我要英文造句,present(v.) really(adv.) worry about 就这3个!很急~不用太难简简单单就好!谢谢

作者&投稿:粱巩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You've been working very hard.
You have had a hectic [ tiring] day.
You've really done a hard day's work.
Comrades, thank you for your hard work.


hard 英[hɑ:d] 美[hɑ:rd]
adj. 硬的; 困难的; 有力的; 努力的;
adv. 努力地; 猛力地; 严重地; 沉重地;
n. 硬海滩,登陆处;
[其他] 比较级:harder 最高级:hardest
I've had a long hard day.

I missed a bus this morning.今早我错过了班车。

I'm afraid of the dark.我怕黑

I used to be thin.But now I'm a little heavy.我过去很瘦,但现在有点胖了.

Don't worry about Jane. She 's not a kid any more.别担心简,她已经不是个小孩子了

1.Samples are presented free.样品免费赠送。
2.It was really not his fault,but mine.这实在不是他的错,而是我的错。
3.You don't have to worry about that.你不必为那事操心。

I really worry about that I can't get a present at my birthday.

The present is really ready,don't worry about it.

用has 造句
Yes , he has engaged in international trade .是的,他从事国际贸易。It has no discernible effect on spondylitis .这对脊椎炎无明显影响。The little apartment has a snug kitchen .那个小公寓有一间小的厨房。This state has been named "premunition" .这种状态称为“传染免疫”。Home has ...

用next to造句。 和翻译
他的一个朋友碰巧在火车车厢里坐在一个无精打采的年轻人的身边。May I bring my chair next to yours?我可以把我的椅子移到你的旁边吗?Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa.彼得挨著保罗坐在沙发上。She sat in the chair next to mine.她坐在紧靠着我的一张椅子上。Most pre-prepared ...

用at meetings造句跪求答案-_-||
她想,这孩子没看见莱伊小姐,而是会见一个陌生女人,一定有点儿惶惑,并且为自己干的丑事而难堪。James wishes he could speak his mind at meetings 詹姆士希望自己能在会议上吐真言。The prime minister presides at meeting of the cabinet 首相主持内阁会议。The number of people present at meeting...

签完名后,请把这张表格传给下一位。2. There is only a little money available for the trip.这趟旅行只有少量金钱可供花用了。3. The university isn't far away from here.这所大学离这里不远。4. Make sure that you pick me up at five.你一定要在5点开车来接我。5. I graduated...

presentational造句如下:1、Dai: Many things are presentational. But it is hard to judge which is more unfeigned.戴:就是很多东西都是表象的,但是表象下哪个更真实还不好判断。2、This logic was often interspersed with presentational information, meaning that there was no clear separation...

例:We will discuss a number of cases where beginners of English fail to use the language preperly.例:He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose the control over his car.在此情况下,where引导定语从句,修饰先行词case\/point\/...

as well as造句
关于as well as造句如下:1.Aggressive use of pretrial motions has strategic as well as substantive advantages.积极使用庭审前的动议具有战略上和实质上的利益。2.He is extremely narcissistic and passively aggressive and controlling as well as abusive.他是非常自我陶醉和过份放肆,同时操纵控制,...

4、代议机关监督政府是现代国家监督体系中的关键一环。5、为此,我们采取了采购过程审查、财务审计和实地监督检查等措施,但我们仍需要各国进一步重视这些行为,确保任何不当行为均无法逃脱法律制裁。例句如下:1.preside naval affairs;2.presided at the keyboard.3.presides over the Senate 4.the ...



德格县17174813546: 我要英文造句,present(v.) really(adv.) worry about 就这3个! -
银例盐酸:[答案] 1.Samples are presented free.样品免费赠送. 2.It was really not his fault,but mine.这实在不是他的错,而是我的错. 3.You don't have to worry about that.你不必为那事操心.

德格县17174813546: 用present造英文句子 -
银例盐酸: 当present做“礼物”的时候: e.g. My parents give me a big present on my birthday party. 当present做“现在”的时候: e.g. The struggle continuing right up to the present.

德格县17174813546: 帮忙用present作时间状语造句子 -
银例盐酸: There is some beer in the kitch at presentI am planning to go to play football ar t presentat present:现在,现今, 等于=now所在句子用现在时态,但是不一定全是现在进行时,一般现在时也可以

德格县17174813546: 我要快乐英语怎么说 -
银例盐酸: I want to be happy.

德格县17174813546: 我要圣诞礼物的英语要怎么说 -
银例盐酸: I want a Christmas gift.例句1.好的,我要买一些圣诞礼物.OK. I want to buy some gifts for Christmas time.2.我要给她当圣诞礼物的.I was going to give it to her for christmas.

德格县17174813546: 英语造句 用honor(n/v)和present(n/v/a)在一句句子里 在线等 急! -
银例盐酸: 名词n.的honor造句Your honor brings to all of us.你的荣誉给我们带来了荣耀.

德格县17174813546: present做"呈现"讲 应怎么造句呢
银例盐酸: 第二个和第三个是对的.第一个是错的. present sb. with sth.=present sth to sb是固定搭配. 形式上present不能带双宾语,即不能使用present sb. sth.结构.这跟provide一样,不能说provide sb. sth,只能说 provide sb. with sth.

德格县17174813546: 下个周末我要去做什么事用英语怎么? -
银例盐酸: What will I go to do next weekend?希望对你有帮助,满意请及时采纳,你的采纳是我回答的动力!

德格县17174813546: present的分别作名词、形容词、动词的用法越详细越好,要有例句. -
银例盐酸:[答案] present 名词 礼物 现在 EG I am not satisfied at present 我现在很不满意 EG Thanks for your presents 谢谢你得礼物 Adj 出席的 All of the guests were present at the conference 所有的嘉宾都出席了这次会议 V.(送)礼物 He presented me with a bunch ...

德格县17174813546: 帮忙下英语造句
银例盐酸: race vi., vt. raced, racing 赛跑 I'll race you to that tree. 我们赛跑到那棵树. (使)迅速行进 He raced along the road on his bike. 他骑自行车沿着这条路疾驶. We racing the sick woman to hospital. 我们急忙把生病的妇人送到医院. (与with连用...

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