eyewall造句 eyewallの例文 "eyewall"是什麼意思

作者&投稿:邲货 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest fastest winds of a hurrican are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

It's difficult to see eyewall in a sentence. 用 eyewall 造句挺难的

The strongest fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eye - war ( eyewall )

The strongest , fastest winds of a hurricane are found in the eyewall

The disturbance located at inner region and near eyewall intensifying corresponds to the growth of ampptude of typhoon maximum tangential velocity with shorter period and the opposite is true . the weakening role of periphery disturbance intensity drop in typhoon maximum tangential wind reduces iv ros *** y obviously and the mean tangential wind display a strong vibrational characteristic for the periphery disturbance intensity growth
台风内核区和眼壁附近扰动的减弱(加强)使台风最大切向风速的增幅减小(增大) ,且强度增强,风速变化的震荡性加强,震荡的周期缩短;强度减弱,风速变化的震荡性减弱,震荡的周期加长。

For o mesoscale vortices coexisting , the disturbance outside rmw diminishes the intensifying role of near eyewall disturbance on tc intensity . the o mesoscale vortices for east - west distribution are similar to azimuthally wave number o and intensify tc more strong than other o vortices distributing and weaker than actual azimuthally wave number o waves disturbance
双涡分布条件下, rmw外围区的扰动使近眼臂区扰动对tc的加强作用减弱,东-西分布的两涡类似于方位2波的扰动,比其他形式分布的对tc强度的加强作用要强,但这种类博士学位论文:地形对涡旋r 。

前进区17872907063: 墙 眼睛 膝盖 将3个词语连成一个句子, -
乾丹哌拉: 墙--wall 眼睛--eye 膝盖--knee 连起来读就是 wall eye knee 我爱你 就是根据那三个汉语的英语的谐音,哇,你好幸运:那个人的意思就是:他爱你,你肯定要回答YES三

前进区17872907063: “墙壁眼睛膝盖”,猜一句话拜托各位了 3Q -
乾丹哌拉: 我爱你 墙壁=wall 眼睛=eye 膝盖=knee 希望采纳

前进区17872907063: 有谁知道用身体三个部位名称合起来的一个英文句子?
乾丹哌拉: 最佳答案 墙壁 wall 眼睛 eye 膝盖 knee wall(我) eye(爱) knee(你) 是这个吧

前进区17872907063: eyewash是什么意思 -
乾丹哌拉: eyewash 英[ˈaɪwɒʃ] 美[ˈaɪwɑ:ʃ] n. 洗眼水; 胡话; 空话; 拍马; [网络] 洗眼器; 洗眼剂; 眼药水; [例句]Sterile eyewash, such as a saline solution 消毒的洗眼水,如盐水 [其他] 形近词: eyewall prewash 双语例句 英英释义 ...

前进区17872907063: 眼睛,墙壁,膝盖 .打一句话 -
乾丹哌拉: 是“我爱你”因为在英语中:墙为wall(我)眼睛eye为(爱)膝盖knee为(你)连起来就是我爱你.

前进区17872907063: 墙壁.眼睛.膝盖(猜一英语短语)
乾丹哌拉: 墙壁.=WALL-我 眼睛.=EYE-爱 膝盖.=KNEE-你 I love you!

前进区17872907063: 墙用英语怎么说是什么梗 -
乾丹哌拉: 墙用英语wall

前进区17872907063: wall eye near 是什么意思 -
乾丹哌拉: 我爱你的意思,是音译. 非常隐晦的表白

前进区17872907063: 我想知道这三组词语连在一起有什么含义
乾丹哌拉: 墙壁 WALL (谐音 我) 眼睛 EYE (谐音 爱) 膝盖 KNEE (谐音 你) 出自 蔷薇的第七夜 一本言情小说 作者好像是 什么什么夏 这个是男主角 端木朔月 对女主角 说的 你可以去看一下撒!

前进区17872907063: wall eye knee什么含义 -
乾丹哌拉: wall eye knee是“我爱你”的谐音.用英文单词的发音模仿汉语拼音: wall wo 我 eye ai 爱 knee ni 你 我爱你 [wǒ ài nǐ] I love you 一、短语1、我就爱你 the arrangement ; I'll just be love you2、我也爱你 I Love You Too ; And I Love You So ; Ik ook ...

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