
作者&投稿:鲜茗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

MIL-STD-1553: An In-Depth Look at the High-Performance 1553B Bus System</

The 1553B</ bus communication protocol, a cornerstone in aerospace technology, is the backbone of real-time, data-intensive systems on aircraft platforms. The SM61580 component harnesses its power through advanced storage management, despite its complex configuration that demands significant development time. One key advantage of 1553B is its ultra-fast response time</, ensuring data integrity with every transmission. At a staggering 1 Mbps data rate, it employs feedback and retransmission error correction, plus command response mechanisms to guarantee flawless data flow.

This high-efficiency bus supports broadcast communication</, facilitated by the BC (Bus Controller) entity. The 1553B architecture consists of BC, RT (Remote Terminal), and MT (Multi-Function Terminal), with direct and transformer-coupled connection options. Each information packet</ is formatted with precision, containing command, status, and data words, each 20 bits long, utilizing the robust Manchester II encoding</ for reliable transmission.

The instruction word</, a crucial component, encodes T/R bits, sub-addresses, data count or control codes, and a parity check. Initiated by BC, it is received by RT, with a clear structure that includes an invalid Manchester header, a 5-bit remote terminal address, a 1-bit send/receive flag, and additional addressing and control fields. Data and status words, on the other hand, convey crucial information such as error detection and system status.

The status word</ holds a wealth of information, with the 11th bit serving as a service request flag. The 12-14th bits are currently reserved for future use, while the 15th indicates whether a terminal has received a broadcast command. The 16th bit acts as a busy signal, signaling whether the terminal is engaged. A 17-bit subsystem fault indicator and a 19-bit terminal error flag round out the critical status elements, with parity checking providing a final layer of data integrity.

The hallmarks of 1553B</ include serial digital pulse modulation, 1 Mbps data rate, 20-bit word structure (16 data bits, 3 synchronization bits, and 1 parity), half-duplex communication, the reliable Manchester II code, and support for messages up to 32 words long. Response times for status requests range from 4 to 12 microseconds, showcasing its real-time capabilities.

With its robust design and efficient operation, the 1553B bus system has become an indispensable part of modern avionics, ensuring reliable and efficient data transmission in the demanding environment of military and commercial aircraft.

动态总线控制方案是指1553B总线上有若干个具备作为总线控制器的子系统,但一个时 阃 段上仅允许一个作为总线控制器。总线控制权的交接方式有两种:时分制方式,即每个潜在的总线控制器被预先分配给固定的时间段来控制总线;循环交接控制权方式,该方式是按照各子系统的通信地址排列顺序交接控制权,该方式较时分制方式管理复...


八道江区13598535845: 1553b板卡有什么用 -
厍省心好: 1553b总线是美国军方专为飞机上设备制定的一种信息传输总线标准,也就是设备间传输的协议.而每个国家根据本国的情况,并参考美国的标准制定出自己的总线协议.而相关的公司又根据本同的协议标准开发出相应的总线接口模块.(mbi)这样,主机就能够通过mbi与总线连在一起,形成一个远程终端.

八道江区13598535845: MIL - STD - 1553B的电气特性 -
厍省心好: 总线通信介质包括由两根导线绞合的屏蔽电缆、总线末端匹配电阻、总线耦合变压器以及收/发器等.MIL-STD-1553B标准中规定了两种耦合方式,一种为直接耦合短接方式,另一种为变压器耦合短接方式.

八道江区13598535845: 1553b总线 -
厍省心好: 北京豪恩科技有限责任公司销售1553b全系列连接器,耦合器,端接电阻,专用线缆,销售ddc ge exc 等众多国外知名厂家 的1553b板卡,并自己研发定制1553b板卡感兴趣可以看看.

八道江区13598535845: 1553b板卡是做什么用的? -
厍省心好: 是一种用来进行MIL-STD-1553B总线通信协议测试的,该通信协议一般在飞机\航天产品上使用.

八道江区13598535845: PDMS有哪些组件? -
厍省心好: PDMS是一个基于1553B总线的分布式系统,主要有五大组件,即总线控制器(BC)、大容量存储器(SSR)、高速复接器(HRM)、远置终端(RT)及载荷配电器(PPD).大多数有效载荷通过1553B总线实现与PDMS间的通讯,激光高度计和空间环境监测系统则被连接到了RT上.而这些载荷的科学数据和工程参数是由PDMS通过1553B总线获取并存储到SSR中的.当卫星处于地面站的可接收范围内时,它所存储的数据及实时数据将由HRM根据CCSDS标准组装为编码的虚拟信道数据单元(CVCDU)串行序列,然后下行到地面.该系统灵活、高效,万一在任务中某个载荷停止了探测,那么其他载荷可分享它所存储及传输的资源.

八道江区13598535845: 接收模块接收信号后怎样传输到1553b总线,一直不懂具体流程,希望大家告知下. 即信号怎么来,怎么传递 -
厍省心好: 用1553B的BC模式作为主控端来控制BC->RT、RT->BC等各种数据传送,所有传输控制都由BC发出.

八道江区13598535845: MIL - STD - 1553B的基本特点 -
厍省心好: 1、分时多路复用传输方式.对多个信号源的信号在时间上错开采样,形成一个组合的脉冲序列,实现系统中任意两个设备间相互交换信息. 2、多设备.系统由总线控制器BC、远程终端RT和总线监视器MT组成,总线可带31个终端,每个终端可带30个子系统. 3、总线上信息具有两种传输方式:一般方式的信息传输公在两个部件间进行,而广播方式则是一个部件发送信息多个部件接收信息. 4、串行、异步、半双工. 5、高速信息传送,速率为1Mb/s.

八道江区13598535845: 长征五号系列运载火箭的控制系统 -
厍省心好: 控制系统采用1553B总线,总线上除了控制系统仪器外,增加了遥测单元,同时给地面测试发射控制系统留有总线测试接口.箭载计算机内嵌总线控制器,负责控制系统总线的数据流管理与调度.箭上单机采用自测试方案,各终端站点将自身系...

八道江区13598535845: 1553b总线可以传输电气信号吗 -
厍省心好: 电气信号就是0与1,普通BV线就行,1533B 据我了解是一种信息传输标准,如果要严格的话通常用的是屏蔽线 EPR之类的

八道江区13598535845: MBI是什么意思 -
厍省心好: MBI(Multiplex Bus Interface)多路传输总线通信接口,在1553b等数据总线概念中有此意义.

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