用”agree to"造句

作者&投稿:师剑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、agree to意思是同意什么,短语及造句如下:


  • agree to (the plan)    同意(计划等)

  • agree to a proposal    同意某项建议

  • agree to differ    各自保留不同意见; 求同存异

  • to agree to something    同意某件事


1.I must have been insane to agree to the idea.


2.l agree to anything for an easy life.


3.It was no small achievement getting her to agree to the deal.



1、音标: 英 [ə'ɡriː]     美 [ə'ɡriː]   


  • v. 同意;赞成;承认;符合;一致


过去式: agreed 过去分词: agreed 现在分词: agreeing 第三人称单数: agrees


  • agree的基本含义是“同意”。指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意; 也指双方或多方就某事经协商取得一致意见或对某事看法一致。agree所表示的“同意”,多指经讨论、谈判或劝说使原有的分歧或相反意见得以解决而取得一致意见。引申可表示事物的“相一致”“相符合”和人际关系的“相适应”“相融洽”。

  • agree用作及物动词,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。用作不及物动词,其后常接about, in, on〔upon〕, to, with等介词。agree on〔upon〕后的宾语主要是date, price, position, cease-fire, terms等。agree to后的宾语主要是arrangement, conditions, plan, proposals, suggestions, terms等。agree with作“适合”解时,主语多为表示气候、环境、食物等方面的名词,宾语多为人。

  • agree后不直接接动名词作宾语,如需接动名词时则要加介词。但接that从句时其前不加介词。agree可用于被动结构。


  • I asked him to help me and he agreed.

  • I asked him to come with me and he agreed .

  • That is a good arrangement, do you agree ?

  • We must agree the arrangements for this.

蔡甸区15830624715: 用”agree to"造句
漳彦钆喷: 例:DO you agree to my plan ? 你同意我的建议吗? We all agreed to their arrangement. 我们都同意他们的安排.

蔡甸区15830624715: 用agree.to.do造句 -
漳彦钆喷:[答案] 例句:I need to do my homework. agree to do sth.意为同意某事例句:He agreed to our suggestion. I need to tell him the truth==I must

蔡甸区15830624715: agree to do造句 -
漳彦钆喷: l agree to join a English club.. 我同意加入一个英语俱乐部..

蔡甸区15830624715: agree on与agree to的区别与造句 -
漳彦钆喷: agree with sb.------同意某人的观点,建议 agree to sth-------同意对方开出的条件 agree on sth-----同意双方制定的协议条款,合同1 Do you agree with me2 He didn't get the job because he didn't agree to the working conditions here.3 They agreed on the contract and signed their names.

蔡甸区15830624715: agree to do sth .造句 -
漳彦钆喷: I agree to go hiking with him. 我同意和他一起去远足. We agree to help the old people do some housework on weekends .我们同意周末帮老人做一些家务活. He agreed to do it at once.他同意立刻行动.

蔡甸区15830624715: agree to do sth造句加翻译 -
漳彦钆喷: agree to do sth . 同意做某事 We agree to help the old people do some housework on weekends .我们同意周末帮老人做一些家务活.

蔡甸区15830624715: agree to与agree on的区别造个句子 -
漳彦钆喷: agree on 是双方在对于一个观点的意见一致 we are all agreed on this opinion agree to 是同意某人的说法或某物 He agrees to our proposal

蔡甸区15830624715: 用need to do sth.和agree to do sth. 造句 -
漳彦钆喷: 先说need to do sth need可以作情态动词也可以作普通动词. 当它为情态动词的时候,肯定形式就是need do sth.当它是普通动词时候,肯定形式是need to do sth.由此,此处为动词形式.例句:I need to do my homework.agree to do sth.意为同意某事 例句:He agreed to our suggestion.

蔡甸区15830624715: agree to do sth造句 -
漳彦钆喷: He agreed to help the people who are in need of help他同意帮助那些需要帮助的人

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