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如何跟父母相处 英语作文~

If you want to be happy with your parents, you should think of living with them peacefully. Sometimes, there are many troubles between parents and children just because they don't know how to live peacefully. Basically, children should not argue with parents when parents say any words whatever right or wrong. Try to look at their eyes and pay attention. That is polite to them. You will find the advantages of it.


我们平时和父母说话是否和气,面色是否和悦,行为是否恭敬?如果你给父母冷脸子看,父母心里会多么难受啊。让人们觉得“养子不孝不如无”吗?顺心,就不能嫌父母唠叨。父母是怎么想的,你没听完真的知道吗?如果一个人连让父母把话说完都不肯,能算个孝子吗?顺心,还要考虑不能让父母有挂心的事。父母有难处要及时帮助解决,有疾病要赶紧求医问药。我们对众生的苦,还要发慈悲心,何况是父母呢? 如果我们对父母都不慈悲的话,那我们对众生的慈悲就是假的,纯粹为了个人功德而做罢了。我们孝顺不是为了求功德,孝顺是发自内心的真正的爱,是对父母十月怀胎、三年哺乳、辛苦抚育的深切感激。一定要让父母心里顺心和开心。象二十四孝里的老莱子,八十多了还穿彩色衣服唱歌跳舞让父母开心,有时故意慢慢摔倒装婴儿哭,让二老欢笑。这多好啊。 但还不够。 每日考虑养亲悦亲,还算不得尽孝,还要爱惜精神,不敢随便斲伤(说白了就是不要经常熬夜,不要房事过度等,唉。)不要犯法,还应该种德报亲,诸恶莫作,众善奉行,做出保身修身的孝。你要是行为不好,人们会认为你父母不好。这不是给父母丢脸吗? 有人说我父母对我不好,我很难孝顺。父母对自己好,孝顺不难。对自己不好,孝顺才是真的呢。必须要父母对自己好才孝顺的话,那是在做生意。再说还有比大舜更难的吗?大舜的父母和兄弟在他上房修理屋顶时放火烧他,在他下井淘井时拿石头盖他。可是他无怨无悔,只是责备自己不能感动父母而已。 有的说我穷,无法孝顺。可是孝顺不仅仅限于物质啊。以前的孝子们,有的有代父受刑刀斧不避,有的万里寻亲性命不顾。就是遭了最苦境界,也能做出孝顺来。真是令人敬佩。 如果一言一行,总是考虑着是否给父母丢脸,是否对得起父母,方才叫做是孝顺。 但这还不究竟。

We usually talk to your parents whether and, if there was, whether the act of respect? If you give parents cold face, parents will feel how hard ah. Let people feel " adopted son unfilial as no"? Well, can't be parents nag. Parents is how to think, you have to really know? Even if a person let parents finish would not, can calculate a filial son? Well, consider not let parents have something on your mind. Parents have difficulty in a timely manner to help solve, have the disease quickly chemists. We all have a heart, bitter, and are the parents?
If our parents have no mercy on you, that our compassion for sentient beings is a fake, purely for the sake of personal merit and do. Our life is to seek merit, filial piety is a genuine love for parents, is pregnant in October, three years of lactation, hard tending deeply grateful. Make sure your parents mind and happy. Like" in more than 80 Laolaizi, also wearing colorful clothes sing and dance to make parents happy, sometimes deliberately and slowly fell a baby cry, let them laugh. This much good. But not enough.
Daily have pro Yuet pro, is not cruel, but also cherish the spirit, dare not seriously injured ( that is not often stay up late, not excessive sexual intercourse, alas. ) Don't break the law, should also be a German newspaper pro, don't be evil, all good practice, make sure to filial piety. If you act well, people will think your parents is not good. This is not for parents?
Some people say my parents is not good for me, it is very difficult for me to filial piety. Parents for their own good, filial piety is not difficult. On its own is not good, filial piety is true. Must for their parents is filial, that is in business. Besides there is more difficult? Dashun 's parents and brother in his housing repair roof set fire to him, in his next wells wash wells took the stone he. But he has no regrets, just blame myself cannot be touched by the parents.
Some say that my poor, not filial. But the filial is not limited to material. The previous child, some inmates did not avoid the ax etc., some miles search my life away. By the most bitter realm, also can make filial piety to. It is admirable.
If every word and action, think about whether to give parents, whether or not worthy of their parents, just called filial.
But this is not what.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemean:
Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.
These days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents. Many of the teenagers often have a fight with their parents. They even don’t talk with their their parents for several days. Why? Because our parents think the grades are so important that we must get good grades. But it’s hard for some students. To solve these problems, we should have a good communication with our parents. We can tell them that it is possible for us to get good grades quickly. We need enough time. And we must study hard, the harder we study, the happier our parents will be. Then we can get along with our parents.

怎么样与父母相处 How to Get Along with Their Parents
7 When you have presented your case, take another deep breath and let your parents talk. Really listen to what your parents have to say. Even if you do not like what they are saying, hold back your anger and keep your ears and mind open. 8 Avoid shutting down or growing frustrated. Avoid interrupting them or jumping in with a rebuttal. Just listen and absorb what they say. 9 If your parents refuse your proposal, stay focused, and avoid getting emotional. Thank them for their time and express your disappointment that you could not reach a compromise. 10 If your parents accept your proposal, be grateful and assure them that you will not let them down. Then do everything necessary to show them they made the right decision in agreeing with you.

7. 当你陈述完毕,再深吸一口气,然后让你父母说话。倾听他们要说的话。即使你不喜欢他们说的那些话,也要心平气和,敞开你的胸怀认真听。 8. 避免感到压抑或沮丧。不要打断他们,不要插话进行反驳。要认真听取并理解他们所说的话。 9. 如果父母反对你的提议,注意力集中,情绪不要激动。感谢他们能抽出时间来商议,同时也对你们之间不能达成妥协表示失望。 10. 如果父母接受了你的提议,应表示感谢,并保证你不会让他们

How to keep a good relationship with parents In my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at night. They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either. And they pay too much attention to my exam results. I think...

每一个人成长都离不开父母的细心照料。父母就是我们的朋友,也是我们的老师。There are many good ways to get along with your parents. You can tell your parents what you think and share your worries with them.与父母相处有许多好办法,可以把自己心里想的事说给父母听,与父母一起分忧;If...

与父母怎样和睦相处的英语作文 最好有中文翻译的,70词左右就好哈,THANK...
create lasting memories and strengthen our bonds.In short, treating our parents with kindness, respect, and gratitude is key to a happy family life. Let's make the effort to maintain a harmonious relationship with our parents, and treasure every moment spent with them.与父母和睦相处...

每一个人成长都离不开父母的细心照料。父母就是我们的朋友,也是我们的老师。There are many good ways to get along with your parents. You can tell your parents what you think and share your worries with them.与父母相处有许多好办法,可以把自己心里想的事说给父母听,与父母一起分忧;If...

如何与父母沟通英语作文如下:Nowadays,students cannot communicate well with their parents,many students think it is difficult to talk with their parents.Here are some advice for communicating with our parents.First of all,try to talk to your parents politely,otherwise they won't ...

怎么样才能跟父母保持良好的关系? 平时多与父母聊一聊在校的事情和学习上存在的困惑,和父母说说心理话,让父母了解孩子的内心想法; 不要动不动就和父母顶嘴,多站在父母的角度思考,体谅父母的心情和难处;有事外出,应主动与父母联系,免得父母担心,要多听听父母的观点,同时也要提出自己的观点。当观点发生分歧时,双方...

无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我收集整理的`有关与父母沟通的英语作文范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。与父母沟通的英语作文 篇1 Children are their parents most prized resource,particularly ...

中学生应如何与父母建立良好关系为题的英语作文主要内容有三个方面:父母规矩太多、过于强调学习成绩、不理解自己等问题;2. 对这些问题的看法;3. 与父母保待良好关系的做法。参考范文 How to keep good relationship with parentsIn my opinion, I have two many rules at home. My parents never allow...

怎么样才能跟父母保持良好的关系?平时多与父母聊一聊在校的事情和学习上存在的困惑,和父母说说心理话,让父母了解孩子的内心想法; 不要动不动就和父母顶嘴,多站在父母的角度思考,体谅父母的心情和难处;有事外出,应主动与父母联系,免得父母担心,要多听听父母的观点,同时也要提出自己的观点。当...

1.好好相处 Get along 例如:你和父母相处的很融洽!You and your parents get along very harmonious!2.对我们的爱 Our love 例如:父母对我们的爱都是无私奉献!Parents are selfless dedication to our love!3.谈心 talk 例如:作为子女,我们应该经常回家跟父母谈心,使得他们高兴!As children,...

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斋航瑞适: 新东方网>中学>高考>高考备考>各科辅导>英语>正文2017高考满分英语作文范文:父母的爱2017-02-1716:12来源:新东方网高考频道整理作者:

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