急 求闻香识女人电影观后感 英文的 100字左右就可以了

作者&投稿:袁衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

爱情其实很简单,也很朴实!爱情不需要天花乱坠,平平淡淡才是真!对于爱情,我们不奢求它的圆满,但可以让它至真。。。现在的社会是一个感情泛滥的社会,爱情早已经成了快餐,不求天长地久,但求曾经拥有。。。。将来到底会怎么样,谁去想那么远?于是爱情便成了孤独时 的枕头,寂寞时的旅伴;便成了某些人实现其目的的借口,甚至成了金钱的奴隶。。。此时的爱情已经失去了美丽的光环,变得现实和世俗。。。那这社会还有真正的爱情么?有,不过很少,现代人不懂得珍惜爱情,当自己拥有时,便放肆的吮吸爱情的精华,不去浇水,不去施肥,于是爱情之花不过多久便黯然凋谢。。。当爱情走远之后,才发现苦苦追求的美丽爱情曾经离自己这么近,可惜这世间没有后悔药。。。所以当你拥有一分美好的爱情时,要珍惜。。。。爱一个人,就是在乎他,希望他快乐,他的喜怒哀乐同时也牵动着我的情绪,但是我只要他幸福就好。如果你爱一个人只是为了要他爱你,那你曲解的爱情的含义。如果他离开你,可以过的更快乐的话,那么你应该很开心不是吗?你的成全可能会让彼此都轻松很多,朋友,何必计较那么多,世界上本来就有很多不公平的事啊。缘是天定,份在人为,可能你们不适合在一起吧。把那份爱深埋在心底吧,只要默默的为他祝福,总有一天你也会得到上帝的祝福,遇到你 真正的他。现在你只要抱着和我一样的心态,你就一定会快乐起来。 爱一个人是没错的,只是我们爱错了人m

Scent of a Woman

Review by James Berardinelli

Scent of a Woman is about Charles Simms (Chris O'Donnell), a Boston prep school senior, and the Thanksgiving weekend he spends working as the aide and companion of Lt. Colonel Frank Slade (Al Pacino), an embittered, lonely, blind veteran. The job, which begins as an onerous task performed principally for money, becomes a tour of self-discovery when Slade decides to make an unexpected visit to New York City. There, amidst all the holiday hoopla, the lieutenant's actions force Charlie into making an emotionally painful - and potentially physically dangerous - decision.

There are certain actors that, when they appear in a film, are almost invariably indicators that the production is of high quality. They are an elite few, with names like Nicholson, Hoffman, Hackman, and Pacino. Considering some of the roles that Al Pacino has played during his celebrated career (in The Godfather trilogy, for example), it would be hyperbole to say that he gives the "performance of a lifetime" in Scent of a Woman...or would it? For two hours, he brings Frank Slade to life in a way that few others in Hollywood could. As portrayed by Pacino, there's far more to this man that a rancorous outlook on life and a couple of hearty "hoo-ha"s.

Chris O'Donnell, a fresh-but-not-unknown face, is solid, if somewhat obscured in the more experienced man's shadow. Although the role of Charlie is understated by O'Donnell, he nevertheless manages to fashion a rapport with the audience. This is necessary for the film to succeed, since it's through his eyes that the story unfolds.

In essence, Scent of a Woman is another in a never-ending series of bonding pictures where each person has something unique to offer to the other. If there's anything special about the film, it's that on this occasion, the emotional realism of the characters, especially Slade, is heartwrenchingly believable. His relationship with Charlie works because Pacino won't let it fail.

There are numerous dynamic scenes in Scent of a Woman, along with a surprising amount of comedy. Director/Producer Martin Brest knows how to blend humor with drama to good effect. His mix is nearly flawless, and he manages to do almost (and I emphasize almost) the entire film without resorting to manipulative tricks. Pacino's tango scene with Gabrielle Anwar is one such magical moment - unfettered, unforced, and highly enjoyable.

Unfortunately, considering how sound the bulk of the picture is, the final moments, with their overt pandering to a Hollywood-style ending, are a severe liability. Certainly, such "triumphs" are fun to watch, but they cheapen Scent of a Woman. Would it have cost the production team that much to inject a little realism into the film's last reel?

The movie is as long as its storyline demands. It doesn't seem like two and one-half hours, and less time with these characters would have cheated the audience. Aided by an emotive score from Thomas Newman, the picture has opportunities to soar. Hampered by the script's limitations, however, Scent of a Woman falls short of being a masterful production.

It.s one of the most beautiful movies ever
I thinkthis incredible movie leaves a legacy of life, it makes us appreciate life an also understand that a life can be lived in a minute just like Al Pacino says in one of this movie's most beautiful scenes, it also talks about values, integrity, and moral principles, by sides of this movie's wonderful script it's incredible cast makes it one of the most outstanding movies I have ever seen. The incredible scene of tango, the deep arguments about life between Al Pacino's character and Chris O'Donnell's, and also those scenes when Al Pacino's character senses women's scent and tells them the name of the perfume or the name of the soap it's really amazing, all of this with the sarcastic sense of humor of this movie, it's really great.

南阳市19768547185: 急 求闻香识女人电影观后感 英文的 100字左右就可以了 -
任莎佛迪: It.s one of the most beautiful movies ever I thinkthis incredible movie leaves a legacy of life, it makes us appreciate life an also understand that a life can be lived in a minute just like Al Pacino says in one of this movie's most beautiful scenes, it also ...

南阳市19768547185: 求《闻香识女人》的英文影评 -
任莎佛迪: Scent of a Woman Review by James Berardinelli Scent of a Woman is about Charles Simms (Chris O'Donnell), a Boston prep school senior, and the Thanksgiving weekend he spends working as the aide and companion of Lt. Colonel Frank ...

南阳市19768547185: 求《闻香识女人》的英文影评
任莎佛迪: Scentnbsp;ofnbsp;anbsp;WomanReviewnbsp;bynbsp;Jamesnbsp;Berardinellinbsp;Scentnbsp;ofnbsp;anbsp;Womannbsp;isnbsp;aboutnbsp;Charlesnbsp;Simmsnbsp;(Chrisnbsp;O'Donnell),nbsp;anbsp;Bostonnbsp;prepnbsp;schoolnbsp;...

南阳市19768547185: 求电影“闻香识女人”(Scentnbsp;ofnbsp;Woman)的英文影评?
任莎佛迪: Thenbsp;colonelnbsp;sitsnbsp;alonenbsp;innbsp;hisnbsp;room,nbsp;drinkingnbsp;andnbsp;nursingnbsp;hisnbsp;self-pity.nbsp;Henbsp;isnbsp;anbsp;mean,nbsp;angry,nbsp;sarcasticnbsp;man.nbsp;Wenbsp;sensenbsp;henbsp;hasnbsp;...

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任莎佛迪: 《阿甘正传》英文影评915篇:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109830/usercomments 《闻香识女人》英文影评235篇:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105323/usercomments 自己选择合适的好了.如果需要我帮你选,请留下邮箱.

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