
作者&投稿:欧艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




  为了模拟北美大学课堂的学术气氛和学生在校园生活的方方面面,integrated speaking部分的Task3从不同程度上涉及了Read/Listen/Speak三个方面,并且首次允许考生作课堂笔记。这种题型有利有弊,对听力不好的考生来说这是个坎儿,而它的优势就在于它通过听力和阅读给大家提供了更多的信息点。通常这部分是围绕着Campus situation topic 而展开的。

  提议:因为这部分对话一般都是在male和 female之间进行的,所以建议大家在做笔记的时候如下面所示这样记录,这样会更加有条理,你无论是在做笔记还是在preparation时都可以更加便利!

  Note-taking strategy: Note format

  Female Male

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  Here is an example of an integrated reading-listening-speaking task:


  Notice of Vote on Campus Food Service

  Students are encouraged to vote on the university’s proposal to change the food service on campus. Students should vote for which of two options they prefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the Student Center, including the addition of more food choices and more dining space; this option would also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close the cafeteria in the Student Center but would maintain the two snack bars, and would add five food service areas across campus, including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.


  Sample conversation

  W: Have you voted on the food service yet?

  M: No, but I intend to. I’m going to vote for the second option.

  W: That’s the one that closes the main cafeteria, isn’t it?

  M: Right.

  W: But the main cafeteria is in the Student Center. That’s where everyone goes at lunchtime. Doesn’t it make sense to have food there?

  M: But it’s always so crowded in there at lunchtime. You have to wait a long time in the food line. And there are never enough places to sit.

  W: That’s true, but they say they’ll add more tables.

  M: There aren’t enough bike racks outside either. I have no place to put my bike. Most of the time, I eat at one of the snack bars. Besides, I like the idea of having several smaller eating places all over campus. That seems a lot more convenient, sine we have classes all over campus anyway. It also means less crowding, and you don’t have to wait as long to get your food. More food choices, too-----I also like the idea of barbecue on campus.

  W: Yeah, that does sound good, doesn’t it?

  The man expresses his opinion about the campus food service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

  Sample answer

  The man votes to close the cafeteria in the Student Center. Because he thinks it is very crowding there in lunchtime. There is no place for his bike when he wants to have dinner. There are also not enough space for every student. She likes the idea to open several food service centers around campus. Because it’s more convenient and it’s not crowded if there are many food service centers. He also has not --------


  (1) 人称的正确使用。She likes the idea to open several food service centers around campus. 主语应该是he。这个问题很小我们也一再地强调,但是还是有人不断地犯错,在这里再申明一次请在准备之前一定仔细阅读清楚它的题目要求,State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

  (2) There are also not enough space for every student.这句话如果表达为:there is also no enough space for every student to sit.这样会更好一些!还有在这句话和前句话之间夹一个moreover这样会使陈述过渡地更加自然。同时建议大家在平常的学习中多多积累一些 signal words或者可以说是 transitions(过渡词),这无论对广大考生的口语还是写作都有很大帮助!

  (3) 语言表达多样性上有待提高。通观他的全部陈述内容,首先可以肯定他已经很好地把握了听力和阅读部分的主要信息。不足之处就是不止一次出现food service centers,这样会造成考官的听觉疲劳,他会认为你的词汇量缺乏。听力中的several smaller eating places可以拿来和它互换使用,而且阅读中的最后一句:Including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.可以加进陈述内容中去,这样会使你的表达更加丰满!



  它的题目流程和Task3是一样的,也是Read/Listen/Speak三者结合,都属于 integrated speaking题型。不过是关于an academic topic,总的来说,Task4比Task3的难度更加提升了一些,这就要考察你ablity of combining the main information of the reading with that of what you heared.


  广大考生们一定要注意在做Task4时,它并不要求你发表自己的观点,不要在你的陈述中加入“I think------”或者是“In my opinion”,这是多此一举!而且它也不要求你必须具备听力或者阅读材料中所涉及的相关学术领域的专业知识,你只需要合理地结合两部分给出的信息,然后依据这些信息进行充分有效地回答!



  Social Interaction

  People deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people have over one another's behavior. People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior. For example, one principle of social interaction, audience effects, suggests that individuals' work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible to others, that the presence of others tends to alter the way people behave or perform an activity.

  Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle of audience effects.


  Sample answer1

  Here we talk about the way we interact each other. What we know and what we want and the others’ presence, behaviors will tend to our actions. This is an example of typing shoes and learning to type which demonstrates the principle of audience effects. Indeed we know we should affect common behaviors. If we type shoes faster, we could make more mistakes.


  Sample1把重点都放在了一些比较理论的叙述上,而缺乏了对tying shoes这个事例的介绍和分析。首先,大家要注意调整好你所陈述topic的主观即理论部分和事例部分各自所占的合理分配比例。为什么这样说呢?因为很多人在做Task4时往往是走两个极端的路线,要么都是纯理论的阐述要么就是偏重于listening中的事例说明,都没有完美地把两部分结合。

  Sample answer2

  There are two groups of students must have type their shoes. The first group which is told they will be observed type faster than the second group which is not told that they are observed. This is the first principle of the audience effect. Secondly, people who are told they are observed, when they are typing, they make more mistakes than the second group who are not told they are observed. This is the second principle of the audience effect.


  (1)纵观Sample2的陈述,他表达地较有条理,但是和Sample1相比较,它正好缺乏对the principle of audience effects的理论部分陈述,如果把Sample1 和Sample2的表达结合一下就完美了。

  (2)多样性有待提高。在Sample2中多次听到they are observed这种表达,这样就显得客户词汇量有限,其实可以把observe和watch互换地应用!考生们应该注意了!

  (3)指示词的有效运用。本段中使用了secondly,这很好!但是回头看前面的陈述并没有发现 firstly,所以这样整体听起来就显得有点突兀、不连贯。指示词和过渡词的恰当使用无论在口语中还是写作中都起着举足轻重的作用。它会使你的口语表达重点突出,层次分明,更加流畅,过渡也更加自然。下面就列举一些常用的指示词和过渡词,希望大家多多应用在自己的口语表达和写作中。

  指示词:First Second Third Fourth

  Finally Then Next After that

  Most importantly Another Furthermore Moreover

  Before The first The second The final point

  过渡词:but however and despite

  Consequently expect for although even though

  In addition to rather than instead of alternatively

  On the other hand in conclusion in short to sum up

  For example in particular namely for instance

  Eventually meanwhile at the same time while

  Just as what’s more as well as but also

  Whereas nonetheless in contrast provided that

  Because since as a result therefore


  W: There are two groups of students must have type their shoes.

  R: Two groups of students are required to type their shoes.

  There are two groups of students who are demanded to type their shoes.

  W: People who are told they are observed, when they are typing, they make more mistakes than the second group who are not told they are observed.

  R: People who are told they are observed make more mistakes than the people who are not when they are typing shoes.

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产姚感冒: 1.2是给题目自由发挥,3,4,5,6先听再说.3是两个学生对学校某个活动的讨论,复述.4是某个专题的讲座,复述.5是一段解决问题的对话,自己的观点也要给..6是直接听,然后复述一遍,大概就行.6和4不同点在于6直接听不给看的.

安县14760627796: 托福口语的task 3~6 -
产姚感冒: There is no range of testing topics! the best way to improve your speaking section is practicing more. And it is much easier for taker to answer Task3-6 because all the info needed is contained in the lecture. And i should also recommend you a nice book named "口语黄金80题" again: practice makes perfect!

安县14760627796: 托福口语task3 -
产姚感冒: 当然有限制45秒钟的时间,过后就再也不出现了,所以需要抓紧时间记下阅读中的重点内容.

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