
作者&投稿:项昭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

prefer to do sth rather than (to) do sth
所以理论上讲 B和D都算对

国外网站的解释是 rather than后面的to不需要,那就选B

Which should you use, prefer, prefer … rather than, prefer … than, prefer … more than, or prefer …instead of? The verb prefer means to like or want someone or something more than someone or something else. Prefer generally takes the preposition to. Prefer … instead of, prefer … more than and prefer … than are incorrect.
Incorrect: I prefer coffee rather than tea.
Correct: I prefer coffee to tea.
Incorrect: People prefer watching TV instead of reading.
Correct: People prefer watching TV to reading.
Incorrect: I prefer jogging than cycling.
Correct: I prefer jogging to cycling.
Incorrect: I prefer dancing more than singing.
Correct: I prefer dancing to singing.
While prefer is followed by to in most cases, there is an exception. When prefer is followed by a to-infinitive, rather than is used.
Correct: They prefer to leave rather than pay.
Correct: The city prosecutor preferred to step down rather than do his job.
It is, however, better to change prefer plus to-infinitive to would rather plus infinitive.
Correct: They would rather leave than pay.
Correct: The city prosecutor would rather step down than do his job.
Alternatively, use a gerund after prefer and to.
Correct: They prefer leaving to paying.
Correct: The city prosecutor preferred stepping down to doing his job.
Do not use prefer … instead of, prefer … more than or prefer … than when a to-infinitive follows prefer.
Incorrect: He preferred to stay instead of leaving immediately.
Correct: He preferred to stay rather than leave immediately.
Correct: He would rather stay than leave immediately.
Correct: He preferred staying to leaving immediately.
Incorrect: I prefer to read more than to listen.
Correct: I prefer to read rather than listen.
Correct: I would rather read than listen.
Correct: I prefer reading to listening.
Incorrect: I prefer to drink water than to drink soda.
Correct: I prefer to drink water rather than drink soda.
Correct: I would rather drink water than soda.
Correct: I prefer drinking water to drinking soda.

prefer to do sth 更愿意/喜欢做某事 (通常是已经知道比较的是什么,所以没说比较对象)

prefer doing sth 也表示更喜欢做。。。(这里一般也不提及和什么相比)

prefer sb/sth to sb/sth 和后者相比更喜欢前者 I prefer cats to dogs. 和狗相比,我更喜欢猫。

prefer+名词  ——Would you like meat or fish?  ——I'd prefer meat,please.2.prefer+动名词 doing sth  Do you prefer cooling for yourself or eating in a restaurant?自己做饭还是喜欢下馆子?  —Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗?  —Yes, but I prefer sailing.喜欢,但我更喜欢驾驶帆船。3.prefer+不定式 to do sth  Do you prefer to cook for yourself, or to eat in a restaurant?  I prefer to spend the weekend at home.我喜欢在家里度周末。  I would prefer to stay at home tonight.  She prefers to be alone.4.Prefer sb. to do sth.  Their father prefers them to be home early.他们的父亲宁愿他们早点回家。  I thought you would prefer me not to knock.5.prefer A to B  在本句型中,A与B是平行结构,可以是名词,也可以都是动名词。例如:  I prefer dogs to cats.在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗。  Most people prefer trains to buses.  大多数人愿意坐火车而不愿坐汽车。  I prefer writing a term paper to taking an examination.  我宁愿写一篇学期论文也不愿参加考试。  I prefer staying at home to going out.  我觉得在家里比出去好。  Thousands of children nowadays prefer doing their homework to a background of pop- music to doing it in a quiet room.成千上万的孩子如今一边听流行音乐一边做作业,也不愿 在安安静静的房间里做。  She has always preferred marking her own clothes rather than buying them in the shops. 她向来喜欢自己做衣服,而不到商店里去买衣服。
6. Prefer+不定式+rather than+不定式  1)本句型中,第一个不定式前面要加to,第二个不定式前面以不加to居多。例如: He prefer to die rather than become traitor.他宁死也不做叛徒。  Older people often fear change. They know what they can do best. They prefer to repeat their successes rather than risk failure.年纪大的人常常怕变化。他们知道什么最拿手,宁愿把自己成功的经验再如法炮制也不愿冒失败的危险。  She preferred to sew rather than to knit.她喜欢缝纫而不喜欢编织。  2)rather than也可以置于句首:  Rather than buy a car of his own, he prefers to rent one.  3)than后也可用动名词:  I prefer to stay at home rather than go/going to see a film.我觉得与其去看电影倒不如待在家里。  I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive/driving all the way to your mother's.我觉得与其开车跑那么远的路到你母亲那里度周末,倒不如在家里过更好些。  4)prefer…rather than中的rather也可以移到第一个不定式之前(prefer rather…than),这种 用法多见于书面语。例如:He preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the innocent. 他宁可自己承担全部责任而不愿让无辜的人受到连累。
5)prefer to do A rather than do B意义相同,试比较:Joe prefers skating to skiing.  Joe prefer to skate rather than ski.  Bill preferred playing soccer to swimming.  Bill preferred to play soccer rather than swim.  He preferred rating a car to having one of his own.  He prefers to rent a car rather than to have one of his own.他宁愿租车也不愿买车。6)用prefer…rather than代替prefer…to连接名词的形式偶尔也可见到。如:Mr. Brunner prefers chemistry rather than physics.  有人认为两者的区别是:prefer…to表示一般的倾向,prefer…rather than则表示在某种具 体场合的选择。如:What shall we have to drink,port or sherry?我们喝什么呢,葡萄酒还是 雪利酒?  I should prefer port rather than sherry.我宁愿喝葡萄酒而不喝雪利酒。  7)prefer+that从句  Would you prefer that I come on Monday instead of on Tuesday?你宁愿让我星期一来而不 是星期二来吗?  I prefer that someone else should do this.我觉得还是让别人来做这件事比较好。


if don't hurry
so thin as

1,I got to know her brother_as___I was a boy.
2.It was_so___hot yesterday evening_that__I couldn't fall asleep.
3.Studengts should get ready for school things__after___their teacher comes into the classroom.
4.Every day,Mr Green works in his office__as__busy___as__a bee.
5._don't___get off the bus_until___it stops.
so,since,as soon as,neither...nor...
1.It is late now.__so__they must leave at once.
2._neither___you_nor___I will go to the cinema this weekend.
3._as soon as____the snow stops,the students will go home.
4.Li Hong passed her mother her bowl__since she___asked for some more rice.




1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.C
12.A 13.A 14.C 15.B

16.B 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.C 22.A 23.D 24.B
25.C 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.D


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