
作者&投稿:柳相 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……
There are different opinions among people as to.......Some people suggest that.......
There is an old saying.......It is the experience of our forefathers, however,it is correct in many cases even today.
Today, ......, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ......, Second,.......What makes things worse is that.......
Nowadays, it is common to.......Many people like......because.......Besides,.......
Everything has two sides and......is not an exception .It has both advantages and disadvantages.
Peoples opinions about......vary from person to person.Some people say that.......To them,.......
Man is now facing a big problem......which is becoming more and more serious.
8、 ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年轻人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。
......has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.
......has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.
According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages/ in the chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that.......Obviously, ......,but why?

以下是 考 网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《四六级考试写作常用的经典万能句型》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 一至七条为图表句型。 一。上升增长 1.…add up to …增加了 eg. The total amount of … added up to 14 billion pounds(14% ) in 1994. 2. to jump to \/ to soar...

高中英语作文万能模板 高分亮点句型
高中英语作文万能模板其实就是一些固定的句型,在写英语作文的时候尽量用一些高级的句型和单词能够很大程度上提高作文成绩,下面我为大家总结一下,仅供大家参考。高中英语作文开头句型 1. As far as...is concerned 就……而言 2. It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...3. It can be ...


英语高考作文万能套用句型 开头结尾必背模板
为了方便大家在高考英语作文中能够拿高分,我为大家整理了英语高考作文万能套用句型,供参考! 高考英语作文必备句型 一、环境保护主题 1.Ifeveryonemakesacontributiontoprotectingtheenvironment,theworldwillbecomemuchmorebeautiful.(常见呼吁型结尾) 如果每个人都为保护环境做贡献,世界会变得更加美好。 【额外成就感】 when\/...

英语作文必备万能句型 1.in order that 她拼命干活以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o'clock.2. in order to 为了实现他的梦想,他学习非常努力。He worked very hard in order to realize his dream.3. so…that 他们太累了,...

Only+倒装,经典万能句式,还能看出点水平呢。6、It must be realized that。 我们必须意识到。把人人都会的"I realized"升格为被动语态,省略了主语,监考老师绝对会眼前一亮的!五.英语四级作文预示后果万能模板1、Obviously, if we don't control the problem, the chances are that。 will lead us in danger.很...

大学英语四级考试马上就来了,以下是新东方在线为同学们整理的英语四级作文万能模板汇总,供大家参考学习。一、提纲式作文 1.对立观点式 A.有人认为X 是好事,赞成X, 为什么?B.有人认为X 是坏事, 反对X,为什么?C.我的看法。Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out...

stop the situation. 应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展。以上就是大学英语四级作文优秀模板总结,希望大家在做阅读的时候可以有效利用起来,当然,不同类型答题技巧有所差异,所以大家还是要学会总结,另外,如果大家还想要只得到一些英语四级作文开头万能句型,那么可以前来进行交流,相信一定会有所收获。

it has its own disadvantages too.23. the advantages of B are much GREater than A.24. A’s advantage sounds ridiculous when B’s advantages are taken into consideration.英语六级网络课程新东方英语六级资料英语六级作文万能模板 英语六级作文常用句型http:\/\/kanjuzi.com\/post\/893.html ...

英语写作最TOP80个使用高频词搭配 1. 随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy 2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard 3. 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice \/ flavor to our...

康县18727918496: 四级作文的基本句型?都是什么. -
良李施慧:[答案] 以下是四级写作中使用率最高、覆盖面最广,最容易得高分的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似,考生可根据自己的情况选择其中的1-2个,做到能够熟练正确地仿写或套用. 1.表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are...

康县18727918496: 明天考四级了,求一些四级作文能用的万能英文句子 -
良李施慧: 1. 英语四级开头万能公式一:数字统计 原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明. 原则上在议论文当中十不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了.所以不妨试用下面...

康县18727918496: 四级作文考试时能用上的经典句型 -
良李施慧: 一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句: Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever ...

康县18727918496: 求四级英语作文好的常用句型.比如提建议的,总结的,常用谚语.不需要固定模板. -
良李施慧:[答案] The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets. It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still ...

康县18727918496: 四级作文万能模板 -
良李施慧: 作文经典句型总结 一至七条为图表句型. 一. 上升增长 1.…add up to… 增加了 eg. The total amount of … added up to 14 billion pounds(14%) in 1994. 2. to jump to &#...

康县18727918496: 四级作文之万能开头句有哪些?
良李施慧: 四级作文之万能开头句:一.引出开篇类 1.Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引...

康县18727918496: 求英语四级考试作文经典万能开头语和结尾语,急急急! -
良李施慧: 四六级写作常见句型 (1)用于描写漫画、图表的常用句型 ①As the graph depicts , … ②From the cartoon /picture , we can see that … ③According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph , ④The table shows / indicates / reveals that … ⑤...

康县18727918496: 求四级英语作文万能模板,万能经典句子句型 -
良李施慧: Chapter One 文章开头句型 1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法, 适用于有争议性的主题. 例如(e.g) [1]. When asked about....., t...

康县18727918496: 四级作文的基本句型?都是什么. -
良李施慧: 以下是四级写作中使用率最高、覆盖面最广,最容易得高分的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似,考生可根据自己的情况选择其中的1-2个,做到能够熟练正确地仿写或套用.1.表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for ...

康县18727918496: 英语四级作文万能句型有哪些?可以说几句吗? -
良李施慧: 1. "have only to …do"结构,此结构表示"只须(消)……就能……"的意思. We have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery made by Edison to see the significance of it. 2. "not (no) …unless…"句型 No increase in output can be ...

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