初中英语动词后面加动词原形或者后面加to do sth 或者加doing的所有动词

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afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事
agree to do sth. 同意做某事
arrange to do sth.安排做某事
ask to do sth. 要求做某事
beg to do sth. 请求做某事
care to do sth. 想要做某事
choose to do sth. 决定做某事
decide to do sth. 决定做某事
demand to do sth. 要求做某事
determine to do sth. 决心做某事

动词 + to do sth(doing sth)  A. remember/forget to do sth.记住/忘记未做之事;remember/ forget doing sth.记住/忘记已做之事。如:  (1)Ill remember/ wont forget to turn off the computer when I leave. I dont think you need to worry.  离开时我会记着(不会忘记)关电脑的。你不必担心。  (2)Do you remember/Havent you forgotten our meeting each other at the station five years ago?  你还记得(还没忘记)5年前我们曾在车站见过面吧?  B. regret to do sth.(对即将做或未做之事表示)道歉、遗憾;regret doing sth.(对已做之事感到)后悔、遗憾。如:  (1)Im always regretting selling my favourite Chinese-English dictionary.  我因为把我那本心爱的汉语词典给卖了,老是感到后悔。  (2)We regret (are sorry) not to tell you the truth at the very moment.  不好意思,当时没把真实情况告诉你。  C. stop to do sth.停下来(停下手中之活)做(去做另外的事),不定式短语用做状语,表示目的;stop doing sth.停止做(停下来手中正为之事),动名词短语用做宾语。如:  (1)Will you please stop to help us? We are in great need of help.  请停下来帮帮我们,好吗?我们很需要人帮忙。  (2)Will you please stop making so much noise? Nobody can hear what the lecturer is speaking about too clearly.  请别吵闹太厉害,都没人能听清楚演讲者的话。  D. go on to do sth.(搁下手中之活)继续做(另外之事);go on doing sth.继续做(手中之活)。如:  (1)Lets have a little rest and then go on doing what were dealing with now.我们稍息片刻,然后接着做我们现在所为之事。  (2)The teacher asked the students to stop reading aloud and then told them to go on to make notes of what he was saying.  老师叫学生别再朗读了,然后又接着叫他们做笔记。  E. mean to do sth.想要做某事,意欲做某事;mean doing sth.意思是,意味着。如:  (1)I didnt mean to get you into trouble, but ...  Im really sorry.  我本不想让你难堪的,但实在抱歉。  (2)Revolution means liberating productive force.  革命就是解放生产力。  F. cant help to do sth.无助于做某事;cant help doing sth.情不自禁做某事。如:  (1)We cant help to do this for you, so we must say sorry.  我们无能为力帮你们办此事,在此我们感到歉疚。  (2)The audience couldnt help cheering when they saw the little girls wonderful performing.  观众们看到那小女孩精彩的表演都情不自禁高声喝彩。  G. try to do sth.努力,(想方设法,尽力)做某事;try doing sth.试着,尝试做某事。如:  (1)He tried hard to give up smoking, but failed.  他想戒烟,但没做到。  (2)After we had begun to learn English for some time, we tried speaking English in English class.  我们学了一阵子英语之后,就试着上英语课时讲英语。  H. like/prefer/dislike/hate to do sth.(某时具体的)喜欢/不喜欢/讨厌做某事;like/prefer/dislike/hate doing sth.(一般倾向性或习惯性的)喜欢/不喜欢/讨厌做某事。如:  (1)She liked/ preferred to play tennis when she studied at middle school.  她在中学读书时喜欢打乒乓球。  (2)I disliked/ hated to be spoken like that when I was young.  我小的时候讨厌别人对我那样讲话。  I. want/ need /require to do sth.想要/需要做某事;want/need/require doing(只能接及物动词)=want/need  /require to be done需要(动名词主动形式表示被动意义)如:  (1)Her daughter wants to go to Qinghua University.  她女儿想读清华大学。  (2)I think our teacher needs/requires to explain the difficult questions to us once again.  我想我们的老师需要把那些难题再给我们解释一下。  (3)The question wants/needs/requires explaining again.=The question wants/needs/requires to be explained again.  那个问题需要再次解释。  J. begin/start/cease to do sth.开始/停止做某事(指一般情况);而(表示有意识地)开始/停止做某事,则begin/start/cease doing sth.如:  (1)We began/started to work at once.  我们立即开始工作。  (2)They began/started working on the project about three months ago.  大约3个月前他们就着手那项工程了。  K. see/hear/watch/notice /feel+宾语+do sth.看见/听见/观看/发现/感觉做了某事(强调宾补语动作发生的过程和结果),其被动结构为:be seen/heard/watched/noticed/felt to do sth; see/hear/  watch/notice/feel+宾语+doing sth.看见/听/观看/发现/感觉到正在做某事(强调宾补语动作的进行),其被动结构为:be seen/heard/watched/noticed/  felt doing;see/hear/watch/notice/feel+宾语+done(只能是及物动词):看见/听见/观看/发现/感觉到被(宾语是宾补语动作的承受者),同样也有被动结构形式。如:  (1)On arriving at the theatre, we noticed them singing the popular song.  一到剧场,我们就发现他们正在唱那首流行歌曲。  Arriving at the theatre, we noticed them sing quite a few popular songs.  到剧场,我们发现他们唱了好几首流行歌曲。  Arriving at the theatre, we noticed several popular songs sung.  我们一到剧场就发现已经唱了好几首流行歌曲。  (2)The teacher watched the students making the experiment.  老师观看学生们做实验。  The teacher watched the students try the experiment.  老师看了那些学生做实验。  The teacher watched the experiment done.  老师观看了做实验。  (3)I felt someone pat me on the shoulder.  我感觉到刚才有人拍了我的肩膀。  I felt someone patting my shoulder.  我感觉到刚才有人在拍我的肩膀。  I felt my shoulder patted.  我感觉我的肩膀被拍了一下。  (4)Passing his house, we heard Father scolding his daughter.  从他家经过的时候,我们听到父亲在责怪女儿。  We heard Father scold his daughter.  我们听见父亲责怪了他的女儿。  When we passed his house, we heard his daughter scolded.  从他家经过时,我们听见他女儿挨骂。  L. have+宾语+do sth=get+宾语+to do sth.让(使)某人做某事;have+宾语+doing sth.让/使(一直做)=get+宾语+doing sth.(进入某种状态);have+宾语+done=get+宾语+done让(别人)做某事。如:  (1)How large manpower do you think we will get to/have help with the summer harvest?  你认为我们将找多少人来帮我们夏收?  (2)I wont have anyone cheat me.=I wont get anyone to cheat me.  我不会让任何人骗我的。  (3)Shell have you doing all the housework if you are not careful.  如果你不小心的话,她会要你把所有的家务活都干了。  (4)The lecturer soon got all of us thinking.  演讲者马上就使得我们所有的人都思考了。  (5)My hair is too long. Ill have to have/get it cut.  我的头发太长了。我得找人理理。


  1. 加动词原形的就只有  make, let, help(也可以接to do)

  2. 加doing你只需要辨别“做过”没,例如 like doing喜欢做某事,因为做过才喜欢,enjoy doing,因为做过才感觉享受,practise doing因为尝试过,才想要练习。

  3. 加to do 表示“还没做”的概念,例如want to do想要去做,因为没做。 expect to do期望去做,因为没做。


动词后面加ing,表示动作正在进行。在英语中,ing是动词的一种后缀(即在动词后加上该后缀),是进行时态(be+doing)的动词一种分词形式。某些动词之后加上该后缀可以变为其名词形式。动词变为进行时的规则:1、动词以一个不发音的e 结尾,去掉e,加 ing;动词以ee结尾,直接加ing,如:agree→agreeing...

在英语中那些动词加doing 有那些加to do
加动名词look stop,giveup,risk imagine,delay,putoff require,finish,lookforwardto suggest,goon,practise can’thelp,excuse,insiston keepon,mind,succeedin 加不定式 want,hope wish,agree,decide,mean,manage,promise,expect,pretend,不带to不定式 enjoy,consider,escape,avoidfeel hear、listen...

[思路分析]在进行时中,要使用ing形式。例如:I am doing my homework now.还有就是动名词或者现在分词,起的是名词的作用 [解题过程]动词的-ing形式,分为两种:(1)动名词;(2)现在分词。动名词具有名词的性质,在句子中作主语、宾语、表语和定语;现在分词具有形容词和副词的性质,可以在句中作...

was were本身就是动词,英语中两个动词不能直接放一起,后面动词可以用进行时doing,或者to加动词.还可以是被动语态,后面是动词的过去分词.

finished reading three books.我已经看完三本书.4、一些固定句式后面要加动词ing(现在分词)。如:We have fun Playing in the park on Sunday.星期天我们在公园玩得很开心。5、动词修饰名词做后置定语时,要加ing(现在分成)如:I felt something moving in the house.我感觉房子里有东西在动。

例如:i am doing my homework now.我正在做作业。2、当需要主语的时候需要将动词加ing变化为动名词充当主语 例如:doing homework is necessary for every students.做作业对于每个学生都是必需的。3、介宾词组结构中介词后面的动词需要加ing 例如:i am interested in repairing something.我对修理东西...

在线等回答啊!英语、 哪些短语to后面不加原型、而加动名词?
一、动词+介词to+动名词1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事 2. apply to doing sth 适用于做某事3. object to doing sth 反对做某事4. see to doing sth 负责做某事 5. stick to doing sth 坚持做某事6. take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事应用实例:He admitted having ...

英语里有很多动词后面可以跟-ing,这被称为动词的现在分词形式,也叫动名词。它通常用于表示正在进行中的动作或状态。具体来说,动词加-ing的形式有以下几种情况:1. 一些动词本身就是以-ing形式使用的,如:reading、writing、walking等。2. 一些动词原形后缀加上-ing形式变成动名词形式,例如:swim-...

你好!一、原句分析 She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.she 主语, was seen 谓语,running away from the scene of the crime 现在分词短语作主补足语。二、感官动词后不定式和动词ing形式的用法 1.在感官动词see,notice,look at,watch ,observe,hear ,listen to,feel 等...

二、常见使役动词make的用法 1、Make+宾语+do,该句式结构表示主语要让宾语做某事,例如:The boy made his friend stand there.那个男孩让他的朋友站在那。2、Make+宾语+过去分词,该句式结构中的宾语指代人时一般都需要用到反身代词,例如:He put his phone closed to make himself heard.他把他...

平利县15154514193: 初中英语动词后面加动词原形或者后面加to do sth 或者加doing的所有动词 -
正峰肌醇: 你可以熟记一些特殊词,如finish,practice,keep,mend,look forward to,pay atteneion to等 是接ing的;而make,let,ask是接do sth,如ask sb.do sth.但是有些词是加to do或doing都可以的,但是意思不相同,如forget to do sth.forget doing sth.remember to do sth.remember doing sth.接to do为未做的事,接doing为已做的事

平利县15154514193: 七至九年级英语有哪些动词后加动词原形的 -
正峰肌醇: 助动词do,did,does 情态动词:can,may,must,should,could,might,shall等 感观动词:look,listen,hear,see,watch,feel后表看到,听到整个动作过程的时候接动词原形 suggest,request等后面接虚拟语气形成suggest...should do sth.时用动词原形 还有will,be going to,used to等

平利县15154514193: 英语中哪些词后面加动词原形 -
正峰肌醇: 其实有句口诀的,方便你记忆 I DROP CAPS—— Insist(坚持) Desire(渴望)/Demand(命令)Request(请求) Order(命令)Prefer(宁愿) Command(命令)Advise(建议)Suggest(建议) 以上全都是+(should)[可省]+v(动原) 另外,情态动词如 can may must would should,不定式to do后也须接动原虽然你只须初中的,但先记着先也没坏,对你以后会很有用的~

平利县15154514193: 动词后加动词第二个动词采用什么形式 -
正峰肌醇:[答案] 一般说来在简单句中,第一个动词叫谓语动词,动词的形式由时态确定.第二个动词叫非谓语动词. 非谓语动词可以采用,不定式,动名词,动词原形,三种形式. 大多数的动词,后面使用不定式加动词原形的形式. 少数动词接动名词.常用的如,finish,...

平利县15154514193: 英语句子什么词前面或后面要加动词原形?(初中学过的单词) -
正峰肌醇:[答案] 1.情态动词后面加原型:can,may,should....... 2.助动词后面也是:do,did,does 3.to后面是要加动词原型的,不过一些固定搭配也有to后面加动词ing形式的,比如说,make a contribution to doing; look forward to doi...

平利县15154514193: 情态动词和助动词的后面必须要跟动词原型? -
正峰肌醇:[答案] 情态动词后面必须跟【动词原形】 助动词的后面跟不跟【动词原形】,具体要看是【什么助动词】.在【助动词do或did】后面一般跟【动词原形】,但是,在【助动词have或has】后面就用【过去分词】,构成【现在完成时】.在【助动词had】后面...

平利县15154514193: 哪些动词后直接加动词原形? -
正峰肌醇:[答案] 1.情态动词和助动词后面 2.使役动词后面,如:make,let,hear,see,watch 2.一些固定搭配,如help 等动词后面直接加动词原型.

平利县15154514193: 英语中有哪几类动词后面接原形?如题,比如说情态动词后接动词原形,感官动词后也可接动词原形和+ing,.除了这些还有哪些?最好把各种动词的用法都... -
正峰肌醇:[答案] 还有就是一些固定搭配 HAD BETTER DO WOULD LIKE TO DO ...RATHER THAN DO.. 这些需要不断积累和记忆

平利县15154514193: 哪些英语单词后加动词原形,哪些英语单词后用动词ing形式? -
正峰肌醇:[答案] to (作为不定式的标志时,后加动词原形,但要跟to作为介词时区分开来,因为to作为介词时,后接动词ing形式)另外should,ought,can,could,may,might,must等情态动词后也是接动词原形的. 而后面跟动词ing形式的英语单词,参考一下网页: 另外还...

平利县15154514193: 英语中动词后加动词原形的有哪些?比如let,还有什么? -
正峰肌醇:[答案] 首先就是一些情态动词等,如can,could,may,might,must,need,should,will,would,ought to等 然后就是一些需要识记的短语: 最好做某事 had better do sth. 帮助某人做某事 help sb.(to) do sth. 让某人做某事 let sb.do sth. 使某人做某事 make sb.do sth. 为什...

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