母语为中文的人练习可以帮助您了解更多关于中国文化和习俗的知识。)

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