
作者&投稿:融凝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Hey,I have visited Beijing for some days.It's a wonderful time.The Great Wall was so spectacular.I have taken a lot photos.They are very beautiful.I will send some of them to you as soon as I have time.The Beijing roast duck makes my mouth water.There also many delicious food .I hope you can come and play with me.Let's go to experience Interesting things.
best wishs to you!

Dear TOM
next monday is my birthday so i am going to have a party at home.so i wil be very happy if you are being there on that day ,you are my best friend and i will be very pleasure to spend the party time with you .can you be avilable to be my home with our friends ?i am looking forward to that
best regards
your friends

写给朋友的小作文如下:1、范文一 无论是快乐还是困难,你总是在我身边给予我支持和鼓励。你的陪伴让我感到温暖和安心,每当我遇到困难时,你总会倾听我的烦恼,并给予我宝贵的建议。你的友谊如一股清泉般滋润着我的心田,使我充满勇气和动力去追求自己的梦想。你不仅是一个好朋友,更是一个知心的伙...

给朋友的一封信作文1 小强: 你好! 收到你的来信,我非常担心。自从你走之后,我一直都非常怀念你,怀念我们在一起奋斗过的岁月。那时我们一起上学,一起回家,一起复习功课,一起度过最好的岁月。作为朋友,我想对你说,无论发生什么事,我们都不能做傻事。我们还都年轻,未来应属于我们,我们的梦想之路刚刚启程,窗外的...

以下是三篇英语作文,供大家参考。 第一篇英语作文 写作思路: 这封信是给一个朋友的,主要内容是分享自己在大学里的生活经历和感受。首先介绍了大学生活的不同之处,然后谈到自己的课程、社交和兴趣爱好,最后表达了对未来的期待和建议。 英语原文: Title: A Letter to My Friend Dear friend, How are you doing...

给朋友写一封信作文400字 篇1 四川灾区小朋友:你们好!我是一名小学生,我的家乡在黑龙江省海伦市立新小学四年二班,我叫祖媛媛。非常高兴能写信给你们表达我的心愿。那天我在电视上看到新闻播报,得知你们那里发生了8、0级大地震,家园在顷刻间便成了一片废墟,遇难的亲人有好几万人,失踪的人和...

篇一:写给好朋友的一封信亲爱的李卓识: 你现在在干什么?近几天你经历过什么有趣的事吗? 啊!作为你的好伙伴,好搭档,我想对你说的话简直太多太多了,借这次给你写信的机会,我就一吐为快吧。 我很喜欢看你笑,因为在我认识你之前,你的脸上总是挂着一副严肃沉思的表情,看起来好像很“难”见到你笑似的。和你...

给好朋友的一封信作文 篇1 小宝:你好!我在写这封信的时候,你在做些什么呢?放暑假了,你的期末成绩好吗?如今,你已经上了六年级了,我才上四年级。三年来我们一次面也没有见过,我是多么想念我们在一起的生活。记得有一次,你生日了,邀请我去过生日。我当时很高兴,你玩的时候都忘不了...

亲爱的张月你那里有有趣的事吗?希望你呢给我来信告诉我。 祝你 学习进步身体健康 你的好朋友:xxx 给朋友的一封信四年级作文5 亲爱的王线小朋友: 你好! 我是一名五年级小学生,很高兴能给你写信。我叫王禹璇,在河北省衡水市桃城区康复街小学上学。我是一个多才多艺、活泼开朗的女孩,很高兴认识你并和你做...


杨飞还给我。 2. 写我的好朋友作文 1我的好朋友 俗话说得好“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”。交朋友就像盖房子一样,如果你不打好基础是没有一个知心朋友的。如果你没有朋友你的一生就没有意义了,我就有一个助人为乐的好朋友—陈露文,我跟她“姐妹”相称。我们一起玩,一起学习,留下了许多美好的回忆。 好...

in my daily life, and once i have chance, i would like to meet some foreigners, I think they are farely helpful for improve my speaking.现在你可以看到,我尝试在我的日常生活中使用英语,一旦有机会,我想认识一些外国人,我认为它们对提高我的口语很有帮助。Best wishes.最好的祝愿。

象山县18034078036: 一篇英语作文英语作文:每个人一生中都会有朋友,毕业在即,请你给你的朋友写封信.写给Tom.,字数100左右 -
尔逸止咳:[答案] Dear Tom, You're my best friend,very best friend. If there's one thing I've ever been sure of, it's that. 字数受限,无法提交,已发到你的baidu hi 上,注意查看.我写得很好很认真,一定要给分啊!

象山县18034078036: 英语作文:写一封信给我的朋友TOM,介绍我的一天.要以信的形式,不要太长,30词左右, -
尔逸止咳:[答案] XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He is taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study because he can manage studies very weill.We learn from each other and help each other.He usually helps me out if...

象山县18034078036: 英语作文:假如你是李华,用英语给你好朋友Tom写一封70字的信,信中描述你家房子. -
尔逸止咳:[答案] Dear Tom I have my own room.It is cosy and comfortable. There's a wood bed and a blue shelf in the left side of my room. I put some picture of sea on the wall.On the ride side of my room,there is a big window,the sunshine shinning down from it. I always ...

象山县18034078036: 英语翻译要求你的朋友汤姆今年高考落榜了.请你写一封信向他表示慰问.要点如下:1.听说汤姆未考取大学你感到惊讶;2.他在校学习一直很用功,成绩也很... -
尔逸止咳:[答案] I hope to help you Today, my mother took me to visit China Wetland museum. After a long corridor, we came to the hall of the museum, the hall mainly introduces the basicknowledge and the world classic some wetland wetland.Further away, is the ...

象山县18034078036: 英语作文,给你的朋友汤姆写一封信,他将有一个生日聚会,他20岁,她将在家里举办 -
尔逸止咳: Dear TOM next monday is my birthday so i am going to have a party at home.so i wil be very happy if you are being there on that day ,you are my best friend and i will be very pleasure to spend the party time with you .can you be avilable to be my ...

象山县18034078036: 《急》求一篇英语作文!假如你叫李华,请用英语给你的笔友Tom写一封信.信中必须包括以下内容:1.从上封信中得知Tom所在的足球队获胜的消息非常高... -
尔逸止咳:[答案] Dear Tom: I'm glad to receive the letter you wrote to me.Knowing the news of victory the football team that you are belong to,I feel exceedingly happy.What's more,I wish that you can work hardrer and harder.Only by this way can you win the greater ...

象山县18034078036: 给你的朋友TOM写一封信告诉他你上周做了什么.希望能赶紧解答要英语的 -
尔逸止咳:[答案] Dear Tom,I have received your letter asking what I did last week.And now I am writing back to tell you about it.As usual,on Monday to Friday,I went to work from 8 a.m.to 18 p.m.,with two huors for lun...

象山县18034078036: 请你给外国朋友Tom写一封信.要求:1.内容自拟.2.书信格式准确.3.字数在50个单词以上. -
尔逸止咳:[答案] Tom: I'm xx ,how are you?do you know,i have a new friend.he was a good boy,just this week,i goes to xx(地名),i was the first time get to that,so ,i didn't know the topographyand and i almost go lost .luckly,i met xx,he told me the way to get to the station...

象山县18034078036: 一篇英语作文 假如你是john写一封信给你的朋友tom告诉他星期天你的活动7.00起床 7.30吃早饭 8.00 10.00弹钢琴 3.00踢足球 9.45 睡觉 -
尔逸止咳:[答案] 很高兴为你解答! 以下为我按照您的要求手工写就的文章: Dear Tom, Tommorow is Saturday.I have a lot of things to do.I'll ... about your plan on Saturday? Look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours Sincerely, John 【英语牛人团】倾情奉献,手工...

象山县18034078036: 英语作文你是李华,给你英国的朋友tom写一封介绍信,写你的好朋友小英.开头 -
尔逸止咳:[答案] Dear Tom:Hi,Tom!How are you in these days?I have a new friend.Her name is Xiao Ying.She is 13 years old.Swimming is her favorite.Andshe loves running very much.I think she is pretty and smart.

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