
作者&投稿:司皆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




建议你用万能五笔 ,练五笔要学会字根,背个2天就行!

"濈沘" 拼音怎么读?


B 添加义项

小娃娃! "唐韬"


CAN you believe there is a"Spider Man" in real life?


Home (Air "Around The Golf" Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Home (Air "Around The Golf" Remix)
歌手:Depeche Mode
专辑:Remixes 81>04
Gym Class Heroes - Home
Im just an oxy moron in a a song wen im straight bent
Intoxicated on subriedy, ironey makes sense
Im tryin' to make a livin', you diyin' to pay the rent
Why you liyin' for fivness, when i aint givin' you shit
My original plan was to live as a starvin' artist, but
Starvin' artist die hungry, dress bummy
OMG, LOL, capital HEO
See alot of em' talk, half of em' aint paid
Truthfully i walk it out, like dre say
Bought my car on 106, but now its missin' like AJ
I played it *** art, with a little to the side
Bought a bar in New York, where i sit and swallow my pride.
Im home, and they've been missin' me since ive been gone
Thats why your missis been hittin' me on my phone
Little man, had a plan, now he grown, not do along for to long
Sing the song everybody,
Im home
Im home
Im home
Im home
(Im home)
I know ive been gone for to long, but im back, homeing, haha,
I know yall missed me, dont even play hahaha, im home now though
Im back your boy did it
Look how he shitted' on em'
Hes like hard division
Consider him a problem
Subtract me from the game, now thats a bad equation
Add the fact, this industrys wack, now check your calculations
Hes the equivilent of Mc2, multiplied by eight kimbos, plain and simple
When im not to the nearest tenth hell, its just a waist of time
Im stingy, i only make sense to myself
If welth was the truth, then it should by a mans happiness
Why the hell you think im *** ilin' so hard while im rappin' this
Eye yos *** in ne yo, the whole world got there eye balls in my e-hole
And thats why i keep the lies all close by, cause currency is dirty
Especially when you got it stacked miles high
They say mone changed me, thats a no no
I just dont roll with bums, no hobo
Im home, and they've been missin' me since ive been gone
Thats why your missis been hittin' me on my phone
Little man, had a plan, now he grown, not do along for to long
Sing the song everybody,
Im home
Im home
Im home
Im home
(Im home)
Man gym class heroes is a real problem, you needa reconize that
Yall was actin' funny while is was gone, now we back haha ha ha
You tried livin' in the fast lane, but couldnt reach the pedals
Now your so called life not as cool as jared ledos
I give this whole rap game a purple tonsil (wow)
Now thats what you get for acting hostel
You can bite the hand that feeds you, but when it bites back
You gon' get arrested developement cuffs and cardiac
Im in my prime going harder than i should soo (uhhh)
You little bastards takin' orders like good burger
Spittin snaple facts, thats nonsense
Read a couple books and you call yourself conshense
The only reason ive been sleeping on music lately
Cause yall aint makin' nuthin' slightly close to entertaning
But thats entertaning, this is history
If you aint on my level, dont even get at me
Literally, i am what, you have been waiting for
Gym class is now in session
You aint gotta wait no more
Im home, and they've been missin' me since ive been gone
Thats why your missis been hittin' me on my phone
Little man, had a plan, now he grown, not do along for to long
Sing the song everybody,
Im home
Im home
Im home
Im home
(Im home)
(and there you have it, gym class heroes baby,
decaydence, cool and dre, back squad
08 aaaaaahhhhhh FUCK OUTTA HERE!



"It is nothing personal" 的用法?

eg.It is nothing personal, we just feel that it is an important safety measure for our family.
It is nothing personal and you need not be depressed.
Please note it is nothing personal by any means, and we certainly wele you to apply again soon.



what's meaning of "flossing your teeth."


1。古同川,读chuan(一声)2。《康熙字典》《寅集中》《巛字部》 ·巛 ·康熙笔画:3 ·部外笔画:0 《唐韵》川本字。《说文》巛,贯穿通流水也。虞书曰:濬


巛我五笔用VNNN就可以咯 巛拼音呢 是chuan


甾 字上面的偏旁读什么
巛 拼音:chuān chuān 古同“川”。 笔画数:3; 部首:巛; 笔顺编号:555 巛 (汉语大词典) “川2”的古字。亦作“川2”,也作部首。 相关单字 川 相关词语 川人 川光 川党 川冈 川剧 川华 川原 川口 川后 川吏 川土 川地 川坻 川域 川堂 川涂 川塞 川境 ...

冖 秃宝盖 军、写、冠 户 户字旁 扇、十 十字儿 华、 礻 示字旁 祖、讠 言字旁 论、计、识 王 王字旁 琅、刂 立刀旁 制、别、剑 木 木字旁 村、杜、极 八 八字旁 谷、分、公 车 车字旁 辆、输、轻 人 人字头 仓、全、合 日 日字旁 暇、明、暗 厂 厂字旁 原、压、历 ...

打法:女:V V V V 刀:VNT 九:VTN 臼:VTHG 彐:VNG 巛:VNNN 拼音:女(nǚ)刀(dāo)九(jiǔ)臼(jiù)彐(jìu)巛(chuān)字根口诀:女刀九彐山朝西 参考资料:http:\/\/www.xinhua173.cn\/read.php?tid=553&page=e#a

"巢"字用部首查字法,应查( )部
巢 拼音:cháo 部首:巛,部外笔画:8,总笔画:11 五笔86&98:VJSU 仓颉:VVWD 笔顺编号:55525111234 四角号码:22904 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5DE2 基本字义 --- ● 巢 ◎ 鸟搭的窝,亦指蜂、蚁等动物的窝;借指敌人或盗贼的藏身之所:鸟~。蜂~。~窟。匪~。~穴。◎ 姓。参考资料...

痴心、寞·年輕人·痴心、諾沒痴心、逆殤巛丶Royal灬寂喏巛丶Royal灬逆伤巛丶Royal灬泪翼巛丶Royal灬諾沒巛丶Royal灬夕熙巛丶Royal灬旋律巛丶Royal灬夏至巛丶Royal灬未至巛丶Royal灬茽夏巛丶Royal灬隐巛丶Royal灬仲笑巛丶Royal灬嚜寞 SadEnd逆意思:世间万物都有终点、我们只能像飞蛾扑火一样、走向...

“巛”是八卦里的坤卦,你所说的上“巛”下“离”其实是一种卦象,是意为坤上离下 。以下是其注解 《易经》第三十六卦 明夷 地火明夷 坤上离下 明夷:利艰贞。彖曰:明入地中,明夷。 内文明而外柔顺,以蒙大难,文王以之。 利艰贞,晦其明也,内难而能正其志,箕子以之。象曰:明入地...

莲湖区19570814667: "¢"特殊符号怎么打? -
妫悦倍他: 用鼠标右键单机输入法有个小键盘的图标,选单位符号然后打-就出来了.

莲湖区19570814667: "朿" “枣”五笔怎么打
妫悦倍他: 请将字库选择为GBK,然后打GMII,而不是BMII.建议用五笔就用极点五笔(下载: www.freewb.org).

莲湖区19570814667: 加什么字可一和"山","木","水","皮"组成一个新字 -
妫悦倍他: 木 柘 山 岩 皮 破 水 泵 参考资料:zhidao.baidu.com/question/27948939.html?si=1

莲湖区19570814667: 有"蝉"字的成语 -
妫悦倍他: 蝉不知雪 (chán bù zhī xuě) 解释:知了夏天生,秋天死,看不到雪.比喻人见闻不广. 出处:汉·桓宽《盐铁论·相刺》:“以所不睹不信人,若夏蝉不知雪坚.” 示例:你真是~没有见识. 更多相关内容(同义词、反义词、歇后语、典故...

莲湖区19570814667: 用全拼""'夶''''尛' -
妫悦倍他: ,五笔ihyt 智能ABC打不出. 关于你说打不出,变成“泸州”、“小旗”也没有错. 我用的是极点五笔,能拼音五笔混合打. 事实上是需要设置“显示词库中全部字词,极点默认安装完后,仅检索与显示常用的字词,像一些广东的白话字并不...

莲湖区19570814667: "尐孓" 这2个字念什么 不用火星的能打吗
妫悦倍他: 孓 这个读jue 可以用全拼打,

莲湖区19570814667: "埗"字用拼音怎么打???
妫悦倍他: 埗bù部首笔画 部首:土 部外笔画:7 总笔画:10 五笔86:FHIT 五笔98:FHHT 仓颉:GYLH 笔顺编号:1212121233 四角号码:41121 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+57D7 基本字义 1. 古同“埠”,码头.

莲湖区19570814667: 安卓中怎么输入这个字符"&" -
妫悦倍他: 看不太懂你问什么? 输入法(比如百度输入法等等)都有“符号”选项,进去后选择即可

莲湖区19570814667: 五笔打字法中的"你"怎样打????
妫悦倍他: WQ

莲湖区19570814667: "骑牛觅牛成佳话,骑虎难下福临身"的动物是什么?那个知道"骑牛觅牛成佳话,骑虎难下福临身"的动物是什么?答对我追加50分!1 -
妫悦倍他:[答案] 骑牛觅牛 qí niú mì niú 〖解释〗原比喻一面占着一个位置,一面去另找更称心的工作.现多比喻东西就在自己这里,还到处去找.同“骑驴觅驴”. 出处:宋·释道原《景德传灯录·福州大安禅师》:“师即造于百丈,礼而问曰:'学人欲求识佛,何...

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