是不是有 be better for doing 这样的句型?意思是[如果做。。。会更好]吗怎么用

作者&投稿:定昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

better 英[ˈbetə(r)] 美[ˈbɛtɚ]
adj. 较好的; 更合适的; 能力更强的; 好转的;
adv. 更好地; 更; 更妥;
v. 胜过; 上进;
[例句]I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught
[其他] 原型: good / well 第三人称单数:betters 复数:betters现在分词:bettering 过去式:bettered 过去分词:bettered
better的用法1:better作“较好的,更好的”解时是good的比较级,可用far, much但不可用more, very修饰。但在作“渐愈或痊愈的”解时不用于比较结构,也不可用much修饰。
better的用法3:“我的感冒好些了。”通常用I'm better.来表示,有时也有人用My cold is better.来表示,但不是地道的英语。
better的用法4:better用作副词的基本意思是“更好地”,既可修饰动态动词,也可修饰静态动词。作“更,更大程度地”解时,与more同义,常与love, like, know, understand等表示心理感情的静态动词连用。
better的用法5:better常用于be better off短语中,意思是“比较富裕,较舒服”,其后可接名词或动名词。better还常用在the better..., the more...结构中,意思是“越…就越…”。
better的用法8:better一般只用于单数形式,其前可加冠词; 作“前辈”“上级”解时常用于习语elders and betters中。
用作形容词 (adj.)
better than
用作副词 (adv.)
be better off
had better
用作名词 (n.)
for better or for worse
get the better of
so much the better
1. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
2. Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.
3. He'd phoned Laura to see if she was better.
4. She's got a great voice and is singing better than ever.
5. It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.
6. Businesses need to train their workers better, and spend more on R&D.
7. T-shirts are a nice little earner and it's better than the dole.
8. Better not tangle with the censors. They're very vindictive.
9. It'd be better for a place like this to remain closed.
10. It's half past two. I think we had better go home.
11. There's nothing better than a bit of retail therapy.
12. The train's average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.
13. The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances.
14. Whoops, it's past 11, I'd better be off home.
15. Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.

a better man never trod this earth(或shoe leather)世界上第一大好人;没有见到更好的人
a change for the better好转
all better[儿语、口语]好啦,不痛啦
all the better更加;更好,更妙
any better较好,好一些
any the better (for)(因…而)更好一些[用于否定句、疑问句、条件句]
be better[口语]更好,最好
be better off without没有…生活更富裕(或更好)一些,没有…会愉快(或舒适)些
be the better for因…反而更好

A.better (形容词):1.His new car is better than his old one.2.She is (feeling) better now.3.I feel better today.B.副词:1.He sings better now than he did before.2.I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught.3.If we had played better we might have won.C.名词:1.a change for the better...2.chose the better of the two...3.the common man has been kept in his place by his betters.D.动词:1.The situation has bettered a little.改善2.He bettered the old record of 4 minutes 24.3.Our parents came here with the hope of bettering themselves.[ improving ] 4.The government is trying to better conditions in the prison.E.其他用途:better off :We would be better off taking the train instead of driving...for the better:Her condition took a turn for the better.get the better of 打败...think better of :I almost bought an expensive watch,but then I thought better of it.

better 的短语是这个:
be better to do sth 做。。。会更好
没有be better doing 这个结构
It is better to go home early. 最好早点回家。

we are better for our understanding of these other contributions.

高明区18720438256: be better off这个词组的意思 -
双岩金钱: be better off 报错 基本释义境况富裕;更舒适网络释义 生活优裕起来 大学英语四级考试重点词组-大学四六级 ... be beside oneself 极度兴奋,对自己的感情失去控制 be better off 生活优裕起来,境况好起来 be bound to(do) 一定会,不得更富有 ...

高明区18720438256: be+better+off+是什么意思 -
双岩金钱: be better off 英[bi: ˈbetə ɔf] 美[bi ˈbɛtɚ ɔf] v. 境况好; [词典] 更富裕; 生活更好; 后接without; 意为“没有…生活反而更好”; [例句]He would be better off leaving everyday care to his wife.如果把日常家务让他的妻子去管,他就会轻松些.

高明区18720438256: 有没有be better at 这种说法 be+比较级+at -
双岩金钱: 有这种说法的. He is better at business than Tom. 他比TOM更会做生意. 当用比较级时,后面一般要跟than,表示比某更善于...还有种表示虚拟语气,表示某人可以更好 TOM could be better at playing football. 汤姆可以把足球踢得更好.(如果他够努力的话.)

高明区18720438256: be better for后面接do还是doing -
双岩金钱: for 是介词,后面当然跟 doing

高明区18720438256: 跪求英语高手!One who believe all of the a book would be better off without books . -
双岩金钱: be better off 主要有两个意思:1. 更富裕;生活更好2. 后接without,意为“没有……生活反而更好” One who believe all of the a book would be better off without books . 中的be better off就是第二种意思.希望对你有帮助!O(∩_∩)O~

高明区18720438256: better off怎么翻译? -
双岩金钱: 一般指情况更好1. You will be better off.你的状况会好起来的.2. We'd be better off without them as neighbours.要是没有这家邻居, 我们就过得更愉快了.3. He'd be better off going to the police about it.他最好把这件事报告警方.4. He will be better off in hospital.他住院留医的话,病情定会好转.

高明区18720438256: 关于be better to do 和 be better doing的问题 -
双岩金钱: be better to do sth 做...会更好 没有be better doing 这个结构 例句: It is better to go home early. 最好早点回家. 拓展: had better do sth 最好做某事 例句: You had better sit here and have a rest. 你最好在此坐坐休息一会儿. be better to do sth 与had better do sth 有时候可以互换 例句: Youhad better stay in bed.= It is better for you to stay in bed. 你最好卧床休息

高明区18720438256: 讲解you would be better off这个句子,比如后面应接什么句子 -
双岩金钱: 一是加 better off +介词+宾语 最常见就是with/without sb/sth ,例句见 一楼 第二种是 better off doing sth 例 He'd be better off working for a bigger company.第三种 better off +从句 例 Obviously we're better off now we're both working

高明区18720438256: 请问You're better off...的翻译? -
双岩金钱: 在口语中使用 better off 这句短语一般有两种截然不同的用意: 1)纯善意地提建议 2)语带讥刺地反对通常一听就能辨出味道了如上例句,slamming your hand in a car door 字面看就很清楚,让你用手猛击车门,手会剧疼绝对不是什么好主意...

高明区18720438256: 英语中better off 是什么意思 -
双岩金钱: 富裕的,状况好的,越来越好的. 1.You will be better off 你的状况会好起来的.收藏指正 2.They are much better off now. 他们的生活比过去好得多.收藏指正 3.We are much better off now. 我们现在的生活好多了.收藏指正 4.He's much better off...

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