
作者&投稿:独孤融 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Disregard of make moves (shot)

buzzer beaters。
或者temerarious shot。

Desperate to shoot,不顾一切的出手
注:Desperate 不顾一切的,绝望的;
shoot 射击,投篮

desperate to shoot
to do sth :去做。

Disregard of make moves

Disregard of make moves (shot)

None of the subject can develop solely, and none of the scientists in any field can solve the problems all by himself.

According to the slope and intercept of the fitted line, the value of A is 1, and the value of B is 2.我大学叔叔翻译的,希望能帮助你。

without measure of respect.blindness self-confidence.it lead to the chauvinism,discrimination of other nations.

there are different understandings between Chinese dragons and western dragons, so the culture symbol of dragon faced many difficulties in the process of culture exchange.说点题外话,在中国龙一般做为吉祥物,而在西方龙做为邪恶和贪婪的化身,如守珍宝和喷火的龙,这就是零八奥运会没有用龙...

I am a senior.As a student,I did a part-time job in ##company in June.暑期工就不用直译了,翻成part-time job 更显地道。

Sorry, he is not in the office. Please call his mobile phone, the number is :

What are you doing here? 是最常见的、中性的、比较正宗的询问方式,不像汉语里,如果想用这句话表达反感、不欢迎等态度只需加重语气即可,英语如果想表达不耐烦、不欢迎、惊讶等情感,最好加上上下语境。举例:What do you come here for?你来这儿干什么?你来这里有什么事?2.He stared and ...

用英语怎么说 这句话用英语怎么说?
what's the English for this?What's this in English?How to say it in English?

We should build up the resource saving,pro-environmental society 人大官方报告英文版

句中dinning table为单数,则系动词应用单数,即为is;在to 后,还需加上let或make.全句为:in china,dinning table is round in order to let everyone equal conversation.

尉氏县13992734161: 不顾一切用英语怎么说 -
冉凝先锋: tried desperately

尉氏县13992734161: 不顾一切的英语怎么讲?? -
冉凝先锋: 不顾一切fling caution to the winds regardlessness go to the most extreme lengths to 网络释义-不顾一切: us against the world;reckless;regardlessness;against the world us against the world-不顾一切地: desperately;regardless desperately-不顾一...

尉氏县13992734161: "当我遇到困难,她总是不顾一切的帮助我"用英语怎么说 -
冉凝先锋: When I meet with difficulties, she always desperate to help me 楼主,下次如果遇到这样的问题,你可以直接在百度首页输入在线翻译,然后把你需要翻译的汉语输进去点翻译就OK了.

尉氏县13992734161: “竭尽全力”和“豁出去了”英语怎么说 -
冉凝先锋: 竭尽全力 strain every nerve; do all in one's full strength; do all in one's power我们将乐意为它的实现而竭尽全力. We shall gladly lend every effort in our power toward its realization.豁出去了 It is all or nothing

尉氏县13992734161: "当我遇到困难,她总是不顾一切的帮助我"用英语怎么说可以有多种回答,但是一定要准确通顺 -
冉凝先锋:[答案] When I meet with difficulties,she always desperate to help me 楼主,下次如果遇到这样的问题,你可以直接在百度首页输入在线翻译,然后把你需要翻译的汉语输进去点翻译就OK了.

尉氏县13992734161: 有一种天真叫不顾一切的英文翻译怎么说 -
冉凝先锋: 有一种天真叫不顾一切 There is a naive called desperate 望采纳,谢谢

尉氏县13992734161: 为你我愿不顾一切的英语 -
冉凝先锋: 为你我愿不顾一切 I would like to do everything for you

尉氏县13992734161: 用英语怎么说:“但是打篮球是我的梦想,我将不顾一切的实现它.” -
冉凝先锋:[答案] But playing basketball is my dream,nothing can stop me achieving it!

尉氏县13992734161: 英语翻译,“以生命为代价”、“站在某人一边”、“假装做某事”、“不顾一切”、“对某人来说重要的事”这些词造五句句子,最好再翻译成英文 -
冉凝先锋:[答案] 即使以生命为代价、那个英勇的少年去火场救人 那个小偷从那个女士的身边走过、假装不小心的撞了她、偷到了她的钱 对于一个人的成功、最重要的是耐心和努力 我们要站在真理一方 (我尽力了··)

尉氏县13992734161: 英文短句的意思
冉凝先锋: 不顾一切去做某事

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