
作者&投稿:安翰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 读书养心,锻炼健身。



  Words: matter; have; cold; stomachache; sore; back; arm; ear; eye; foot; hand; head; leg; mouth; neck; nose; stomach; tooth; throat; toothache; fever; rest; honey; dentist; should; headache; shouldn’t

  Phrases: have a cold  have a sore throat  have a fever  see a dentist


  1. What’s the matter?      I have a cold.

  2. I have a headache/stomachache/toothache/sore back/sore throat.

  3. You should go to bed/drink some water.

  能力目标: Enable the students to talk about health problems and give advice with the language points.

  情感目标: Help the students learn how to talk about health problems and give advice on that with the language points.


  Talk about your health.and give advice.



  Ⅰ。Students look at the pictures on the blackboard and learn the new words about the parts of the body.

  人教版八年级英语上册第二单元Unit 2 What’s the matter?学案 - Frank - 菟莍教研

  1. b______   2. n_____     3. he_____

  4. ha_____   5. ea_____    6. ey_____

  7. f______   8. m_____    9. ne_____

  10. a______  11. s_______  12. l_____


  1.看医生/牙医                           2.感冒

  3.患牙痛                                   4.患头痛

  5.发烧                                      6.躺下休息

  7.喝大量水                               8.喝热蜂蜜茶

  9.有压力                                  10.保持健康

  3.合作探究 .完成表格后对话。







  Sore throat





  4.Eg: --- What’s the matter?

  ---I’m not feeling well.I have a

  ---When did it start?

  ---About                     ago.

  ---Oh,that’s too bad,you should                            .

  ----Yes ,I think so.

  -- I hope                                     .



  1. Wha's wrong/the matter (with you)?  你怎么了?

  When did it start?        从何时开始生病的?

  2. How are you (feeling) now?     你现在觉得怎么样?

  3.Did you sleep well?         你睡得好吗?

  4. How long have you been like this?  你像这样有多久了?

  5. Did you eatanything for breakfast?  你早饭吃了什么没有?


  1. I don't feel very well. / I'm not feeling well.   我感到不舒服。

  2. I have (got) a headache.  我头痛。

  I have a sore throat.    我嗓子痛。

  I have a backache. / I have a pain in my back. 我后背痛。

  There's something wrong with my leg.  我的腿有毛病了。

  3. I feel terrible. 我感到很难受。

  I feel even worse. 我感到情况更糟了。

  4. I don't feel like eating anything.  我什么都不想吃。

  5. It began two days ago.   两天前开始的。


  1. Open your mouth and say  "Ah---'. 张嘴说 "啊---- ".

  2. Let me take your temperature. 让我给你量量体温。

  3. There's nothing much wrong / serious with you.  你没什么大问题。

  4. You have got a bad cold.   你患了重感冒。

  5. You have to be in hospital. 你得住院。

  6. You'd better stay in bed for a few days. 你最好卧床几天。

  Eat less food and take more exercise. If you do that, you'll feel much healthier.


  Drink more water.         多喝水。

  You should drink a lot of water.       你应该多喝水。

  Have a good rest.         好好休息。

  7. Take one of these pills twice a day.   这些药每次服一片,每天两次。

  Take the medicine after meals.    饭后服药。

  8. You'll soon be all right.       你很快就会康复的。

  I hope you feel better soon.     我希望你很快就会好起来。

  Try to relax before you go to sleep.  睡觉前尽量放松一下。

  5. 梳理归纳  SectionA. 重点短语

  1)Have a cold 感冒                 2)sore back 背痛

  3)neck and neck 并驾齐驱,齐头并进  4)I have a stomachache 我胃痛

  = I have got a stomachache = There is something wrong with my stomach

  = My stomach hurts = I have (got) a pain in my stomach

  5)What’s the matter? 怎么了?= What’s the trouble (with you)?

  = What’s your trouble?= What’s wrong (with you)?

  = What’ the matter (with you)? =What has happened to you?

  = Is there anything wrong (with you)? = what’s up?

  6)sore throat 咽喉痛                    7)lie down and rest 躺下休息

  8)see a dentist 看牙医                   9)drink lots of water 多喝水

  10)hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶       11)That’s a good idea 好主意

  12)That’s too bad 太糟糕了              13)I think so 我认为如此

  14)I’m not feeling well. 我觉得不太舒服    = I’m not feeling fine/all right.

  = I’m feeling ill/sick. =I feel terrible/bad.   = I don’t feel well.

  6.达标检测  选择填空:

  (  )1. _____ the matter with you?

  A. Who’s        B. What’s            C. How’s

  (  )2. You look pale. You _____ see the doctor.

  A. should       B. have to            C. do

  (  )3. I _____ you feel better soon.

  A. want             B. hope                C. need

  (  )4. Don’t eat ______ junk food.

  A. much too          B. too many           C. too much

  (  )5. _______ gets tired sometimes.

  A. People               B. Men

  C. Everyone

  (  )6. -When did it start?  -________.

  A. About a week ago    B. For three days   C. Very well

  (  )7. Sara _______ a stomachache. So she _____ eat anything for twenty-four hours.

  A. has, shouldn’t           B. has, should        C. have, shouldn’t

  (  )8. You should ______ for a few nights.

  A. lies down             B. lie down             C. lie

  (  )9. I am sorry ________ that you’re not feeling well.

  A. and hear            B. to hear         C. heard

  (  )10. _______ a good idea.

  A. That sounds like   B. That’s sounds like   C. That’s like


  1.What’s the matter? I have a bad cold. 你怎么了?我得了重感冒。

  Have a +人体部位+ache/sore +身体部位:身患某种疾病

  2.Maybe you should see a dentist. 或许你应该看牙医。

  Should 后加动词原形译为:应该做什么……

  3.I hope you feel better soon. 我希望你很快好起来。

  Hope +to do /+从句:译为:希望做什么…


  1.We should not eat______junk food. (济宁)

  A.too many   B.too much   C.many too   D.much too

  析:too many+可数名词复数;too much +不可数名词;much too +形容词,故本题选B

  2. I’m sorry ______that bad news.(甘肃)

  A.hear  B.hearing  C.to hear  D.heard

  析:be +形容词+to do 译为:很抱歉听到这个坏消息。


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