请根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 A day to Remember(难忘的一天)

作者&投稿:阚枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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A Day to Remember
I still remember that day about which I will never forget.It was the first time I dated with my girlfriend.It was a sunny day and so was my mood.In the morning,we went to the park where a flower show was on.We were delighted to see and enjoy these flowers like roses and chrysanthemums.After that,we went to the KFC to have our lunch.We both enjoyed eating such delicious hambergars and potato chips.Then,we went to the cinema to wath a film named"Pirates of the Caribbean"which we enjoyed much.After that,we went to the Starbucks to have a cup of coffee and we talked about many things untill too late.This is the day I will never forget about.

我写的是我和我女朋友第一次约会 不知道行不行

A day to Remember(难忘的一天)
In frozen februarys, with snow of winter, my classmates and I are incomparable feeling of joy, all the cheerful singing bus came to our long-expected QiPanShan ice-snow great world.

QiPanShan scenery is beautiful! The snow with mist used throughout the mountains. Feet is vast stretches of ice and snow to the world; the earth seems covered with a thick layer of quilt. The classmates like a bird in the snow to shout, bouncing.

In some classmates in skating rink car, some classmates in snowball fights, and classmates playing malah sledge, the snow some people fall up, some deliberately dozen GunEr, let would stick, some were built in aside classmates and I snowman, loud shout, the hand in hand towards the may...

In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes. Her eyes are as clear and bright as the night sky, and whenever she smileds, they would glow ...

请选取你在生活中曾经历的一次尝试,把题目《那是一次()的尝试》补充完整,写一篇记叙文。 要求:1、从以上两题中任选一题完成。2、内容具体,感情真,语句通顺,有一定的条理。 三、根据下面所给的词语,编个故事,不少于400字。考场小白兔山坡指南针狐狸四、你们家的星期天都是怎么过的,选择一个你最愿意写的星期...

《综合应用能力测试》为主观性题,主要题型有:1、案例分析题提供较为典型的案例材料,要求分析案例中所给出的事实,回答案例思考所提出的问题,内容包括时事政治、法律基础、公共行政等。2、文书写作题根据给定材料按常用公文格式的要求拟写公文,或对题目给出公文进行改错,使之符合常用公文格式。 3、材料作文题根据给出...

2、 “两亏”问题的数量关系式:两次亏的数量差÷两次所分配之差=两次参与分配的对象总数。3、“两盈”问题的数量关系式:两次盈的数量差÷两次所分配之差=两次 参与分配的对象总数。例1、幼儿园老师给小朋友分梨子,如果每人分4个,则多9个;如果每人分5个,则少6个。问有多少个小朋友?

[总结]:先假设它们全是兔.于是根据鸡兔的总只数就可以算出在假设下共有几只脚,把这样得到的脚数与题中给出的脚数相比较,看相差多少.每差2只脚就说明有一只鸡;将所差的脚数除以2,就可以算出共有多少只鸡.我们称这种解题方法为假设法.概括起来,解鸡兔同笼问题的基本关系式是: 鸡数=(每只兔脚数× 兔...

新材料作文题目及分析、例文 一根据所给材料,联系实际,写一篇议论文。 《庄子》中有这样一则寓言:朱平曼喜好剑法,总想练就一身独步天下的绝技。他听说有个叫支离益的人善长屠龙之术,便赶去拜支离益为师,立志将这种人间稀有、世上少见的剑法学到手。他苦学苦练了三年,倾家荡产也在所不惜。终于他的屠龙剑术已达...

公务员考试 数量关系 怎么提高 ?
【中公解析】选D。首先,我们要先将文字信息翻译成数学语言。根据题意,求n?根据题目中所给已知条件,我们首先先根据等差数列的性质将进行求解。根据选项,n为奇数,故。所以根据求和公式,进行代入,解得n=31。选D 以上就是中公教育专家为大家总结的关于行测备考过程中数量关系部分的常用公式,数学中的...

以下面的材料为话题 写一篇作文
请选取你在生活中曾经历的一次尝试,把题目《那是一次( )的尝试》补充完整,写一篇记叙文。要求:1、从以上两题中任选一题完成。2、内容具体,感情真,语句通顺,有一定的条理。三、根据下面所给的词语,编个故事,不少于400字。考场 小白兔 山坡 指南针 狐狸四、你们家的星期天都是怎么过的,选择一个你最愿意写的...


以下是 为大家整理的关于中考材料作文题目训练题与提示20篇的文章,供大家学习参考! A.根据所给材料,联系实际,写一篇议论文。 《庄子》中有这样一则寓言:朱平曼喜好剑法,总想练就一身独步天下的绝技。他听说有个叫支离益的人善长屠龙之术,便赶去拜支离益为师,立志将这种人间稀有、世上少见的剑法学到手。他苦学...

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