—The old man is ill. He ________ to the hospital at once. --Don’t worry. A doctor _________to .

作者&投稿:撒岩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
—Why don’t you like Jim? —I think he is a man_____~

Ihadabigargumentwithmygoodfriendyesterdaybecauseofthebaseballteams.Duringthebreaktime,weargumentaboutwhichteamisthebestintheleaguebig.Ithoughtitisyangqiandhethoughtitisredsocks.Aftertheargument,hewentoftosaygoodbyetomeandclosethedoorloudly.Iwassoangrywithhim.  Thenhestilldidn'ttalktomeduringthenextbreaktime.Hedidn'tevenlookatme.Istartedtofeelsadbecauseheismybestfriend.WhenitwastimetogohomeIaskedhimifhewantedtogowithmeasusual.Helookedatmewithastrangelookandstillturnedaway.Butthistime,hedidsaygoodbyetomequietly.


云和县19675833224: The old man is  ... -
夙京顺坦: C 试题分析:句意:这个八十岁的老人像我的爷爷.eighty-year-old八十岁的,相当于形容词,连词符号中的名词不加s, is like像…,故选C.点评:初一英语需要掌握的合成词并不多,学生对于此类的年龄表达要注意前面的冠词选用,eighty-year-old作为形容词后接名词,而eighty-year-olds则直接做名词,可以做主语.like作为实意动词有喜欢的意思,be like 构成固定结构,意为“像…”.

云和县19675833224: The old man is ill and he doesnt feel like ( ) -
夙京顺坦: 固定用法,feel like doing 想要做某事 你记牢就好了,如果真要说,那就是因为like 的原因了

云和县19675833224: The old man is very ill and - --- - .翻译:这位老人病得很厉害,将不久于人世. -
夙京顺坦: A,因为and表并列,前有is,后面的is可省略

云和县19675833224: The old man is very healthy.I think he will live - ----. A.90 years old B.at 90 years old -
夙京顺坦: c live to be +年龄 活到 岁 祝你学习进步

云和县19675833224: the old man is a expert 这里是a还是an? -
夙京顺坦: an,expert以元音开头

云和县19675833224: 看图补全句子The old man is - - - -- - ---in the Parkwit -
夙京顺坦: walking the dog 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

云和县19675833224: The old man is healthy(改为同义句) The old man is ( ) ( ) ( ). -
夙京顺坦:[答案] in good health

云和县19675833224: The old man is upset in fact today, but he looks as if he()as... - 上学吧
夙京顺坦: The Magic Mill A long time ago, far, far away, there lived two brothers. One of them ... "What is that you are carrying?" said the old man. "Is it bread? I have not had any ...

云和县19675833224: 《老人与海》的英文版节选,最好是一些经典语段. -
夙京顺坦:[答案] The Old Man and the Sea,a novella by American writer Ernest Hemingway,was written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952.It recounts an epic battle between an old fisherman and a giant merlin.Hemingway received the Pulitzer Prize for the book in ...

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