中翻英 渡过难关

作者&投稿:彩唐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He will help me when I am in trouble


ride out a storm
turn the corner
pull through

cross (the) difficult barriers;
pull one through;
go through a difficult pass;
go through a difficult period;
tide over difficulties;
turn the corner:

例句: He sold his furniture to tide over his illness.
以上来源于: 《新汉英大辞典》

Ride out the storm

杏花岭区18524254356: “渡过难关”英语怎么表达 -
辕辉生乳:[答案] 讲到度过某个困难的时刻,或许你的直觉反应是要用 pass 或是 overcome,但是另外还有一个你想不太到的说法:get through 或是 pass through.例如有一次我搭一个老美的车因超速被警察拦下来,他就很紧张地说:How can we...

杏花岭区18524254356: 度过难关 英语 -
辕辉生乳:[答案] pull through difficulty times 例句 as well as improve operation status and pull through difficulty times by own cut cost. 同时 ,通过采取内部成本节约措施来改善经营状况 ,度过难关.

杏花岭区18524254356: 渡过难关的英文怎么说 -
辕辉生乳: cross (the) difficult barriers这将会帮助我们渡过难关. This will be sure to bridge over our difficulties.

杏花岭区18524254356: 中(词组)翻英1.3.相处4.至少5.度过一个困难时期6.想起7.在此时8.等待 -
辕辉生乳:[答案] a letter of acknowledgement help get along with at lest get through a difficult time bring to mind at this(that)time wait for

杏花岭区18524254356: 度过难关 英语
辕辉生乳: pull through difficulty times 例句 as well as improve operation status and pull through difficulty times by own cut cost. 同时 ,通过采取内部成本节约措施来改善经营状况 ,度过难关.

杏花岭区18524254356: 忘记伤痛,你们一定会渡过难关的! (急求英文表述,中译英) -
辕辉生乳: Forget the pains, you will certainly get through the difficult time

杏花岭区18524254356: 汉短语翻英. -
辕辉生乳: 1 weather forecast 2 be able to do something 3 overcome a barrier 4 be self-supporting 5 (v形式是什么东西?是不是想说verb?calm本身就是个动词,calm down冷静下来)

杏花岭区18524254356: 口语中翻英..~~~~ -
辕辉生乳: 让人别灰心的加油是 cheer up!可以说 I have faith in you that you will get through these tough days, cheer up!我相信你可以度过这段难关的,加油!

杏花岭区18524254356: 英语翻译pull through 不是渡过难关的意思吗,加了一个never.意思就是 你将无法渡过难关.可是Mariah Carey的歌《through the rain》里面,其他人的翻译都是 ... -
辕辉生乳:[答案] And when the rain blowsAs shadows grow close don't be afraidThere's nothing you can't faceAnd should they tell youYou'll never pull throughDon't hesitateStand tall and say 是这个地方的么 他们告诉你你...

杏花岭区18524254356: du过难关是哪个du(度还是渡) -
辕辉生乳:[答案] 是渡过难关,新版的辞海中有明确规定.

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