nana 英文 角色介绍

作者&投稿:丑易 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

大崎娜娜(Oosaki Nana)
小松奈奈(Koumatsu Nana)
本城莲(Honjo Ren)
高木泰士(Takagi Yasushi)绰号:阿泰,秃头
寺岛伸夫(Terashima Nobuo)
冈崎真一(Okazaki Shinnichi)
芹泽蕾拉(Serizawa Layla)
一之濑拓实/一之濑巧(Ichinose Takumi )
藤枝直木/藤枝直树(Fujieda Naoki)
上原美里(Uehara misato)[真名:都筑舞]
早乙女淳子(Saotome Junko)
高仓京助(Takakura Kyosuke)
远藤章司(Endo Shoji)
川村幸子(Kawanura Sachiko)
香坂百合(Kousaka ruri)真名:松本朝海]


大崎娜娜(Oosaki Nana)绰号:女王,教主殿下CV:朴璐美,许盈(港)电影演员:中岛美嘉歌优:土屋安娜年龄:20血型:A 身高:162cm体重:43kg 耳洞:左-4,右-3,耳骨-1烟:Seven Stars(日本七星公司出品,经典款灰七星)为了实现自己的心愿,自北方城市前往东京奋斗,是朋克摇滚乐团“Black Stones”的女主唱。因为火爆的个性经常被周遭众人称呼为“女王”。在家乡与莲交往,后因莲到东京发展而分手。两年后生日当天决定独自上东京发展,在新干线上遇上另一女主角小松奈奈,后更合租707室。与高木泰士有极重牵绊,非常依赖他。在第42话及第58话中得知她因莲的死而失踪。在失踪多年后留着一头金发在英国的一间小店里驻唱(第58话及第66话),但过程尚有待剧情交代。VIVIENNE WESTWOOD,SEX PISTOLS,SEVEN STARS,加奶的咖啡和点缀着草莓的蛋糕,还有莲花,娜娜喜欢的东西,一直没有变。--《NANA》 小松奈奈(Komatsu Nana)绰号:阿八,八子,八公CV:KAORI,林元春(港)电影演员:宫崎葵/市川由衣年龄:20血型:B身高:158cm体重:46kg 耳洞:左-1,右-1为了跟随上京念美术大学的男友章司,而只身前往东京,在新干线上遇到另外一位女主角,大崎娜娜。娜娜觉得她像小狗一样,看起来乖巧听话,其实只会给人添麻烦(语出单行本第二集第三话),因此给她取了个像是宠物用的绰号“小八”(阿八)(“小八”之名源自日本有名的忠犬八公(ハチ公)),也顺便和自己的NANA(日文中的“七”)区别。与章司分手后不久与巧发生关系,又与伸夫交往过。怀孕后与巧结婚,与伸夫分手。婚后改名为一之濑奈奈。未来篇给巧生下一儿一女。女儿叫一之濑皋,是莲取的,小名叫幸子。儿子叫一之濑莲。后跟随巧在英国住。八子是个任性的爱哭鬼,爱撒娇,具有异常的恋爱体质,而且见异思迁,上京不足半年,已经换了3个男人,却仍然相当清纯,是个不可思议的女孩。--《NANA》 本城莲(Honjo Ren)CV:木内秀信,雷霆(港)电影演员:松田龙平/姜畅雄年龄:22血型:A身高:182cm体重:64kg耳洞:左-4,右-3,耳骨-1烟:Seven Stars(和娜娜一样)被称为天才吉他手的男人,一出生就被抛弃在仓库的孤儿。在一次LIVE上与娜娜相识,后来与娜娜等四人组队‘BLAST’,相识一年后坠入爱河,是娜娜的宿命恋人。曾是BLAST的贝斯手,但因为一些原因成为‘TRAPNEST’的吉他手,在TRAPNEST里是最有人气的一个。外表酷酷的他,内心却很脆弱、很温柔。莲对娜娜非常专一,与娜娜分开两年仍深爱她,并最终向她求婚.最后因车祸身亡。 一之濑拓实/一之濑巧(Ichinose Takumi ) CV:森川智之 李锦纶(港)电影演员:玉山铁二年龄:23血型:O身高:183cm体重:67kg耳洞:左-1,右-1烟:GITANES(一种味道浓烈的黑色卷烟,由西班牙和法国共同经营的Altadis公司出品,历史相当悠久。是香烟中的顶级品牌。)TRAPNEST的队长兼贝斯。坚信只有自己才能让蕾拉的歌声发挥到极致。是个标准的工作狂,他说,工作排第一,工作在他大脑里占九成以上,女人排第二。知道奈奈怀了自己的孩子后,向她求婚,并照顾她,现在已和奈奈结婚。未来篇中因工作关系与直木雷拉长期呆在英国,奈奈不时会将儿子莲送到身边。与奈奈分居两地,与奈奈有一个儿子莲和女儿皋。 高木泰士(Takagi Yasushi)绰号:阿泰,秃头CV:川原庆久,梁志达(港)电影演员:丸山智己年龄:23血型:A型身高:185cm体重:72kg耳洞:左-3,右-3,耳骨-2,鼻环-1烟:Black Stone(美国SWISHER公司出品的一种雪茄烟,有Cherry和Vanilla两种口味,现已停产。)乐团鼓手及队长,绰号“阿泰”,将乐队命名为Blackstones,是一手创立BlackStones的人,深受周遭的人信赖。国立大学毕业,原本是律师事务所的实习律师,为娜娜搁置理想而到东京,使BlackStones能齐心全力为出道奋斗。高中曾和蕾拉交往过,又和一位叫诗音的女歌迷有暧昧关系,后与美雨有恋人关系。很重视娜娜,莲是从小在孤儿院认识的朋友,并且很重视莲,因此不会与莲争夺娜娜。 寺岛伸夫(Terashima Nobuo)CV:关智一,陈卓智(港)电影演员:成宫宽贵年龄:20血型:A型身高:167cm体重:52kg耳洞:左-3,右-3,耳骨-1BLAST的吉他手。在家乡是有钱人家的少爷(旅馆的小开),因割舍不下音乐而来到东京。和娜娜是高中同学。曾经爱着奈奈,交往过一段之间,因奈奈怀了拓实(巧)的孩子与拓实结婚而深受打击并与奈奈分手,但分手后依然深爱奈奈。后与香坂百合(本名:松本朝海)交往。在未来篇好像跟奈奈仍然藕断丝连。 冈崎真一(Okazaki Shinichi)CV:石田彰,张裕东(港)电影演员:松山ケンイチ(松山健一)/本乡奏多年龄:16血型:AB身高:164cm体重:50kg耳洞:左-3,右-4,耳骨-2,唇环-1BLAST的贝斯手,崇拜TRAPNEST的吉他手莲,并以莲为目标而努力成为一名音乐人,并要超越莲。家庭关系复杂,从小在瑞典长大,英语相当好。虽然年轻,弹Bass的能力不浅,拥有让Blast的主唱娜娜满意的水准,梦想是要超过莲。加入BLAST后,身上的孔环数量增加。被泰怀疑是不抽烟会肚子痛的特殊体质。与Blast诸位有着特殊感情的奈奈有着母子般的感情。年纪尚轻时遇见外貌酷似蕾拉的凌子,被调教后以援助交际为生,但心中仍然认为男人和女人不是用欲望联系的。表面看上去帅气有型、沉着冷静,其实内心还是一个孩子。对什么事物都好奇,是个超可爱的孩子。在TRAPNEST的公演庆功会上,与TRAPNEST的主唱蕾拉相识,两人都是内心天真的人,个性相同。经过一些事情,最终与蕾拉交往。但是这段恋情因为蕾拉的左右不定而让真一痛苦。被Trapnest灵魂人物同样是Bass手的巧以乐队前途为由逼着与她分手,却仍然在心中守护着蕾拉,在与蕾拉一起度过的生日会上许下长大后要去接她的承诺。但因莲的去世蕾拉的忘却而渐渐无法生效,五年后长相变得酷似莲,与Blast经济人美里关系较好。 芹泽蕾拉(Serizawa Layla)CV:平野绫 郑丽丽(港)电影演员:伊藤由奈歌优:Olivia年龄:23血型:AB身高:164cm体重:48kg耳洞:左-1,右-2是个有时很孩子气的女生,喜欢在别人背后做鬼脸。名字来源于埃里克·帕特里克·克莱普顿的《Layla》。TRAPNEST的主唱,把唱歌视为生命。学生时代就和拓实一起组乐队,是TRAPNEST的公主。生于纽约的的美日混血儿。学生时代暗恋巧,与阿泰交往过一段时间。也与真一有一段情。莲去世后丧失部分记忆,不再歌唱,但在未来篇中,奈奈的儿子莲弹琴时蕾拉会唱歌。 藤枝直木/藤枝直树(Fujieda Naoki)CV:胜杏里 梁伟德(港)电影演员:水谷百辅年龄:23血型:B身高:178cm体重:65kg耳洞:左-1,右-1十分阳光,开朗的男人。是TRAPNEST的鼓手。中学认识拓实,后来加入乐团。私下与阿泰交往密切。未来篇中有一个可爱的女儿。 都筑舞(Tsuzuki Mai)曾用化名:上原美里(Uehara misato)CV:金井美香 何璐怡(港)年龄:17血型:A身高:153cm体重:42kg耳洞:左-1,右-1以美里的化名出现在娜娜面前,谜一样的少女。本名是都筑舞,祖父过世后从祖父的日记与信件中得知娜娜的一些身世。知道娜娜的妹妹的名字,为了能更接近娜娜,改成了和娜娜妹妹相同的名字。BLAST的忠实FANS,在家乡,曾被娜娜吻过一次,娜娜身上的VIVI的衣服大都是美里送的。穿着LOLI,每次去东京看BLAST的LIVE都借住在NANA家里。现在成为了乐团的经纪人。未来篇中成为真一的经纪人。 上原美里(Uehara misato)年龄:17岁居住地:大阪母亲:上原美铃哥哥:上原空广外祖母:大崎美雪耳洞:左-1,右-1blast歌迷会的成员,家里经营烧烤店。大崎娜娜同母异父妹妹,也是娜娜的忠实歌迷,为了见娜娜一面,不惜欺骗父母,搭上新干线去东京。长相有些象娜娜,喜欢娜娜的装扮,开始却不知道与娜娜的关系,直到后来记者的追问、报道之下才知道。后来认为母亲离开娜娜,自己却有母亲的关爱而觉得愧娜娜,也因为最喜欢的哥哥(母亲现任丈夫的儿子,是美里同父异母的哥哥)与女友加世子结婚,母亲又因为记者的原因离开家。所以美里离家出走,暂时居住在诗音家。不过在漫画77话中,已经被母亲带回去了。都筑舞曾经化名上原美里接近娜娜。因此她写信给娜娜后因为名字跟舞(化名美里)一样所以引起注意。 早乙女淳子(Saotome Junko)CV:本田贵子,陆惠玲(港)电影演员:能世あんな年龄:20血型:A身高:168cm体重:53kg耳洞:左-3,右-3,耳骨-1奈奈高中以来的朋友,就读美术大学,奈奈遇到恋爱和工作方面的问题时会给予严肃且关切的忠告。感觉就象奈奈的妈妈一样。京助的女友,是在一次两人与章司、奈奈聚会是认识,因聊的很投机,开始相爱。 高仓京助(Takakura Kyousuke)CV:诹访部顺一,黄荣璋(港)电影演员:高山猛久年龄:20血型:O身高:180cm体重:70kg耳洞:左-2,右-3淳子的男友。对淳子一心一意,他对章司说过,害怕失去淳子。非常珍惜淳子。是非常难得的好男人。与淳子就读一所美术大学并且一起同居。常被淳子责怪太宠奈奈。和淳子一样,给人感觉像奈奈的爸爸,这两个人都意外的成熟。 远藤章司(Endou Shouji)CV:高桥广树,伍博民(港)电影演员:平冈佑太年龄:20血型:A身高:175cm体重:60kg耳洞:左-1奈奈的前任男友。淳子和京助的好朋友。重考一年终于上榜与他们就读同一所美术大学。在打工的餐厅与川村幸子相遇。虽然很重视奈奈,最后还是选择了幸子,现与幸子同居,居住在幸子家。 川村幸子(Kawamura Sachiko)CV:小岛めぐみ何璐怡(港)电影演员:サエコ年龄:18血型:O身高:146cm体重:35kg耳洞:左-2,右-2章司的现任女友。与章司同校并且在同一店面打工。由友谊慢慢发展为爱情,现在和章司同居中。 香坂百合真名:松本朝海CV:すほうれいこ原来是偶像明星,因为不走红变为脱星,与伸夫交往中。 筱田美雨CV:千叶纱子女演员,性格沉静、心思缜密的女孩。现在与泰士交往中。 莲性别:男拓实和奈奈的孩子,现今和拓实一起生活在英国。是皋的哥哥,名字来源于本城莲。喜欢弹吉他,被蕾拉称为是和本城莲一样的音乐天才。 皋(SATSUKI)性别:女拓实和奈奈的孩子,现今和奈奈一起生活在日本。很喜欢哥哥莲和真一。

Nana Osaki (大崎 ナナ, Ōsaki Nana?) is a fictional character in the manga/anime series Nana, by Ai Yazawa. She is the titular "Nana" of the series, along with Nana Komatsu. To disambiguate between the girls, the English-language publisher of the manga, VIZ Media, uses Nana O. to refer to Nana Osaki.

Nana O. was born March 5, 1981 in Meguro, Tokyo. She is the illegitimate daughter of Misuzu Osaki, who left Nana in the care of her grandmother when she was four years old. Nana has not seen her mother since, and has thus forgotten what she looks like. Nana's grandmother, Miyuki, was very strict, and forbade her from wearing the colors pink and red because she did not want Nana O. to "tempt" men and become like her mother.

Nana O., however, had a rebellious streak. In high school, she was friendless until she met Nobuo Terashima, who introduced her to punk music and bands such as The Sex Pistols.

She was falsely accused of prostitution and was expelled when she didn't deny the charges. Nana O. soon regretted her decision; she believes that the accusations led to her grandmother's fatal illness. However, as a present to herself, Nana bought her first red dress.

Nana O. wore the red dress to a punk concert with Nobu, where she first laid eyes on Ren Honjo. Nana was instantly captivated by him, and accepted Ren's offer when he asked her to join the band he was starting with Nobu and their friend Yasu.

As the lead singer of the band Black Stones (Blast, for short), Nana gained a rabid following of fans in her hometown. She developed a typically "cool" appearance, wearing the punk fashions of Vivienne Westwood and getting a lotus tattoo on her arm. She also moved in with Ren, and the two shared an intense romance until Ren told her that he had been offered a big record deal and would be leaving Blast to play with the band Trapnest in Tokyo. Though Ren and Nana still loved each other, they believed that a long distance relationship would be pointless. Nana proudly refused to abandon her own musical career to follow Ren; thus, their relationship ended.

Determined to "polish the shards of her dreams" and become a successful musician, Nana moved to Tokyo and re-formed Blast with Nobu, Yasu, and a new bassist, Shin. She also befriended Nana Komatsu, a kind-hearted but scatter-brained girl who, like Nana Osaki, wished to fulfill her dreams in Tokyo. The two Nanas shared an apartment (numbered 707, "Nana" being the Japanese word for seven) and became quite close despite their different personalities and aspirations. Nana gave Nana Komatsu the nickname "Hachi," (meaning eight) which was adopted by their mutual friends. Nana also became fiercely protective of Hachi, going so far as to physically threaten Hachi's philandering boyfriend, Shoji. However, Nana is also somewhat possessive of Hachi, and feels jealous when anyone appears to be taking "her" Hachi away.

Hachi helped reunite Nana with her first love by inviting her to attend a Trapnest concert. At first Nana turned her down, but eventually gave in and agreed to go. For the first time in two years, Nana saw Ren in person. Ren saw her too, and they rekindled their romance that night. Nana thanked Hachi by introducing her to Trapnest's bassist, Takumi, whom Hachi idolized. However, Takumi's cold "playboy" personality put doubts in Nana's mind, and she wondered if he was a suitable partner for her friend.

It soon became apparent, however, that during the period they were separated, Ren and Nana grew apart despite the fact that they still love each other. When they use to date, Ren and Nana often shared secrets and talk with one another; however, Nana now no longer confides in Ren as much. This fact worries her because whenever she has a problem, the person she turns to is Yasu, who, in turn, often rushes to her aid regardless of the time or place. Her trust in Yasu is perhaps because throughout all the years, Yasu remained an unending source of strength and a pillar of support for her, while Ren (like the mother who abandoned her) left her behind to pursue his own dreams. It was hinted that perhaps she has never forgiven Ren for it.

As the story progresses, Blast gets a record deal at Gaia Records and is quickly thrust into the public spotlight. Nana has trouble coping with the paparazzi, especially when tabloids print stories about Ren's possible affairs and probe into the location of her long-absent mother. Though Ren proposes to Nana and asks her to move in with him, their relationship is often volatile and Nana wonders if it will last. Nana also feels Hachi slipping away, since she has moved in with her now-husband, Takumi, and rarely sees her. Nana views Trapnest as her enemy, since Ren abandoned her for their band, Ren seems to be taken by Reira's singing, and Hachi often chooses Takumi over her. Nana hopes to reconnect with Hachi, and their time in apartment 707 remains special in her heart.

Subsequently, both Nanas manage to catch up, first during Reira's birthday party and later, after Hachi's official engagement to Takumi, which Nana compared to as becoming "the wife of an underworld leader".

Later in the series, it is revealed that Nana's mother is actually alive, and her whereabouts are exposed by a magazine called Search, which had previously exposed Ren and Nana's relationship to the public. It turns out that Nana's mother had actually maintained a fairly normal lifestyle and even had a child of her own, Misato Uehara. The Misato that the band knew was really Mai Tsuzuki, who borrowed Misato's name to feel like Nana's real little sister. Mai was the granddaughter of a man who was a lover of Nana's grandmother, and subsequently reading her grandfather's diary became a fan of Blast and Nana. The real Misato has an incredible likeness to Nana, and when she finds out that her mother abandoned her idol, she flees in shock and disappointment.

When Shin is caught with Ryouko, who had possession of marijuana, Blast is unable to perform their concert tours. Nana asks Ren to play in his place, but because of his own drug addiction and his conflicting feelings of Nana's pride, he refuses to play for Blast and Nana feels betrayed. Since Shin's arrest forces Blast to go on hiatus, and Gaia offers Nana a solo contract. Ren wanted to try to quit his addiction of drugs before making up with Nana. By the end of Chapter 77 while Ren has gone to retrieve Reira for the sake of Trapnest before meeting Nana for her birthday, he mistakes a cat for Nana and crashes is car. In chapter 78 it is revealed that following the car crash which concluded Chapter 77, Ren has died.

Nana was doing interviews in Osaka to prepare for her solo career when Yasu informs Nana that Ren has died, and must travel to their hometown for his funeral. Although she attends, she becomes catatonic and is unable to speak during the ceremony. After the procession, Ren's manager brings in a birthday present from Ren that was found in his belongings and asks Nana to accept it. Nana silently moves onto a couch and lies down. The present remains untouched.

In recent chapters, Nana had started getting panic attacks due to stressful situations, causing her to have trouble breathing. This usually had to be remedied by putting a bag over her mouth to circulate carbon dioxide and regulate her breathing. As of Chapter 81, she has had three panic attacks so far. Hachi wasn't aware of this problem until Chapter 81, where she helped Nana's breathing giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, providing her carbon dioxide.

Future sequences hint that Nana disappears and is never seen again. Despite rumors and speculation that she is dead, she is seen meditating by the ocean with long, blonde hair, and works as a singer in a pub in England. Search's paparazzo sends Hachiko pictures of her singing, with the Ren lotus still on her arm and her engagement ring on her left ring finger. Hachiko waits in room 707 for the day that she and Nana are to be reunited again.


大崎娜娜(Oosaki Nana)[绰号:女王,教主殿下]
CV:朴璐美 电影演员:中岛美嘉 歌优:土屋安娜
为了实现自己的心愿,自北方城市前往东京奋斗,是朋克摇滚乐团“Black Stones”的女主唱。因为火爆的个性经常被周遭众人称呼为“女王”。在家乡与莲交往,后因莲到东京发展而分手。两年后生日当天决定独自上东京发展,在新干线上遇上另一女主角小松奈奈,后更合租707室。与高木泰士有极重牵绊,非常依赖他。在第42话及第58话中得知她因不明原因而失踪。在失踪多年后留着一头金发在英国的一间小店里驻唱(第58话及第66话),但过程尚有待剧情交代。
VIVIENNE WESTWOOD,SEX PISTOLS,SEVEN STARS,加奶的咖啡和点缀着草莓的蛋糕,还有莲花,娜娜喜欢的东西,一直没有变。——《NANA》

余干县17198423677: NANA里两队人物介绍?还有NANA所有的主题曲? -
敖鱼乙酰: 1:大崎娜娜(中岛美嘉饰) 日本本土人气朋克乐队Black Stones的主唱,性格果决、外表冷艳,对于追求自己的梦想坚持不退缩,以在乐坛闯出名堂为目标,只身前往东京.途中认识了坐在身旁,同年龄而且名字发音一样是[NANA]的小松奈奈...

余干县17198423677: 求关於动漫<<NANA>>里,人物的详细介绍~! -
敖鱼乙酰: 人物介绍: 1:大崎娜娜(中岛美嘉饰) 日本本土人气朋克乐队Black Stones的主唱,性格果决、外表冷艳,对于追求自己的梦想坚持不退缩,以在乐坛闯出名堂为目标,只身前往东京.途中认识了坐在身旁,同年龄而且名字发音一样是[NANA]...

余干县17198423677: 想请教电影nana的英文版剧情介绍
敖鱼乙酰: Nana Komatsu is a young woman who's endured an unending string of boyfriend problems. Moving to Tokyo, she's hoping to take control of her life and put all those messy ...

余干县17198423677: 求一篇关于NANA的英文文章!!! -
敖鱼乙酰: Nana (ナナ, Nana?) is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa, serialised in Cookie published by Shueisha. There is an anime adaptation, as well as two live-action films. The first twelve volumes of the manga series ...

余干县17198423677: 谁能介绍一下动画片nana讲什么,最好详细一点 -
敖鱼乙酰: 娜娜讲的是两个都叫做nana的女孩子的故事,从奈奈高中时期的情感讲起,讲娜娜和莲的过去,讲奈奈和娜娜在火车的初次相遇和后来因缘际遇两人共租同一公寓,然后开始讲她们相遇以后两个人的情感心情以及事业.

余干县17198423677: nana中阿泰的人物介绍图. 阿泰的吸烟的动作. -

余干县17198423677: 有谁知道动漫轻音少女全部人物英文介绍?
敖鱼乙酰: HIRASAWA YUI(平沢 唯) Blood type: O Light guitarist treble, treble wrong means that the light easy to learn music (such as the sound board), the results of light into treble, and know nothing about her instrument is now ready to start learning the ...

余干县17198423677: 娜娜的英语怎么写 -
敖鱼乙酰: 中文: 娜娜 | 英语: Nana (novel) | 法语: Nana (roman) |

余干县17198423677: 谁知道《娜娜》的主角的资料. -
敖鱼乙酰: NaNa是中岛美嘉

余干县17198423677: 妖精尾巴主要人物英语介绍 -
敖鱼乙酰: Main Characters:Lucy Lucy is an aspiring celestial wizard, which means she has a ring of magic keys that she uses to conjure up powerful magical entities. Flirtatious and ambitious, Lucy dreams of joining Fairy Tail, a famous (and super-cool) guild ...

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