
作者&投稿:殳甘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这个零部件是安装在汽车那个地方?The 1 part is installed in the vehicle the place?
.这个零部件是跟那个部件装配的?The parts are assembled. With that part?
3.A和B是装配在一起的。A and B are assembled together.

Chinese McDonald's is "false", just like Chinese food abroad never in Chinese do good.希望对你有用!

1.You see, there is to do?
2.Then they walked over a girl say that they are playing an old man
3.This is too high
4.How can this be so
5.After a few discussions they decided to go and the elderly
6.Are you still human beings? Gave me away
7.You do not know how to respect the calculations are also
8.You these social scum
9.The police would soon be over you can wait
10.And together they went to the hospital to give them

1. Look, what is happening there?
2. Then, they walked over. A girl said that they were beating an old man.
3. You are so rude.
4. How can they do that?
5. They talked with each other and decided to help the old man.
6. Are you human? Go away, all of you.
7, You should know respect at least.
8. You, the trash of our society.
9. The policemen are coming soon. Look out.
10. Then, they took the old man to a hospital together.

1、“Look,what is happening there?”
2、Then they walked over.A girl said they were beating an old man.
3、4、“It’s really tyrannical.How can they to do so?”
5、After discussing,they decided to help the old man。
6、7、8、9“Are you still human beings? go away!Why don't you know how to respect the others? You are pests of society!Police is coming and you‘ll be punished.”
10、Then they sent the old man to hospital together。

1、, you see, there is to do? 2. Then they went over to a girl say that they are playing an old man 3. This is too high 4. How could this happen after five that they decided to go and a few elderly people to consult your 6 Or people? gave me away

7. You do not know how to respect also forget 8: You these social scum nine police officers would soon be over you can wait 10 and together they went to the hospital to give them

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邗宋枸橼:[答案] 1 My cousin love life has a good sense of humor. 2 His sister is always follow him to read novels and debate. 3 I want to push.

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邗宋枸橼: 1, automatic trees peeling machine 2, solemnly declare: This...

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邗宋枸橼: 根据我们经常写邮件用的语气帮您写了一下,不知道是否合要求,请参考!Sorry for bring you brouble! I know the contract were issued in January with the ETD in April. However, we meet difficulties in supply chain. Our raw material supplier delayed...

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邗宋枸橼: In fact, this is an internal decision. But I am just comforting myself. Actually I don't care about this. No pain no gain. It's very good.

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邗宋枸橼: I beg your pardon! Excuse me! I will not English. I would like to tell you that; I come in to help you transfer your air-conditioning. I have a good tune, please do not move it! This ...

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邗宋枸橼: You can forget anybody expect me.翻译成你可以忘记任何人除了我~~简洁明了~~用上expect彰显英文能力~~

瓮安县13611753904: 请高手忙帮将下面两句话翻译成英语,非常急用,谢谢了! -
邗宋枸橼: We tag each product sent to production line of CC8 and separate them from other goods in transportation, so that forklifts do not need to resort them when downloading the good. It saves time and increases the efficiency at the receiving portal.手工翻译的哦~~记得采纳哦 ~~

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邗宋枸橼: Hello, my name is Vino. I am a Chinese girl. In Chinese bridge closing time you gave me your mailbox, I hope to make friends with you. I really like Spain, also hope hereafter can have the opportunity to visit. Looking forward to your reply.

瓮安县13611753904: 请大家帮我把下面的话翻译成英语.
邗宋枸橼: Hello everybody. I'm very happy to meet you.Please let me introduce myself. I'm XXX, I wish we could be happy together in the future. Let's try our best to make our life better, my good friends! 100%人工翻译

瓮安县13611753904: 请帮我帮以下句子翻译成英语!
邗宋枸橼: please give me a reason for keeping living

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