
作者&投稿:真股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The ordinary world is a million word novel written by Lu Yao, a Chinese writer. This novel is a panoramic expression of contemporary Chinese urban and rural social life of the novel, a total of three books. It was first published in December 1986.

With the background of China from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, through complicated contradictions and entanglements, and centering on the two brothers Sun Shao'an and Sun Shaoping, the book depicts the images of many ordinary people from all walks of life at that time; labor and love, frustration and pursuit, pain and joy, daily life and enormous social conflicts intersect with each other. Weaving together, it profoundly demonstrates the arduous and tortuous road that ordinary people have gone through in the historical process of the great age.

In March 1991, the "ordinary world" won the third Mao Dun prize in literature in China.






The first part:At the beginning of 1975, sun shaoping, a farmer's son, went to the former west county high school. Later, she fell in love with hao hongmei from the same family of landlord. After being found by classmate hou yuying and said it publicly, the relationship between hao and her gradually deteriorated. Later, hao fell in love with the family's privileged caretakers. Shao ping graduated from high school and returned to his hometown to work as a teacher.

But he was not depressed, and he established friendship with tian xiaoxia, the daughter of tian fujun, deputy director of the county leather committee, who followed the outside world with xiaoxia's help. Xiao ping's brother, xiao an, has been working at home with the village head, tian futang's daughter - the county teacher, tian run ye qingmei zhuma. Xiao an and run ye mutual love heart, but was opposed to tian futang.

Through painful suffering, little an went to shanxi and the diligent and kind-hearted xiulian blind date and married, run ye also had to tears and her father introduced to have the love of her li forward marriage. In order to strengthen his authority, tian futang organized to dig the river dam and the upper reaches for water. In order to "learn agriculture big village", he was so happy that he blew up the mountain xiutian to make people move and made people angry. The course of life has changed.




The second part: in the spring of 1979, after the third plenary session of the 11th central committee, there were many problems. Tian futang held a branch meeting overnight to resist the responsibility system. Sun shaan led the production team to take the lead in implementing the responsibility system. The quick-witted little security went to town again to pull bricks, and used the money to build kilns to burn bricks (mostly for loans), becoming the "prurient households" of the commune.

The dream and pursuit of shaoping's youth also encouraged him to go out to "explore the world". He became a formal construction worker from wandering range man and finally got a good opportunity to be a coal miner. His girlfriend xiaoxia worked as a reporter in the provincial newspaper after graduating from the teacher's college. Run ye far away from her loving husband to work in the communist youth league committee, causing the loving husband drunk driving disabled, run ye feel guilty to return to her husband, began a happy life.

Her younger brother runsheng has also grown up, he met the fate of the fate of hao hongmei met, finally became husband and wife. Tian futang, the strong man who once dominated the fate of the whole village, is not only resistant to the change in the new era, but also angry for the marriage of his daughter and son.




The third part:In 1982, sun shaoping went to the coal mine and worked hard. From a student, he became an excellent worker. However, when sun shaoping and tian xiaoxia had strong feelings, tian xiaoxia died gloriously for saving the victims in the flood fighting interview. Later, tian fujun sent a telegram to sun shaoping, causing great grief to him.

The brick kiln of shao 'an also had a great development, he decided to borrow money to expand the machine to make bricks, but because the technicians did not know the technology, the brick kiln suffered a lot of losses, later on under the help of friends and the mayor of the county rose again, through several efforts, finally became the leader of the local socialist construction. Unexpectedly, his wife, xiulian, was diagnosed with lung cancer by spitting blood at the celebration of his family's 15,000 yuan expansion of the primary school.

Run ye happy life, born a fat son, run sheng and hao hongmei's marriage has finally been accepted by the parents, and have a lovely daughter. The 27-year-old, who was badly wounded in an accident as a rescue apprentice and had a ruined face, confessed his love to his young playmate, sister jin bo. Instead of being crushed by misfortune, shao ping came out of the hospital, faced reality, and returned to the mine to meet his new life and challenges.










平凡的世界(一) 第十到十六章简介


平凡的世界 多少字啊
包括后记字数 3179+6128+6012+3892+4758+5279+4416+7845+6165+7295+5506+4510+4883+7323+6818+4333+4680+6018+5084+5270+5885+5653+2579+3947+6878+5975+4968+6830+5871+5167+6379+5735+5788+6619+3210+3686+5560+5039+5047+4247+5897+5189+5645+5892+5106+6151+5991+5809+5442+5620+6726+6624+...


朝天区18534918723: 平凡的世界共多少字 -
范扶开韦: 《平凡的世界》是中国著名作家路遥创作的一部百万字的长篇巨著;这是一部全景式地表现中国当代城乡社会生活的长篇小说;全书共三部;作者在中国70年代中期到80年代中期近十年间的广阔背景上,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,以孙少安和孙少平两兄弟为中心,刻画了当时社会各阶层众多普通人的形象;劳动与爱情、挫折与追求、痛苦与欢乐、日常生活与巨大社会冲突纷繁地交织在一起,深刻地展示了普通人在大时代历史进程中所走过的艰难曲折的道路;读来令人荡气回肠,不忍释卷;被誉为“茅盾文学奖皇冠上的明珠,激励千万青年的不朽经典”. 《平凡的世界》共110万字.

朝天区18534918723: 《平凡的世界》一共有多少字呀 -
范扶开韦: 790775字

朝天区18534918723: 平凡的世界人民文学出版社有多少字
范扶开韦: 《平凡的世界》字数110万

朝天区18534918723: 平凡的世界第一部一共多少章? -
范扶开韦: 《平凡的世界》第一部一共五十四章. 补充: 《平凡的世界》是中国作家路遥创作的一部百万字的小说.这是一部全景式地表现中国当代城乡社会生活的长篇小说,全书共三部.该书以中国70年代中期到80年代中期十年间为背景,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,以孙少安和孙少平两兄弟为中心,刻画了当时社会各阶层众多普通人的形象;劳动与爱情、挫折与追求、痛苦与欢乐、日常生活与巨大社会冲突纷繁地交织在一起,深刻地展示了普通人在大时代历史进程中所走过的艰难曲折的道路. 1991年3月《平凡的世界》获中国第三届茅盾文学奖.第一版于1986年12月在文联出版社出版;第二版于2012年3月在北京十月文艺于出版社正式发行.

朝天区18534918723: 《平凡的世界》原著多少万字? -
范扶开韦: 一百零二万吧 采纳哦

朝天区18534918723: 《平凡的世界》作者是谁 主人公名字是 -
范扶开韦: 1. 《平凡的世界》作者:路遥. 2. 主人公:孙少平和孙少安两兄弟. 3. 《平凡的世界》是中国作家路遥创作的一部百万字的小说.这是一部全景式地表现中国当代城乡社会生活的长篇小说,全书共三部.该书以中国70年代中期到80年代中期十...

朝天区18534918723: 路遥写《平凡的世界》用了多少时间 -
范扶开韦: 路遥写《平凡的世界》从1982年执笔到1988年5月25日完稿,共用了6年时间. 创作背景 《平凡的世界》是从1975年开始创作的,而20世纪80年代中后期的文化背景是各种文学新思潮风起云涌,现代派、意识流等文学观念风靡一时,文学创作...

朝天区18534918723: 《平世界是平的》有多少字
范扶开韦: 有512页或429页,看你是哪个版本的. 整本书有411000字.

朝天区18534918723: 路遥的《平凡的世界》写的是什么的地方的主人公? -
范扶开韦: 双水村,双水村是当代著名作家路遥《平凡的世界》中故事的主要发生地点.位于陕西省黄原地区原西县石圪节公社.该书以中国70年代中期到80年代中期十年间为背景,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,以孙少安和孙少平两兄弟为中心,刻画了当时社会...

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