
作者&投稿:后朗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hi,how's ur english review?tomorrow will be the "judgement day".
oh never metion it,a factory beside my house made noise all around yesterday,i'd gotta be deaf without an earplug.
really?then why didn't u complain to e.p.a.?
they accept complaints?
u won't know without a try,see u tomorrow.
the river by our school is so smell,i can't focus myself on study by a river filled with rubbish and fish's bodies.
that's 'cause there's a fatory pours wastewater and heavy metals in it in the upper reaches.
i think we should expose it on the internet.
i'm behind u,spiritually,good luck.
leave a one pure sky for the posterity.
thriftiness is a virtue.
today we're gonna introduce some words and dialogues about environmental protection to everybody,and hope u guys could use 'em in ur future lives.
firstly let me introduce words,read follow me.
now let XX introduce sentences to u,plz.
we're gonna make more dialogues about environmental protection.
introductions' finished.
let me introduce the rules of the game to u everyone.


B:Then at least we can drink coke,that seems quite tasteful


A:That`s just an excuse,it`s just like you to want to have a drink.
you`d better not take too much for it contains little nutrition


B:you like to eat junk food usually ,and you eat very fast ,don`t


A:Yes ,it`s just the normal me


B:that contributes no good to our health


A:When it comes to sports,I`m crazy about Pingpong


B:ah,me too ,I`m fascinated with Zhang Yining


A:I like her no less than you ,Did you watch the final Zhang played in Beijing Olympic Games


B:I sure did,god ,that was amzing


A:Then why not go play table tennis this Saturday ?


B:This Sat ,let me see.Great ,I happen to be free from exams


A:what about you

B:Actually, I have no idea what to do.

A:Then why not come with us ? 那和我们去吧

B:All right ,By the way Let`s get some healthy food to eat

A:Ok ,done 那好,就这么说定了。

A:what time is it now?现在多少点啦?

B:three 三点了吧

A:We got to hit the books afer finishing these stuffs

B:Yeah,me too, for the final exams

A: So let`s work hard together我们一起努力吧

B:Sure,I`ve got something pressing to take care of ,
Would you excuse me ? See you guys this Saturday


A:Good ! Bye


Are you afraid?
Aizen Sama doesn't need you any more.
All the things you depended on have disappeared.
It's the end.
You're dying here without anyone in your reach.
And now, pardon me, are you afraid?
I ... am not afraid.
Because all my friends have come to help me out.
They have been with me.
You are joking.
You are not afraid just for their coming?
That is , you are serious.
When I learnt that they are coming to rescue me, I was kind of happy but soon after that I was sad all over.
I do want to protect everyone and it was what I came here for.
Why do they rush here to save me?
I wonder why they didn't get me.
But when I was aware of the moment that Kuchiki Sang was beated down.
and when I watched Kurosaki Sang fighting.
I found that my sacrificing had no points at all.
I merely hope that Kurosaki Sang won't get hurt.
I merely hope that every one won't get hurt.
When I come to this conclusion, I can understand them.
啊 大家在当下一定都和现在的我有着相同的心情吧
Now everybody must share the same feelings with me.
If there's one of us suddenly disappears, just like I did
I would do the same.

I have said that I am the real ___
You are still a boring guy.
How can you stay here doing nothing with your weapon been lost?
一护 王和坐骑的区别是什么
Ichigo, can you tell me what's the difference between a king and a horse?
Excuse me?
I'm not coming with some foolish guessing games, you know, the answers like Two-feet and Four-feet will get an zero undoubtedly.
Given two individuals and you can't tell the difference between their postures, abilities and powers.
What you should know is that why one becomes the king who controlls when the other become the horse who obeys.
What's the difference?
答案只有一个 就是本能
The only key to the question is Instinct.
For people who are of the same,
the thing they need to be stronger
the thing they need to be king
就是不过一切追求战斗 追求力量
is no more than the desire of battles and power.
Ruthless destruction.
Breaking them into pieces.
The abosolutely desire of fighting.
They are the raw, radical, matchless massacring reactions deeply marked inside our bodies.
And you lack of them, the barefaced instincts.
You fight and win by your rationality
But a knife cannot do hurts as long as it is scabbarded.
所以你才会比我弱啊 一护
That is why you can't defeat me.
我可受不了 一护
I won't stand it.
I don't care about what ___ says.
But I won't stand carrying a king, running throughout and getting attacked at all when the king is too weak to beat me.
Since you do be the loser and I am to be the winner.
I am to be the king.

can't hand it over



It dyes adults that blue (Aizen Sama)
Black rugged classmates (Kurosaki Sang)
Rotten tree classmates (Kuchiki Sang)
Protect (Ichigo)
Dark: Fear
It dye adults and will not need you that blue
Can protect your condition
Have already died out
You will be here
Can't touch anyone's lonely dying
I ask whether you are afraid again
Well: I ...Never fear
Because everybody has come to rescue me
Heart of me already
With staying with everybody
Dark: Joke
Have come because of the companion
So are not you afraid?
Say so
Are you serious
Well: Yes
One: Crescent moon day weighing apparatus
Well: Have heard when you rescue me that I have already begun
Feel a little glad
But very sad
I want to protect you so just come here obviously
Why does everybody come to rescue me
I think why my idea is unable to transmit to them
Twinkling of an eye then when I experience rotten tree classmates
As I saw the look that ü\'s rugged classmates fight
I begin to think actually my idea is not important at all
I just hope ü\'s rugged classmates don't be injured
I just hope everybody is on good terms
When I think in this way
I understood at last
Ah everybody yes will certainly not instantly and present I
There is the same mood
Among us
If anyone disappeared suddenly like me
I am sure and everybody
Make the same thing

One: Cut ...Cut the moon?
White: This does not cut the moon
Have not I said
I cut the moon
You are still that getting simple-minded fellow making people dull
There are not the weapon
Still what is sent to stay
Protect What is the difference of Wang He's saddle horse
One: What do you say?
White: I am not asking, you and horse
Guessing of naivety such as two feet and 4 feet
There are no matter posture or ability and strength
Two pieces of all the same existence
I want to ask the party that you become a king arrange the war
And the party left increases fighting capacity as the saddle horse
Where is the difference between these two
There is one answer It is the instinct
Person with the same strength
In order to use except that the thing that strong strength needs
In order to become the thing that kings needs
But everything is pursued and fought Pursue strength
The bare-knuckled one destroys the enemy
Like tearing it to shreds
Embrace some to absolutely thirst for in fighting
Deepest place of only our body
Carved seal in 15 most primitive ones essentially
Incomparable to massacre and react
What you lacked is this one
Such undisguised instinct
You rely on reason to fight
Want to ask and defeat the enemy according to rational thinking
But is still wrapped up in the scabbard the knife tip
Who still can cut
So you will be weaker than I Protect
I can not stand Protect
Cut that fellow in the moon to think I leave alone in this way
It is to the king even weaker than oneself
Also want me and run giving him a piggyback everywhere
Also cut together
I can be unable to stand
If you are weaker
Then I destroy you
Let me become a king
One: Instinct
Wish eagerly ...Fight
Can't hand over
才疏学浅 如有错误多包涵

Aizen adults (Aizen Sama)
Black students (Kurosaki zanretsuken Sang)
Silk Kuchiki students (Sang)
Protect Ichigo (a),
Uzziah: afraid
Aizen adults have no use for you
To protect your condition
Has disappeared
Will you be here
Unable to contact anyone die alone
I ask you again afraid
Well, I... Not afraid!
Because everyone to save me
My heart is
With everyone together
Uzziah: jokes
Because the companion
So you can't afraid of?
So say
Are you serious
A: the crescent day scale
Well, I have started to deliver when I heard
Felt happy
But also very sad
When I want to protect you, so just here
Why is everyone around save me
I thought why my idea cannot communicate to them
When I feel the moment fallen silk classmates
When I saw the black students of combat responding
I began to think that I actually idea doesn't important
I just hope the black students don't hurt his zanretsuken
I just hope everyone is safe
When I think so
I finally understand
Ah everyone must have at present, and I now
Have the same feeling
Among us
If there is any foolishlike I suddenly disappear
I will be with you
Make the same thing

A: chop. Chop months?
White: this isn't chop
I'm not saying
I was cut
You still simple-minded until boring guy
No weapon
In what stay
Ichigo king? What is the difference between the mount
A: what do you say?
B: I'm not asking you to people and horses
Two legs and feet such naive guessing
If you have any stance or ability and strength
Two identical
I want to ask you to become the king's party control of war
And the rest of the party as mounts increase
The difference between the two in where
Only one answer is instinct
Have the same power
In order to use more power
In order to become king
All is but the pursuit of combat power. Pursuit
Remorseless destroy the enemy
Will shatter
To fight with absolute desire
Our body is also the depths
Was impressed on 15 most primitive fundamentally
Matchless slaughter reaction
What you lack is this
This brutal instinct
Do you rely on rational combat
According to the rational desire to defeat the enemy
But the point is wrapped in scabbard
Who can cut got
So you'll see me a weaker armor
I can't stand a shield
Chop the guy I think so
But the king of weak than yourself
Will I carry him to run around
Even cut off together
I can not endure
If you are weak
So I will destroy you
I became king
A: instinct
Eager to... combat
Not surrender

Aizen adults (Aizen Sama)
Kurosaki students (Kurosaki Sang)
Kuchiki students (Kuchiki Sang)
A nursing (Ichigo)
Ukraine: the fear of you
Aizen adults do not need you
Conditions to protect your
Has disappeared
You will be here
Can not reach anyone to die alone
I ask you afraid
Well: I ... not afraid Oh
Because we all come and save me
My heart has been
Together with all the same
Ukraine: joke
As companions to the
So you are not afraid of it?
Are you serious right
Well: Yes
A: Crescent-day value
Well: I have started to save me time that everyone
Feel a bit happy
But also very sad
Obviously I want to protect them why they come here
Why do we all came to save me
I thought to myself why I think it can not convey to them
When I felt that moment of fallen deadwood students
When I saw the Black students to fight the appearance Kawasaki
I began to think that my idea is not actually important
I just hope that Black students do not hurt Kawasaki
I just hope that we are safe
When I thought when
I finally understand
Ah you must have in the moment and now I
Have the same feeling it
Among us
If any one like me, then suddenly disappeared
I will be with you
To make the same thing

1: chop ... chop on it?
White: This is not cut on
I do not say the right
I cut is on
You still that simple to boring guy ah
Weapons are not the
What also made to stay
A king and horse care What is the difference
1: What did you say?
White: I'm not asking you man and horse
Two legs and four legs such childish guessing Oh
If you have both ability and attitude or power
The existence of two identical
I want to ask you to become a party to dominate the king of war
And the remaining one is a horse to increase combat capability
This is where the difference between the two
Only one answer is the instinct
People who have the same power
In order to use more power than what is required
Needed in order to become what King
However, the pursuit of all the fighting is the pursuit of power
Ruthless destruction of the enemy
Be cut to pieces like
Have the absolute desire of the battle
That is, the deepest of our body
Is stamped on the 15 most primitive root
Incomparable killing response
You are missing is this
This explicit instinct
You rely on rational battle
Desire to defeat the enemy in accordance with rational thinking
But there is also wrapped in sheath tip
Who can hack got it
So you will be weaker than I care ah 1
I can not stand a nursing
Cut on the guy thought I do not care
But for still weaker than the king himself
I still carrying him run around
Even with the cut
I can not stand
If you are weak, then
Then I will destroy you
I'll be the king
1: instinct
Eager to fight ...
Can not pay out


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PART4.今天我们要为大家介绍一些以环保为话题的单词和对话,希望大家将来可以用到。today we're gonna introduce some words and dialogues about environmental protection to everybody,and hope u guys could use 'em in ur future lives.首先由我来介绍单词,跟我读。firstly let me introduce words...

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