
作者&投稿:典炕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、like very much
英 [laik ˈveri mʌtʃ] 美 [laɪk ˈvɛri mʌtʃ]
英 [laɪk] 美 [laɪk]
vt.喜欢;(与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想;想要;喜欢做
二、very much
英 [ˈveri mʌtʃ] 美 [ˈvɛri mʌtʃ]
1、I have a beautiful skirt ( that) I like very much.
2、Recently I found a new cream cheese frosting that I like very much and I have included it here.

英 [ləʊð] 美 [loʊð]
1、 I loathe modern art.
2、They loathe each other.
二、hate very much
1、I can make her hate me very much, and can also make her love me very much.
2、All the normal people hate it very much.

You love her。
你爱她吗? 你到底在干什么?。Do you love her?What are you doing?

如果只是你爱她,或者只是她爱你。If you love her, or she just love you.

每天,做一些事情让她相信你爱她。Each day, do something to lead her to believe you love her.

马克:我想首先要问的是:你爱她吗?Mark: I guess the real question is, Do you love her?

你是否给你妈打过电话并告诉她你爱她?Did you call up your mother and tell her you loved her?

你有告诉康妮你爱她吗?。Do you tell Connie you love her?

你已做了力所能及的一切。她知道你爱她。Susan: You've done everything you could. She knows that you love her.

如果你爱她,他是着离开你。(真的吗?)If you love him, he will try to leave you. (Really?

医院骑士:那并不意味着没有神。你爱她吗?Hospitaller: That does not mean that there is no God. Do you love her?

她如何知道你爱她?你如何对她表达你爱她?How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you love her?

你爱她并不是她美丽。You love her not because she is beautiful.

有时你爱她?Sometimes you love her ?

她如何知道你爱她?你如何让她知道你需要她?How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you need her?

她怎麽知道你爱她?How does she know you love her?

她怎麽知道你爱她?How does she know that you love her?

“我知道你爱她,”一天她说到,令我感到惊讶。"I know that you love her, " she said one day, taking me by surprise.

你爱她,她爱你。You love her. She loves you.

如果你爱她,就告诉她,多说几遍也没有关系的。If you love her, told her several times to say there is no connection between the two.

如果你爱她的话,总有一天你也会爱上另一个人。If you love her, you will love someone else someday.

告诉孩子你爱她,让她了解你喜欢她本来的样子。Tell your child you love her. Let her see you're glad she is who she is .

你爱她不像你爱我一样。在她身上你找不到我独有的。You don't love her like you love me. You'll never have with her what you have with me.

你们俩简直就是天生的一对儿。你为什么不告诉她你爱她?You are so meant to be together, why don't you tell her you love her?

但请记住,不是不对她好(你爱她就应该对她好),而是不要太好!But please remember, is not good (you does not like her to her being supposed to her good), but do not have too to be good! Has understood?

“你爱一个女人,并不是因为她美丽;”只因为你爱她,她才美丽。"You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, "she is beautiful because you love her.

“你跟康尼说你爱她吗?”我明知故问。他瞧着我,就好像我有神经病。"Do you tell Connie you love her?" I asked (knowing his answer), and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

“你跟康尼说你爱她吗?”我明知故问。他瞧着我,就好像我有神经病。"Do you tell Englishbus you love her?" I asked (knowing his answer), and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

“你怎么知道他爱我?”(他怎么知道你爱他?你怎么向她表示你爱她?)"How do I know he loves me?" (How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you love her?

你是否打电话给母亲并告诉她你爱她,或者在家中默默地拂去圣经上的灰尘?Did you call up your mother and tell her you loved her? Did you dust off that bible at home?

你爱她,不是因为她是一个怎样的人,而是因为你喜欢与她在一起时的感觉。You love her not because of who she is, but because of who you are when you are with her.

然后告诉你的配偶:你理解当一个人生气的时候,那意味着她已经受到了伤害,你想对此做些什么因为你爱她。Then tell your partner you understand that when a person is angry, it means she's been hurt, and that you want to do something about it because you love her.

I like her very much.

l very like she

喜好 be fond of 喜好, 喜欢, 喜, 喜爱, 爱好, 疼 be keen on 爱;一我喜欢你用英语的翻译是I like you二音标英 a#618 la#618k ju美 a#618 la#618k j#601英语English是印欧语系日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于;1我非常喜欢她 翻译I love her very much2...

你好!我们都很喜欢她 We all like her very much

We all like her.

I like i t very much.句子成分:主语 谓语动词 宾语(it为指示代词)修饰词.望采纳( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

My favorite teacher is a teacher, that is, my English teacher, she was that young and beautiful, but also very good lesson on why I like her very much

喜欢的英语说法1:like 喜欢的英语说法2:love 喜欢的英语说法3:enjoy 喜欢的相关短语:不喜欢 dislike ; hate ; objection ; have a dislike of 非常喜欢 adore ; enjoy ; like very much ; very like 开始喜欢 take to ; acquire a taste for ; i start to like ; Start like 最喜欢 ...

“超喜欢”用英文怎么说 adore 英[əˈdɔ:(r)] 美[əˈdɔr, əˈdor]vt. 崇拜; 爱慕; 非常喜欢; 敬佩;vi. 崇拜; 爱慕;[例句]She adored her parents and would do anything to please them.她很爱自己的父母,为让他们高兴愿意做任何事。


“喜欢”用英语来说有以下几种:vt. like ; love ; enjoy misc. be fond of ; be keen on 其中最常用的是“like”,读音是[laɪk],下面是关于“like”这个单词的详解。like 1、音标:英 [laɪk] 美 [laɪk]2、释义:prep. 像,如同;符合……的方式;(指...

“我们都很喜欢她”用英语怎么说拜托了各位 谢谢
We all like her 满意请采纳

南长区13434946592: 我非常喜欢她的英文怎么说.如题. -
用雁复方:[答案] I like her very much. 喜欢可以直接用like

南长区13434946592: 我非常喜欢她的英文怎么说. -
用雁复方: I like her very much. 喜欢可以直接用like

南长区13434946592: 英文我非常喜欢某人怎么写 -
用雁复方:[答案] I like sb very much.

南长区13434946592: 我很喜欢她,用用英语怎么说?怎样说才对呢? -
用雁复方:[答案] I like her very much

南长区13434946592: 我很喜欢她用英文怎末说 -
用雁复方:[答案] I like/love her very much. I deeply like her.

南长区13434946592: 我很喜欢她 用英文怎么说 -
用雁复方: I like her very much.

南长区13434946592: 英语· 我非常喜欢她怎么说 -
用雁复方: I very like her !

南长区13434946592: 我很喜欢她英语怎么说 -
用雁复方: 是的.也可以说 I love her very much. 看你的喜欢是什么意思了.

南长区13434946592: 我很喜欢她用英文怎末说 -
用雁复方: I like/love her very much.I deeply like her.

南长区13434946592: 我非常喜欢英语.用英语怎么说? -
用雁复方:[答案] I like English very much.

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