
作者&投稿:万亨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In spring it's warm,people usually wear short.We can fly a kite.In summer it's hot,it often rains.We can go swimming.In autumn it's cool,famers are busy working.In winter it's cold and windy,it often snows.We can make snowmen.

One possible version : Dear Sally,Let me tell you about my school life. I usually have eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. I have lunch at school and I like to eat chicken, fruit and vegetables. They are good for me. I play sports for about two hours every day.I often play tennis and volleyball with my friends.They are difficult but interesting.I learn many subjects. My favorite subjects are music and biology. Music is great and relaxing. I can sing many songs. Biology helps me know more about plants and animals. I love my school life very much. Please write and tell me about your school life.Best wishes,Li Mei 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文,李梅写给外国笔友Sally,介绍她的学校生活。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如: I have ......;They are ......;I can ......等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系,注意文后要询问Sally的学校生活。【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍写信目的,接下来介绍在学校的饮食,运动,学科以及感受,最后希望Sally告诉她的学校生活。此处用了like to,are good for,play sports,helps me,know more about 等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。

Dear friend. I‘m LiPin.I’m happy to tell you about my school life.
I think it's cool to study at school everyday,because I can learn my interesting at school.And everyone is friendy here.My best subject is English as you see.I study about 30 words every .That' s difficult job,but I feel such wonderful.So how about you.
I‘m waiting for your message then.


七绝 我愿情花梦外开,爱魂穿越到闺台。马家媚艳今何在?李萍相依相伴来。(我爱马李萍)


祝谢圣明君 李侯天机深 萍梗遍江海 生平良自珍 日出花药丽 快意波翻云 乐事与良辰 祝融南来鞭火龙 李白一斗诗情通 萍花巧缀玉钿碧 生朝对饮菊花丛 日斜江上春风晚 快士交情笔砚中 乐山雅望意雍容 祝传神醉下福禧 李白酒豪高适笔 萍无根蒂水长流 生才故有山川气 日华风蕙正交光 快上星辰听...


陈莹听了,一笑,说:“没事,我的书你看,我看我同桌的。”李萍开心的笑了。 还有一天,陈莹正在写...一进班门,我便急急忙忙地要涂数号,女同学们可热心了,只有少数女生,因珍爱怕水彩笔的水用完,所以才

按姓氏笔画排序,若笔画数相同,如“周武郑”三字如何排序? 武、周、郑 笔画数相同的,按姓氏起次笔排序的原则。按“一(横)、丨(竖)、丿(撇)、丶(捺、点)、冖(折)”的顺序排列。 在WPS中如何将名单按姓氏笔画排序 你好,楼主,如果你是WPS表格的话,先选择你所要排的行或列,在工具栏找到 资料 这个选项,...

李萍(不但)钢笔字写得好,(而且)毛笔字也写得很出色。递进关系中的关联词有:不但……还、不仅……还、除了……还有、不但……而且、不但 (不仅、不光)……而且(并且)、不但……还(也、又、更)、何况、而且、况且 、尤其、甚至。

用初中的方法教你 解:设钢笔x元,签字笔(7-x)元。15x+3(7-x)=81 15x+21-3x=81 15x-3x=81-21 12x=60 x=5 签字笔:7-5=2 答:买了钢笔5支。

序│该开花的开花,该结果的结果 ——序李萍诗集《野豌豆的春天》

城东区13135691419: 假如你是李萍,你的笔友给你写信问你在学校的事,初中生用英语60个词 -
桑瑗赛治: Dear friend. I'm LiPin.I'm happy to tell you about my school life.I think it's cool to study at school everyday,because I can learn my interesting at school.And everyone is friendy here.My best subject is English as you see.I study about 30 words every ...

城东区13135691419: 假如你是Zhang Lin,你的笔友Li Hua来信询问你学英语的方法.请你给他写一封回信,并给他提一些学好英语 -
桑瑗赛治: Dear Li Hua,Thanks for your letter. You asked me how to learn English well and here are some of my suggestions. First of all, practice English every day. There are various aspects of English learning, including speaking, reading, listening and ...

城东区13135691419: 假设你是李梅,你的美国笔友Chris刚刚转学,感到一切都很陌生,写信向你询问如何尽快融入新环境.请你根据一下信息回信.(1)多跟同学交流沟通;(2)... -
桑瑗赛治:[答案] Dear Chris, I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in at your new school.Such problems are quite normal.... 【高分句型二】(列举尽快融入新环境的方法)I sincerely hope my advice will be of some help to you.If there is anything more I ...

城东区13135691419: 假如你是李梅,你的外国笔友Sally 来信询问你的学校生活.请你给他回一封不少于60词的信,告诉她你的学校 -
桑瑗赛治: One possible version :Dear Sally,Let me tell you about my school life. I usually have eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. I have lunch at school and I like to eat chicken, fruit and vegetables. They are good for me. I play sports for about two hours every...

城东区13135691419: 假如你是李梅,你的外国笔友Sally 来信询问你的学校生活.请你给他回一封不少于60词的信,告诉她你的学校生活,包括饮食、运动、学科以及你的感受.... -
桑瑗赛治:[答案]One possible version: Dear Sally, Let me tell you about my school life. I usually have eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. I have... Biology helps me know more about plants and animals. I love my school life very much. Please write and tell me about your ...

城东区13135691419: 假定你是李华,你的笔友Jane最近总是感觉身体不适,因此写信向你询问如何保持健康.请你根据以下要点提示 -
桑瑗赛治: 不唯一 Possible version: Dear Jane,I'm very glad to receive your letter. But at the same time I'm sorry to hear that you are not very well these days. In your letter you asked me how to stay healthy. Here is my advice.Firstly, you should keep a ...

城东区13135691419: 假如你是李华,你的一个笔友 John给你写信,向你诉说他最近因身体不好而影响学习,并坦言自己平时学习忙,很少锻炼.现在请你结合以下要点用英语给... -
桑瑗赛治:[答案]Dear JohnI am sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and your study is not better than before I'm writing to persuade(劝说)you to take more exeercise after class.You have studied so hard that you have had no time for exercise. But it is really ...

城东区13135691419: 假如你是李华,你的笔友Jane最近总是感觉身体不适,因此写信向你询问如何保持健康.请你根据以下要点提示回信.1合理饮食2锻炼身体3保持睡眠 英语短文,急啊
桑瑗赛治: Here are some things you can do to keep yourself healthy. (以下这些事情有助于你保持健康.)Having a good diet is very important. (良好的饮食非常重要.)This means eating lots of different kinds of food and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables....

城东区13135691419: 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Rose来email询问你的英语学习情况,问她是否可以帮助你,用英语给她回 -
桑瑗赛治: Dear Rose, It is a long time since I heard from you last time. How is everything going? Are you accustomed to the life in China since you have stayed there for several months? Do you like the China food? If there is something interesting please tell ...

城东区13135691419: 假如你是李玲,你有一个笔友叫Tom,你们刚认识不久,彼此之间不太了解,请你写一封信给他,介绍你家的 -
桑瑗赛治: To:Tom Hi,I know you are interested to understand my family more.Well,I will tell you more about my family in this letter then.My family has 4 members,which are my parents,my brother and I.My father is an engineer,my mother is a teacher in a ...

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